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Mark Abbott passes away from Covid Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Mark Abbott passes away from Covid COGLayman
Mark Abbott who served in many leadership positions in the COG has died of Covid on Thursday, April 15th. I first met him when he was just starting out in his early 20s. I occasionally had contact with him over the years. I enjoyed knowing him. Let's keep the Abbott family in our prayers at this difficult time. Friendly Face
Posts: 256
4/17/21 9:59 am

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Post Carolyn Smith
I was sad to hear of Mark's passing. We met Mark when we pastored a tiny church in Fond Du Lac, WI. Mark was serving as WI's state youth director AND pastoring a church in Milwaukee. We had just left PTL where my husband was a children's pastor. Moving to WI was quite the culture shock for us, and 800 miles away from everybody we loved.

Mark invited John to join his youth board. We did a crusade for them in Milkwaukee. John did a couple of trips with Mark. He was a great guy, a great leader, and I remember he gave John some good advice and encouraged him a lot. There were only 22 COGs in WI then, so pastoring there was a bit of a challenge. Mark had his heart set even then on attaining the top Youth position - and he did! Every interaction we had with him, he was always the same, always encouraging.

We haven't seen the Abbotts in many years, but our hearts are with them. Please remember his wife Valerie and their 5 sons in your prayers. Another soldier has made it home...
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
4/17/21 10:46 pm

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Post Cojak
Carolyn Smith wrote:
I was sad to hear of Mark's passing. We met Mark when we pastored a tiny church in Fond Du Lac, WI. ...Moving to WI was quite the culture shock for us, and 800 miles away from everybody we loved.

.... There were only 22 COGs in WI then, so pastoring there was a bit of a challenge. ... Please remember his wife Valerie and their 5 sons in your prayers. Another soldier has made it home...

Never met the Abbotts, but I sure appreciate your comment.
It is an eye opener when you are used to churches very close, when you learn how that churches sparsely set, still ARE a family.

Every pastor/member South and East that can, should have that experience to appreciate the pastors in those areas of the country. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
4/20/21 8:35 am

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Post Carolyn Smith
Cojak wrote:
Carolyn Smith wrote:
I was sad to hear of Mark's passing. We met Mark when we pastored a tiny church in Fond Du Lac, WI. ...Moving to WI was quite the culture shock for us, and 800 miles away from everybody we loved.

.... There were only 22 COGs in WI then, so pastoring there was a bit of a challenge. ... Please remember his wife Valerie and their 5 sons in your prayers. Another soldier has made it home...

Never met the Abbotts, but I sure appreciate your comment.
It is an eye opener when you are used to churches very close, when you learn how that churches sparsely set, still ARE a family.

Every pastor/member South and East that can, should have that experience to appreciate the pastors in those areas of the country. Cool

Well, you do have to remember this was 35 years ago. Wisconsin was a mission state then. Not sure if it still is, but it looks like the WI churches are in with the Great Lakes Region/Chicago office. When we were there they were grouped with Upper MI.

The evangelical movement never made much headway in Wisconsin. The Catholic church is very big there. There were 6 huge Catholic churches in our town and only one charismatic/Pentecostal church that was over 100 people (not our church.) A lot of Wisconsin towns have family bars, which was a bit of a culture shock for us.

You're right, we take it for granted here, but the churches were so spread out, there wasn't a lot of fellowship between the churches. We had district meetings occasionally. Alabama was our "sister" state and did some fundraisers to help the churches in WI. They also sponsored sending ministers from AL to hold revival for us. That was a blessing!

As I said, Mark was serving as the Youth Director and pastoring a church in Milwaukee. But he was also young and energetic, then, too! Smile
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
4/20/21 4:19 pm

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