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Can we say that life begins at conception? I know the bible Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Can we say that life begins at conception? I know the bible caseyleejones
says knowing us before we were in the womb.....but did he breathe life at conception? During brain waves? Heartbeat?

Why do you take that position? I do believe it is at conception, but I don't have firm evidence stating that is when life begins.....
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5/25/19 12:07 pm

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Post Re: Can we say that life begins at conception? I know the bible Travis Johnson
caseyleejones wrote:
says knowing us before we were in the womb.....but did he breathe life at conception? During brain waves? Heartbeat?

Why do you take that position? I do believe it is at conception, but I don't have firm evidence stating that is when life begins.....

Well, for sure if the smallest embryo was found on Mars, all media and all pop culture would declare it life and protect it.
Posts: 7821
5/25/19 12:29 pm

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Post Re: Can we say that life begins at conception? I know the bible Cojak
Travis Johnson wrote:

Well, for sure if the smallest embryo was found on Mars, all media and all pop culture would declare it life and protect it.

Now ain't that the gospel! Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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5/25/19 8:27 pm

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Post Re: Can we say that life begins at conception? I know the bible UncleJD
caseyleejones wrote:
says knowing us before we were in the womb.....but did he breathe life at conception? During brain waves? Heartbeat?

Why do you take that position? I do believe it is at conception, but I don't have firm evidence stating that is when life begins.....

Besides the Biblical viewpoint that God knew us before He formed us, that John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Ghost in the womb, etc.., I think the statement "life begins at conception", is more of a scientific statement in that every stage of life from that point forward is irrevocable by natural methods (accidents and purposeful termination aside). i.e. zygote to fetus, to infant, to toddler, are all simply stages of the life cycle that begins with a fertilized egg (conception), once the egg is fertilzed, its a naturally irrevocable process that begins, i.e. "life".
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
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5/26/19 9:24 am

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Post Re: Can we say that life begins at conception? I know the bible Dave Dorsey
UncleJD wrote:
I think the statement "life begins at conception", is more of a scientific statement in that every stage of life from that point forward is irrevocable by natural methods (accidents and purposeful termination aside). i.e. zygote to fetus, to infant, to toddler, are all simply stages of the life cycle that begins with a fertilized egg (conception), once the egg is fertilzed, its a naturally irrevocable process that begins, i.e. "life".

Good stuff, JD. Clear and concise.
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Posts: 13654
5/26/19 11:40 am

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Post Some thoughts... Aaron Scott
Scientifically, life begins at conception.

Theologically, it's not so clear. Man became a living soul UPON God breathing life into them. Does that mean that when a child BREATHES? Or was that just applicable to Adam and Eve? Does being known before being formed mean that there is the pre-existence of souls...or is it just another way of indicating predestination?

Scripturally, we see in the OT that if someone caused a woman to lose the child she was carrying, it was not necessarily punishable by death, which is what we would expect if the understanding is that an embryo or fetus was life equivalent to that of a full grown human. At the same time, that was an OT understanding--one that might be primitive in some way, not reflecting the fuller understanding we might gain in time.
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5/28/19 12:30 pm

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