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Not a New Chapter, It's a New Book
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Post Not a New Chapter, It's a New Book Darrell Garrett
Usually, we say we've turned the page and begun a new chapter, but last week I decided to close the book on my life in the Church of God and the new chapter I was working on became a new book or volume. Some of you know that at the end of January I resigned as pastor of The Oasis Church of God in Galesburg where I had served for 14 years and 7 months and assumed a new position as the associate pastor of Central Life in Pekin, IL. The senior pastor and I sought to bring Central Life into the COG but the door was closed to us and I was given the choice to cease working with this church or surrender my credentials. As of last week, I have surrendered my credentials and have incorporated my own own ministry. I will say, that this was not an easy decision. I had been credentialed with the COG since 1985 and my father and grandfather were ordained with the COG before me. The COG is the only church I and my family have ever known. I love the COG and will continue to pray for and keep an eye on what the COG is up to. I'm deeply saddened that this was the only options I had before me, but I will not hold ill-feelings toward the COG. The saddest part to me is that the fellowship with most COG pastors will end because that's just how it's done in the Church of God.

Last edited by Darrell Garrett on 3/27/19 8:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5330
3/27/19 11:25 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Why did you have to surrender the license?

Did someone ask for it?

If the church was indie - why not keep COG credentials (unless the indie leadership didn't want you to) and let them know this was the only ministry door open to you - but you will keep following the COG teachings until such time you get another COG pastorate - and keep reporting to the COG - just not as a church - but as a COG minister without a COG appointment at this time.

I just don't see why that couldn't happen.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
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3/27/19 11:36 am

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Post Darrell... Aaron Scott
Darrell Garrett wrote:
Usually, we say we've turned the page and begun a new chapter, but last week I decided to close the book on my life in the Church of God and the new chapter I was working on became a new book or volume. Some of you know that at the end of January I resigned as pastor of The Oasis Church of God in Galesburg where I had served for 14 years and 7 months and assumed a new position as the associate pastor of Central Life in Pekin, IL. The senior pastor and I sought to bring Central Life into the COG but the door was closed to us and I was given the choice to cease working with this church or surrender my credentials. As of last week, I have surrendered my credentials and have incorporated my own own ministry. I will say, that this was not an easy decision. I had been credentialed with the COG since 1985 and my father and grandfather were ordained with the COG before me. The COG is the only church I and my family have ever known. I love the COG and will continue to pray for and keep an eye on what the COG is up to. I'm deeply saddened that this was the only options I had before me, but I will not hold ill-feelings toward the COG. The saddest part to me is that the fellowship with most COG pastors will end because that's just how it's done in the Church of God.


I don't know the particulars, and I know there are two sides to every story, but I am bummed out that you were made to make such a decision. Assuming you are the wronged party (and I trust that to be the case), I truly hope this was from more local concerns rather than from Cleveland. And if it wasn't from Cleveland, I hope you will plead your case to Tim Hill et. al so that this matter might be resolved in a way that wins for everyone involved.

God bless you.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
3/27/19 11:41 am

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Post Brandon Bowers
Darrell -- so many questions/thoughts here...

1. Why would the COG not allow your new church to come into the denomination? That seems like a slam dunk to me for all parties involved.

2. What made you decide to switch from your previous church to this one, and into an Associate role?

3. I'm having trouble understanding why you've been given a "COG/my way or the highway" only option... Anything you can add here?

Seriously - praying for you. That's a lot of time in to be given such an ultimatum.
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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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3/27/19 12:47 pm

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Post Darrell Garrett
I want to be careful about how I answer this because I do not want to make accusations or insinuations about the AB. To state it simply, the AB felt like Pastor Keith Moore had "broken fellowship" with the COG (He was a COG Ordained Bishop himself) and had made statements that were anti-Church of God. I've asked for clarity as to what has been said, but I've never received a response. Based on those statements, the AB stated he could not and would not work with this church and therefore gave me the ultimatum to change my mind and leave this position or surrender my credentials. It was made clear that if I did neither, my credentials would be revoked.

