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Have you signed the Nashville Statement on Sexuality yet? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Have you signed the Nashville Statement on Sexuality yet? brotherjames
The Nashville Statement affirms in 14 articles God's plan for Sexuality and denies the perversion of current Western Culture in the realm of prevailing thought of LBGBTQ (XYZ ETC) practices et al. You can read the statement which came of the Southern Baptist Ethics Committee and was signed by men like Tony Perkins, James Dobson and John Piper and many others. It is totally consistent with conservative Biblical teaching and doctrine on sexuality and gives a clearcut statement against sexual sin and perversion as well as a Grace statement affirming salvation that is available for ALL. You can read and sign the Statement here:

It is worth your time to read and sign. It also will help clarify your own positions which may help you down the road as Evangelical Churches come under more pressure to be "inclusive" and are persecuted for their stands against trans-genderism and homosexuality.

More information can be found in this article from Charisma Mag. here:
Posts: 935
8/31/17 9:44 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
I don't see anything new here - but I am sure there are those that won't sign it so as not to offend.

Jesus ate with sinners, right, so he wouldn't sign nothing like that.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
8/31/17 9:58 am

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Post To Quote That Thing You Do famousflavius
Lenny: Are you crazy? A man in a really nice camper wants to put our song on the radio! Gimme a pen; I'm signin', you're signin', we're all signin'! Golf Cart Mafia Soldier
Posts: 2447
9/1/17 11:23 am

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Post Chicago27
No. It only serves to divide and cause a media uproar. No reason for it. How about we come up with a statement that says we're gonna love one another? That would be a huge difference. Friendly Face
Posts: 253
9/1/17 4:43 pm

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Post bonnie knox
CBMW is an organization that limits women in leadership in the church. They had gone so far as to claim that the Son is eternally subordinate to the Father in order to justify their claims that women should be subordinate (although when Kevin Giles called them on that, some backtracked and claimed that women's subordination doesn't actually depend on the Son being eternally subordinate after all).
Their article IV is not clearly defined, but if you have followed their organization, you understand that they believe a husband's dominion over his wife is not a result of the Fall as is indicated in Genesis. In other words, they believe that a man's dominion over his wife is God's original design even though there is nothing in the Genesis account to suggest that.
I also think they take the analogy of marriage and Christ and the church farther than it is intended.
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9/1/17 6:23 pm

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Post You know more about it than I do Bonnie brotherjames
But I guarantee you James Dobsun doesn't believe that and tbat ideology about women is not what's being promoted in the Nashville tatement. What is being promoted is a statement that reflects and succinctly outlines most conservative Biblical views on human sexuality. I signed it as did my co pastor, my wife who is ordained by the AG.

Last edited by brotherjames on 9/1/17 9:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
Posts: 935
9/1/17 7:23 pm

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Post Re: You know more about IG than I do Bonnie Chicago27
brotherjames wrote:
But I guarantee you James Dobsun doesn't believe that and tbat ideology about women is not what's being promoted in the Nashville tatement. What is being promoted is a statement that reflects and succinctly outlines most conservative Biblical views on human sexuality. I signed it as did my co pastor, my wife who is ordained by the AG.

So what if you sign it? Is it a contract? It means nothing except for causing more division in the body.
Friendly Face
Posts: 253
9/1/17 7:38 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
I read the statement. I feel confident that the Scriptures and the official CoG statements on homosexuality, marriage, and so forth are quite sufficient. Anyone who may wish to know what are my views on homosexuality (and any other kind of sexual immorality) will find my views unchanged over the course of my life and ministry, quite clear, and fully consistent with traditional Christian teaching. I don't see what the point would be of signing this particular statement, since my stance on these issues is clear and unchanged and indeed, is completely unsusceptible to change. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
9/2/17 2:06 am

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Post I signed it PastorJackson
I signed it because I agreed with the statements. I don't see the issues with it.
Are the things you are living for, worth Christ dying for?
Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4743
9/5/17 8:14 pm

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