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Those who DO NOT receive a miracle, may show GREATER FAITH those those who DO Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Those who DO NOT receive a miracle, may show GREATER FAITH those those who DO doyle
Most likely, the majority of our viewers believe in miracles; have over the years, laid hands on and prayed for hundreds. Some we prayed for did say they received a miracle - "With God, all things are possible."

While rejoicing with those who do receive a longed-for miracle, after being involved in praying for the sick for many years, I believe in some cases, maybe many, that those WHO ARE NOT HEALED, demonstrate greater faith than those who are healed.

While the entire church is rightfully rejoicing over those who were healed, the person shuffling along with a walker because of pain in their legs, asked God for a miracle too. For reasons we don't know, they went home without a physical miracle. Listen, a church should rejoice with those who receive a miracle. ONE MIRACLE can bring hope to many others who are suffering. If God can do it for him, he can do it for me."

HOPE IS WHAT FAITH IS MADE OF. KJV "Now faith is the substance of things HOPED FOR, evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1

NIV "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

IMAGINE how much faith it takes for a handicapped person to get to church. Taking a shower can take hours. Brushing ones hair can be a major endeavor. Putting on clothes takes two or three times as long.

GETTING IN THE CAR can be a MAJOR challenge and possibly painful to them. It may have taken them hours to get ready for church. When it is time for healing prayers at church, they roll to the front or someone pushes them. Their heart beats with hope and anticipation. Not only have they asked God to heal them, they've begged Him.

Some have done everything pastors and TV preachers have told them to in an effort to raise their faith to receiving a miracle. However, those who did not receive a miracle, return home to life as before; a struggle.

All the above is also true of those dedicated servants of God who have Cancer. Slowly, their life is ebbing away. They have longed for, maybe wept in prayer for a miracle, but one has not yet come.

AND YET, probably all of us have seen those who have NOT received a miracle, continue in the faith, loving God, drawing strength from church fellowship; steadfast, faithful in coming to church. They remain faithful to the One who has the power to heal them, but has not yet done so.

"Blessed are those who endure..." James 1:12.

In the Emergency room with patients, time and time again, they have said, "Chaplain, will you please pray for me to receive a miracle?"

My answer is always the same, "Absolutely. Those of us who believe in God, know that with Him "all things are possible." Sometimes while they are still strapped on the Gurney the EMT's brought them into the hospital on, I lay hands gently on them and pray. In most cases the EMT's stay with the patient until they are assigned to a place for treatment.

Since the patient at that time is still the responsibility of the EMT's, I turn to the EMT's and say, "I'm Chaplain Doyle. The patient has asked me to pray with her. Is that OK with you?"

When there is time, I pray the plan of salvation and thank the Lord for the hope knowing Him brings. Not always, but sometimes the EMT's will lower their head as I pray. (they don't close their eyes because they are focused on the patient), A couple of times, an EMT has said, "Chaplain, I believe in the power of prayer too, may I join you in prayer?"

"Please do. Your prayers are welcome. Feel free to also join with me in laying on of hands."

REJOICE with those who receive a miracle, but let's not overlook THE FAITH of those who continue being faithful to God, even though their miracle has not come. THEIR FAITH to continue on after their disappoint of no miracle, may be the greatest faith we see in church.

The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.
Acts-celerate Owner
Posts: 6957
11/27/18 4:43 pm

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I think those of us who believe in healing need to be careful not to condemn people for not getting healed.

I remember one pastor at the church I used to attend saying that he'd heard a preacher say of those who do not healed 'you aint got no faith.' He pointed out the Bible says that the elders of the church are to pray the prayer of faith. The responsibility to believe there is on the elders. So if the person doesn't get healed, he shouldn't blame the one who is sick.

I don't know why everyone we pray for does not get healed, and it does seem like some people have more success at it than others, and some people who get prayed for seem to have a lot of faith for it. Paul had an infirmity that led him to the Galatians, and they would have taken out their eyes and given them to him, yet God healed many people through him even after that.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
11/27/18 11:52 pm

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Post Cojak
I watched as my blessed mother lost both her legs and not to diabetes. This woman was a poster child for a Christian, and dedicated pastor's wife. We prayed she prayed, the church prayed, she was never healed, of the problems wit her legs. But over the 50+ years a a pastors wife, she and her children were healed many times.
BUT today she is with Dad and all is well for eternity. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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11/28/18 12:07 am

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