As to why the associate position. Keith planted this church a couple of years ago and asked me to come on board first and foremost to help them now, but also with the intention that in the near future, he will be stepping aside and I will assume the pastorate of this church.

I too thought this would be an (as you said) slam dunk for all concerned. The church is only 2 years old but we are stable, growing and own a beautiful building, have a school operating and have a debt load of under $80,000. It would have cost the state/COG NOTHING to bring in a solid, strong church that adheres to identical teachings. Seemed like a logical move to make, but apparently not, so we move forward on our own.

Here's a link to our FB page: (the website is still being built)
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5330
3/27/19 1:18 pm

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Post Brandon Bowers
Thanks. I guess I get it from what you're telling me. Too bad it has to be this way, but if this is what God is calling you to, then you will be blessed nonetheless.
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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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3/27/19 1:31 pm

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Post sheepdogandy
Centralized government.

The names change, the behavior remains the same.

You will be fine.

We have since 1989. Smile
Charles A. Hutchins
Senior Pastor SPWC
Congregational Church of God
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3/27/19 2:18 pm

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Post Darrell Garrett
sheepdogandy wrote:
Centralized government.

The names change, the behavior remains the same.

You will be fine.

We have since 1989. Smile

Thanks, Andy. I know you're right. Although we've never met face to face, I have much respect for you.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5330
3/27/19 2:37 pm

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Post Cojak
It bothers me that there was no more deep discussion on this. My word! Negative things about the COG being said? I hear credentialed minister within the denomination say 'dispariging things' concerning our COG.

But as a member, and a PK as you, with a long history with the COG I am always amazed how at times leadership seem to 'hold a grudge' rather than seek peace and further the Kingdom.

I read Henry Ford II (?)'s autobiography when he fired Iaccoca. He said, "I told Lee, I know you have made us more money than we ever have. I also know I will never have this advantage again, BUT I JUST DON'T LIKE YOU!"

He was rich enough to make stupid decisions, our church and the Kingdom does not have that luxury!

Sorry about a crazy situation my friend, but God is good, and you stick with the Lord and all will be well.
Love from North CArolina
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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3/27/19 8:14 pm

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Post Again, with caution... Aaron Scott
I'm sure the overseer would probably have some degree of "justification" for his decision, but I'm thinking that if YOU were likely going to assume the reins in two years, and had been a minister in good standing, it seems like it would have been worth bringing them in, then waiting for a pastor more loyal to the Church of God.

In any case, no one lives forever, so there's that.

Without trying to do any damage to the good overseer, it might still be a good idea to send an email to Tim Hill. Of course, it MIGHT be that there is something a lot darker and more sinister in the current pastor that is driving the decision. If so....
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
3/28/19 7:23 am

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Post sheepdogandy
We begged the General Overseer in 1989 to look into what happened to us.

He replied "I do not interfere with the decisions of a State Overseer."

Hey, maybe Tim Hill is different.

Who knows? Rolling Eyes
Charles A. Hutchins
Senior Pastor SPWC
Congregational Church of God
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3/28/19 12:33 pm

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Post Nothing New AdamJ
I wish I could say I’m shocked to hear this, but it is just par for the course.
My way or the highway must be training to be the AB. To be honest I’ve had several AB’s that were real spiritual leaders. Others came with a self serving agenda. Sorry that we are not looking to honor years of faithful service. Seems like some ABs only see value in their appointments.
Hey, DOC
Posts: 65
3/28/19 5:05 pm

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Post Is there a history of ... Mat
Is there a history of reconciliation in the Church of God? Some would argue no, litigation, yes, reconciliation, not so much. I guess, perhaps more like I know, overseers were born of the system, are tasked to uphold the system, with the hopes of moving up in the system. Openness to and acceptance of those outside the system, and reconciliation towards those, but now desire to return (home), is not (in my observation) attributes of the COG in particular and the GOG movement in general.

