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A Decrease in Tongues Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post A Decrease in Tongues Resident Skeptic
Studies and statistics have been cited previously on this board concerning the drop in those having ever spoken in tongues in churches that are affiliated with organizations that teach the "initial evidence" doctrine.

Let's be honest. Could this decline be because more and more of the pastors in these organizations secretly do not believe that tongues are real for the most part?
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
9/13/18 4:29 pm

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Post My opinion? roughridercog
It's because our churches have lost emphasis on Pentecostal distinctives. You can't tell our services in many cases from a non Pentecostal church or a gospel concert.
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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9/13/18 4:51 pm

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Post Preacher777
This is true in many churches. Sometimes the emphasis on church growth (measured by Sunday morning attendance) causes a resistance to doctrinal issues that would turn away many attendees. Friendly Face
Posts: 434
9/14/18 5:50 am

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Post Da Sheik
Paul seemed more concerned that tongues were in private prayer as opposed to the corporate assembly. Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
9/14/18 7:14 pm

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Post Tongues in private prayer life or a church service Preacher777
[quote="Da Sheik"]Paul seemed more concerned that tongues were in private prayer as opposed to the corporate assembly.[/quote]

I agree DaSheik and also the other points in this thread are also valid possibilities in some churches. If I had to choose I would much rather have the ability to pray in tongues privately for myself and others as compared to hearing a message and interpretation in a church service. I appreciate a message and interpretation THAT IS REALLY IN THE SPIRIT but I would be losing a lot spiritually if that was my "Holy Spirit tongues experience" for the week.
Friendly Face
Posts: 434
9/15/18 5:43 am

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Da Sheik wrote:
Paul seemed more concerned that tongues were in private prayer as opposed to the corporate assembly.

Or that tongues in the assembly be interpreted. Tongues edifies the speaker, but not the congregation. Interpretation edifies the congregation. In the assembly, 'Let all things be done unto edifying."
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9/15/18 8:09 pm

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Post philunderwood
I just heard from my daughter today that my other daughter's church, a Church of God congregation, has given a directive to their prayer team not to speak in tongues during personal ministry time. Was quite surprised. Personally, I'd be fearful to give that directive.
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9/15/18 10:31 pm

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Post chainrattler
I think the OP is right. People judge the validity of the tongues in their congregation by the spiritual maturity of the person manifesting them.

I knew one COG pastor who had a lady in his congregation whom he judged to be a "nut case". This lady happened to be on the worship team and occasionally should would speak in tongues. The pastor ordered the sound man to turn off her microphone whenever she did that and to turn up the music so she couldn't be heard.

Another pastor told me that his people loved Jesus but wanted absolutely nothing to do with the Holy Spirit, meaning tongues and interpretation. It has also come to my attention that there are people who will attend a Pentecostal church for God only knows what reasons, but they do not believe in any of the manifestations of the Spirit that take place in their church and do not practice it themselves.
Posts: 975
9/22/18 9:55 am

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Post Resident Skeptic
chainrattler wrote:
I think the OP is right. People judge the validity of the tongues in their congregation by the spiritual maturity of the person manifesting them.

I knew one COG pastor who had a lady in his congregation whom he judged to be a "nut case". This lady happened to be on the worship team and occasionally should would speak in tongues. The pastor ordered the sound man to turn off her microphone whenever she did that and to turn up the music so she couldn't be heard.

Another pastor told me that his people loved Jesus but wanted absolutely nothing to do with the Holy Spirit, meaning tongues and interpretation. It has also come to my attention that there are people who will attend a Pentecostal church for God only knows what reasons, but they do not believe in any of the manifestations of the Spirit that take place in their church and do not practice it themselves.

I see very little middle ground anymore. I see 40% chasing the Todd Bentleys, 40% not even having prayer at the altar, and 20% trying to still be sensitive to the Spirit in their services.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
9/23/18 8:09 am

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Post sheepdogandy
Glad to be in the 20%! Very Happy
Charles A. Hutchins
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9/23/18 9:18 am

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Post Re: My opinion? Dean Steenburgh
roughridercog wrote:
It's because our churches have lost emphasis on Pentecostal distinctives. You can't tell our services in many cases from a non Pentecostal church or a gospel concert.

In a community of over 300,000 we hear folks tell us that our church is rare in that we allow for public altar calls & a divine move of the Spirit to freely operate.
No, not all of our visitors like it but we are not trying to imitate the big box church down the road, (no actual implication intended) but we sincerely enjoy a move of the Holy Spirit in our worship services here at FCC.
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9/23/18 11:06 am

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