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Should Christians Vote for a Hindu President? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Should Christians Vote for a Hindu President? FG Minister
I have to admit, I voted for Trump twice, but never again. Of the field of candidates, I have been drifting toward Vivek Ramaswamy. He is a genius who is the most articulate guy running. Polls now show that he would beat Biden among independents. As we all know, independents decide these national elections and if this holds out, we could see a Republican back in the White House.

If I look at the spiritual fruit, the "born-again" Trump produces some of the most rotten fruit we could inspect. Ramaswamy seems like a decent human being, conservative principles, an intelligent functioning brain, and an even temperament. Many of you have said in the past "I'm not electing a pastor; I'm electing a president" in your attempts to excuse Trump's bad behavior. If your argument is true, then you should have no problem voting for Ramaswamy. Right?
Posts: 875
8/21/23 8:07 am

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Post Second Thoughts FG Minister
I just saw where Vivek wants to eventually end support for Israel. That is a non-negotiable for me if he holds to that policy. I cannot support the abandonment of the Jews. Acts-celerater
Posts: 875
8/21/23 1:34 pm

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Post Re: Second Thoughts Da Sheik
FG Minister wrote:
I just saw where Vivek wants to eventually end support for Israel. That is a non-negotiable for me if he holds to that policy. I cannot support the abandonment of the Jews.

Yes, you have to read the fine print. Vivek is an extremely articulate individual and he will likely have the support of many young conservatives. He may be able to swing some of the left of center moderates too.

For me, the "I'm not electing a pastor" analogy is not comparing apples to apples. Let me put it this way: I think what one believes about the origin of the universe reveals a lot about him. I would have a tough time supporting a candidate who espoused the ridiculous Hindu narrative of creation. Don't they believe that the earth sits on top of four elephants that stand on the back of a reincarnated turtle (Vishnu)? I don't trust anybody that believes that to lead my country, but that's just me!
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
8/22/23 10:52 am

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Post Did You Vote for Romney? FG Minister
Have you ever checked into the belief system of Mormons? Lucifer is Jesus' brother and good Mormons can become gods one day. I'm not crazy about that either!

Of course, Trump only believes in the god Trump. Not sure what twisted theology is behind that! But I'm not sure about Vivek - I'm just musing out loud with some brothers and sisters.
Posts: 875
8/22/23 1:23 pm

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Post UncleJD
I don't think anybody has voted for a Christian president in many years. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
8/22/23 4:56 pm

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Post Da Sheik
In the debate tonight, Nikki Hailey called him out on his Israeli policy. Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
8/23/23 10:50 pm

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Post UncleJD
Da Sheik wrote:
In the debate tonight, Nikki Hailey called him out on his Israeli policy.

He was childishly annoying. I think he's fake. He was trying to channel Trump and doing a bad job of it. He definitely lost me. Tim Scott had the most poise and dignity, but I don't think he has enough to beat Trump. Trump was 100 times more entertaining on X-twitter than the entire field on FOX. I'm ready to move on from Trump, but doesn't look like that will be happening in 2024
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
8/24/23 9:01 am

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Post Nikki Haley FG Minister
Haley has actually been my choice for several years. She owned Vivek last night. I like his energy and his intelligence, but his foreign policy is not where I am at all. I hope Nikki Haley goes the distance. She has executive experience as a governor and foreign policy experience as Ambassador to the UN. On top of that she is TOUGH! Acts-celerater
Posts: 875
8/24/23 9:30 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
UncleJD wrote:
I don't think anybody has voted for a Christian president in many years.

Nice one.

Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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8/24/23 9:41 am

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Post Da Sheik
UncleJD wrote:
He was childishly annoying. I think he's fake. He was trying to channel Trump and doing a bad job of it. He definitely lost me.