I'm amazed when considering the dualistic thinking, which at the same time can say, we share a kinship with Pentecostal believers and churches which makes us one, but at the same time say you must kneel down and make a show of submission to the system (kiss the "man's" Lee ring) to be COG. Appealing to the current man in the top spot for resolution can only be as binding as the next election. A Spiritual overhaul of the system, including a change in values such as forgiveness of past offenses. Think about the Prodigal Son and the dichotomy between the father's and and the elder son's position on restoration of the family. It would also be good to reflect on the different standards for "affiliation" for churches outside the US.

Darrell, may you be abundantly blessed you all you do, and I pray the Lord give you the greatest years of your ministry in your new endeavor!

Acts Enthusiast
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3/29/19 7:03 am

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Post Another Sad Day cogcia
We see that we are more system minded than Kingdom minded. You play in my toy box or get out. I’ve know Overseers that has let men pastor outside Church of God churches and let the pastor remain COG. So this was a choice by your Overseer and not a requirement. We can use the minutes to accomplish our goal. We know in our System the Overseer has complete power. Some use the power to build while others use to power to let people know they have power. Friendly Face
Posts: 122
3/29/19 8:24 am

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Post Re: Is there a history of ... Cojak
Mat wrote:
Is there a history of reconciliation in the Church of God? Some would argue no, litigation, yes, reconciliation, not so much. I guess, perhaps more like I know, overseers were born of the system, are tasked to uphold the system, with the hopes of moving up in the system. Openness to and acceptance of those outside the system, and reconciliation towards those, but now desire to return (home), is not (in my observation) attributes of the COG in particular and the GOG movement in general.

I'm amazed when considering the dualistic thinking, which at the same time can say, we share a kinship with Pentecostal believers and churches which makes us one, but at the same time say you must kneel down and make a show of submission to the system (kiss the "man's" Lee ring) to be COG. Appealing to the current man in the top spot for resolution can only be as binding as the next election. A Spiritual overhaul of the system, including a change in values such as forgiveness of past offenses. Think about the Prodigal Son and the dichotomy between the father's and and the elder son's position on restoration of the family. It would also be good to reflect on the different standards for "affiliation" for churches outside the US.

Darrell, may you be abundantly blessed you all you do, and I pray the Lord give you the greatest years of your ministry in your new endeavor!


Amen and Amen Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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3/29/19 9:49 am

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Post Da Sheik
First of all, best wishes in your new ministry. I have come to believe more than ever that God opens and closes doors for reasons we cannot comprehend this side of Heaven. Clearly you feel like your new church is an open door and by faith you walked through it. It would also seem that (for whatever reason at the present time) God has closed the door with the COG. There are a lot of different ways to look at what has happened. There are different ways to respond.

Let me urge you to move forward joyfully and don't burn any bridges. I can tell you that most AB's absolutely loathe the task of scolding non-reporting ministers, revoking credentials, asking for surrender of credentials. It's just not a task they relish. Having said that, they often don't realize the lasting consequences of said actions on the part of the 'offended' party. Life goes on, ministry goes on, they eventually move to another state and another position.

Don't allow this to make you sour and bitter. I'm sure the sting still hurts right now, but some time will offer you perspective. My guess is that you will see the hand of the Lord in all of this even if you never understand the complete "why' of how it happened. Ministry will break your heart at times. It just comes with the territory. Over the course of my ministry I have seen these experiences completely shipwreck some men and their ministries. They move on to other churches, but they never allow God to completely heal them. They carry a cynicism with them everywhere they go. They will be quick to remind you of how they were done wrong. Some carry this with them for decades, refusing to let go.

I have also seen men suffer great disappointment in ministry, yet rebound to have tremendous success. These are the ones who are able to forgive and allow God to heal them (yes, we all need healing now and then!). They are able to tap into the grace of God and embrace the sovereignty of God. I look often at the life of the Apostle Paul. During the course of his ministry he found many open doors, many closed doors, many friends, and many adversaries. There were times he parted ways with friends.

One last word. You are correct in your initial analysis. You will find you lose contact with many of your contemporaries. That's natural. It happens even in the secular world. When a person changes jobs, they always intend to stay in touch with their former coworkers, but after time passes we soon lose touch. You will come to realize that some were not really friends. That's ok too. God will send you new ones.

