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Loran Livingston says about the Faith Message .."Don't Be Deceived" L Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Loran Livingston says about the Faith Message .."Don't Be Deceived" L Rafael D Martinez
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Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? Galatians 4:16

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Posts: 7766
9/19/18 2:33 pm

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Post Re: Loran Livingston says about the Faith Message .."Don't Be Deceived" L UncleJD
Rafael D Martinez wrote:
Mods, delete if this has already been posted.

That linky no worky
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
9/19/18 4:26 pm

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Post (L) p5harri

It was a great message.
We are beating the bushes for mice and the lions are tearing us apart.
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9/19/18 8:27 pm

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Post Da Sheik
I wish he would tell us how he really feels Laughing

I’m no fan of the WOF movement, but to say that they are going to die in their sins is a bit extreme to me. But I definitely agree with the sentiment of his message.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
9/21/18 12:33 pm

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Post diakoneo
Da Sheik wrote:
I wish he would tell us how he really feels Laughing

I’m no fan of the WOF movement, but to say that they are going to die in their sins is a bit extreme to me. But I definitely agree with the sentiment of his message.

He named names Very Happy
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3382
9/21/18 4:56 pm

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Post Great statement in the iintroduction Preacher777
Pastor Loran Livingston proclaimed a much needed message in his introduction stating that a pastor needs to be a shepherd and warn the congregation about false doctrines. I gained a lot of respect for his desire to please God and fear Him rather than men. I am sure that Loran and other pastors realize that these days churches draw people with a variety of beliefs. Pastor Livingston was willing to risk losing attendees by sharing his convictions. Friendly Face
Posts: 434
9/22/18 9:49 am

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Post Empty renewal
The page has been taken down on youtube.. Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1021
9/22/18 11:43 am

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Post Re: Great statement in the iintroduction Dean Steenburgh
Preacher777 wrote:
Pastor Loran Livingston proclaimed a much needed message in his introduction stating that a pastor needs to be a shepherd and warn the congregation about false doctrines. I gained a lot of respect for his desire to please God and fear Him rather than men. I am sure that Loran and other pastors realize that these days churches draw people with a variety of beliefs. Pastor Livingston was willing to risk losing attendees by sharing his convictions.

Not trying to be a rascal here but taking a chance at losing folks by sharing convictions with 100 members is quite the risk. Not the same with over 10,000 in attendance.

It seems my memory recalls that Loran had a really strong opinion about "radicals" who were posting opinions on a talk board called, Actscelerate a few years ago & he enjoyed the partisan support he garnered from that opinion.

"Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!"

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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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9/23/18 11:31 am

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Post Cojak
Da Sheik wrote:
I wish he would tell us how he really feels Laughing

I’m no fan of the WOF movement, but to say that they are going to die in their sins is a bit extreme to me. But I definitely agree with the sentiment of his message.

Well stated, and I definitely agree on the sentiment! Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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9/23/18 12:30 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
I haven't watched it yet, but it worked for me.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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9/23/18 7:30 pm

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Post Link
I skipped around and watch part of it. He said if you believed what some of these teachers believed, you'd be damned. He mentioned Joyce Meyers. What was his reason for this? In the part of the sermon I watched, that wasn't clear. It seemed like he was arguing that the reason was because preachers were supposed to teach the full counsel of God's word and not be specialists in one area.

Does it follow that if Paul taught the full counsel of God's word, that some lesser gifted teacher might not be a specialist? I don't see where the Bible condemns having people who specialize in end-times, for example, or teaching on the cross or the resurrection. I think a lot of us have areas where we teach more and in more depth than others. How is that a bad thing?

IMO, it makes more sense to give actual quotes if you are going to expose someone's teaching and name names.

I don't see a good Biblical case for being against 'self help.' Self help stuff does not necessarily have to focus on digging up the old man and is not necessarily contrary to the idea of dying daily, etc.

I do see a problem if people go to church and hear self-help all the time and NOT the gospel. The self-help stuff might not be bad, per se. A lecture on what vitamins are in what foods may be helpful. It's just not going to reconcile anyone with God and probably won't edify them in their faith, either.

If someone wants to
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9/24/18 11:28 am

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