Same here. I think he’s positioning himself to be Trump’s VP choice, though he would never admit it. He came across very smug last night. Young voters seem to resonate with him.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
8/24/23 1:04 pm

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Post Cojak
You guys make a lot of sense, I am enjoying this post. I am sort of leaning toward Haley. I was shocked to read in other places that Vivek is getting a lot of attention. But he does seem smug, If I had to vote for Trump again, it would be even harder to check the block if another smug dude was attached to the ticket...
Confused Confused Confused
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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8/25/23 9:29 am

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Post UncleJD
Cojak wrote:
You guys make a lot of sense, I am enjoying this post. I am sort of leaning toward Haley. I was shocked to read in other places that Vivek is getting a lot of attention. But he does seem smug, If I had to vote for Trump again, it would be even harder to check the block if another smug dude was attached to the ticket...
Confused Confused Confused

Yep, that guy runs by feel alone, he would be a threat to the Constitution if it suited his feel. He actually said that the Constitution was what enabled America to break free from England in 1776. Proving he knows nothing at all, nor does he care enough to know (because how hard is it to know that the Constitution came AFTER the Revolution). He'd be perfect for Trump because he'd do whatever Trump convinced him was ok, whether it was or not.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
8/25/23 11:13 am

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Post DaShiek, for what it's worth... Aaron Scott
Da Sheik wrote:
FG Minister wrote:
I just saw where Vivek wants to eventually end support for Israel. That is a non-negotiable for me if he holds to that policy. I cannot support the abandonment of the Jews.

Yes, you have to read the fine print. Vivek is an extremely articulate individual and he will likely have the support of many young conservatives. He may be able to swing some of the left of center moderates too.

For me, the "I'm not electing a pastor" analogy is not comparing apples to apples. Let me put it this way: I think what one believes about the origin of the universe reveals a lot about him. I would have a tough time supporting a candidate who espoused the ridiculous Hindu narrative of creation. Don't they believe that the earth sits on top of four elephants that stand on the back of a reincarnated turtle (Vishnu)? I don't trust anybody that believes that to lead my country, but that's just me!

Atheists think we are just as ridiculous, since we believe in a literal man adn woman named Adam and Eve, etc.

The reason I would have trouble with a Hindu candidate, but not Romney's, is because I need to believe that both the president and I have some common views on things.

Trump is a pitiful person. HOWEVER, he likely worked harder (and HAD to work harder) than other presidents. At the same time, it certainly seemed as if was actually trying to deliver on his promises. Other guys seem to forget all of that after the election.

But this time around, Trump has offered NOTHING...except sour grapes. it's just pititul. He thinks we are as upset as he is that he lost. We're not!
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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8/25/23 12:28 pm

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Post Re: DaShiek, for what it's worth... UncleJD
Aaron Scott wrote:
. He thinks we are as upset as he is that he lost. We're not!
Clearly you don't have relatives in East Texas
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
8/25/23 1:45 pm

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Post Re: Should Christians Vote for a Hindu President? Link
FG Minister wrote:
I have to admit, I voted for Trump twice, but never again. Of the field of candidates, I have been drifting toward Vivek Ramaswamy. He is a genius who is the most articulate guy running. Polls now show that he would beat Biden among independents. As we all know, independents decide these national elections and if this holds out, we could see a Republican back in the White House.

If I look at the spiritual fruit, the "born-again" Trump produces some of the most rotten fruit we could inspect. Ramaswamy seems like a decent human being, conservative principles, an intelligent functioning brain, and an even temperament. Many of you have said in the past "I'm not electing a pastor; I'm electing a president" in your attempts to excuse Trump's bad behavior. If your argument is true, then you should have no problem voting for Ramaswamy. Right?

The idea does not sit well with me. If there is another non-Hindu candidate, a Christian, even a Roman Catholic, who holds to decent principals and seems competent, I would prefer that.

But if you get to the general election and one person claims to be a Christian but supports sexual perversion and abortion, what do you do?

Would you vote for a religious person who actively worshipped demons? At least if you voted for a Muslim, they don't have proper Christian doctrine, but at least they aren't supposed to bow down to idols, and they are taught that same-sex sex, fornication, adultery, etc. is sinful. Hinduism has a niche for gay/eunuch/trans that is part of the religion and prostitution is part of the religion.

How many of you voted for a Mormon over someone who claimed to be a Christian in the past?

What is Harris religion? She said she went to the Third Baptist Church. I watched part of a sermon online. The preacher preached against evangelicals. He'd read a scripture and say this is why we need to get such and such legislation passed through Congress. It didn't seem to be real preaching or Bible teaching from what I saw. (What I saw online of Al Sharpton, who is COGIC, is that he can preach a real sermon.)
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
9/16/23 9:56 am

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