Be blessed my friend. I certainly harbor no ill-will against you. I pray you will do a great work in this next phase of ministry.
Acts Enthusiast
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3/29/19 10:06 am

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Post Darrell Garrett
Da Sheik wrote:
First of all, best wishes in your new ministry. I have come to believe more than ever that God opens and closes doors for reasons we cannot comprehend this side of Heaven. Clearly you feel like your new church is an open door and by faith you walked through it. It would also seem that (for whatever reason at the present time) God has closed the door with the COG. There are a lot of different ways to look at what has happened. There are different ways to respond.

Let me urge you to move forward joyfully and don't burn any bridges. I can tell you that most AB's absolutely loathe the task of scolding non-reporting ministers, revoking credentials, asking for surrender of credentials. It's just not a task they relish. Having said that, they often don't realize the lasting consequences of said actions on the part of the 'offended' party. Life goes on, ministry goes on, they eventually move to another state and another position.

Don't allow this to make you sour and bitter. I'm sure the sting still hurts right now, but some time will offer you perspective. My guess is that you will see the hand of the Lord in all of this even if you never understand the complete "why' of how it happened. Ministry will break your heart at times. It just comes with the territory. Over the course of my ministry I have seen these experiences completely shipwreck some men and their ministries. They move on to other churches, but they never allow God to completely heal them. They carry a cynicism with them everywhere they go. They will be quick to remind you of how they were done wrong. Some carry this with them for decades, refusing to let go.

I have also seen men suffer great disappointment in ministry, yet rebound to have tremendous success. These are the ones who are able to forgive and allow God to heal them (yes, we all need healing now and then!). They are able to tap into the grace of God and embrace the sovereignty of God. I look often at the life of the Apostle Paul. During the course of his ministry he found many open doors, many closed doors, many friends, and many adversaries. There were times he parted ways with friends.

One last word. You are correct in your initial analysis. You will find you lose contact with many of your contemporaries. That's natural. It happens even in the secular world. When a person changes jobs, they always intend to stay in touch with their former coworkers, but after time passes we soon lose touch. You will come to realize that some were not really friends. That's ok too. God will send you new ones.

Be blessed my friend. I certainly harbor no ill-will against you. I pray you will do a great work in this next phase of ministry.

That's some very good advice, and I appreciate it and I recognize it. Reading your post, my mind flashed back to many who have left the COG for various reasons and hold grudges and resentment decades later. I'm not going to allow that to happen. The COG has been good to me and my family for a LONG, long time and I'm grateful. I've come to view it this way. For a long time, I drove Ford products until I traded over to Chrysler. Later I changed to Chevy. Today I own Volkswagon and Kia. Not saying anyone is better than the other, but it fits my needs and plans. Same with my ministry. For a very long time, I felt as if I really was not being allowed to go the direction in my ministry that I felt led and debated a departure. This simply forced my hand and today I am freer and able to do as I feel led with nothing standing in the way. Again, not saying it's better, but it fits my needs.

Thanks for taking the time to comment with some well chosen words.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5330
3/29/19 10:22 am

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Post Wish AdamJ
I will say some loathes it and really cares, but some enjoys it knowing they have the power. Who really knows besides God. Hey, DOC
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3/29/19 4:50 pm

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Post Blessing Dow Moses
Darrell, you will learn who are your real friends. Lol Sorry you’re leaving a Denomination that I know has been your life, but all you can do is do what you believe God has called you to do. I know God has been calling you to that area for a long time. Praying you and Keith sees a great harvest. Just stay focused on your calling. I love that our intercesory prayer team prays for the COG to also have a great harvest every week.
Friendly Face
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3/29/19 6:52 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Darrell, your witness and character on this forum have been a consistent testimony to Christ's work in you and the strength of your relationship with Him. The friends you gain in the years to come will consider it a blessing that this event produced an opportunity for them to know you. I wish you the very best. It is clear that God is with you. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
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3/30/19 10:37 am

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