What do you think of the ethics of applying the same type of heavily allegorical approach used to support the modern Pentecostal tithe doctrine to some other types of offerings?
The tithe doctrine, depending on the preacher, presumably allegorizes the Levites the law commands to receive tithes to be a fund the local church (or the preacher.) The storehouse may also be allegorized to be the local church. The law commanded tithes of the crops, fruits, flocks, and herds of the land of Israel. That gets allegorized into cash income.
I heard that Charismatic preacher suggested that if someone was out of work and gets a job, he should give his first month's pay as a firstfruits offering. This preacher was quite wealthy, and I heard a brother comment on the audacity of preaching a month's salary out of the hands of someone who had been unemployed for months. Is doing so good hermeneutics?
I have also read Pentecostal preachers complain about certain American Charismatic TV celebrities preaching that people should give a firstfruits cash offering to their ministries in January. Again, there is so much allegory here of this agricultural offering of the crops of the land of Israel into cash for the TV ministry in January.
What about preaching that Christians who sin should give the church the cash equivalent of the value of the animal sacrifice an Israelite would have given as a sin offering?
What about preaching a cash offering for a woman's first baby, the cash value of whatever animal a woman of her economic standing would have given for a firstborn child? Just think, you can preach to them that if they have just spent $30,000 to a hospital for their baby, couldn't they give the few hundred equivalent of the sacrifice to the church?
What do you think of the ethics of telling people that they are under the curse of the law if they don't follow these new allegoricalized interpretations?
And how is the way tithing is allegorized and taught in many Pentecostal churches superior in terms of hermeneutics than what I have suggested here? |
Acts-perienced Poster Posts: 11849 7/25/22 12:24 pm