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Fasting = Not Eating FOOD Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Fasting = Not Eating FOOD NewTimeUrbanPreacher
Fasting = the spiritual discipline of denying oneself FOOD for the purpose of drawing closer to God and denying the flesh. IT IS NOT turning off the TV, not posting on Facebook, not having sex, or anything else. Fasting is to not eat food.

I am looking forward to the day those who teach it is something other than that will also begin to teach that tithing can be giving 10% of anything you want. Does not have to be money. You can give the church 10% of the time you would spend on facebook. You can give 10% of the daisy's in your yard. Just anything is fine. God sees the heart. Kind of doubt I’ll see that one be preached soon.
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Posts: 19
8/7/18 9:47 am

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Post Re: Fasting = Not Eating FOOD Aaron Scott
NewTimeUrbanPreacher wrote:
Fasting = the spiritual discipline of denying oneself FOOD for the purpose of drawing closer to God and denying the flesh. IT IS NOT turning off the TV, not posting on Facebook, not having sex, or anything else. Fasting is to not eat food.

I am looking forward to the day those who teach it is something other than that will also begin to teach that tithing can be giving 10% of anything you want. Does not have to be money. You can give the church 10% of the time you would spend on facebook. You can give 10% of the daisy's in your yard. Just anything is fine. God sees the heart. Kind of doubt I’ll see that one be preached soon.

I don't think you can make as strong a case as would like....

Daniel 10:3 says, "I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled."

He could have easily said, I ate no bread, flesh, etc. But he didn't. It appears that he simply had a very limited intake.

Didn't say he didn't drink water (if you're REALLY OLD SCHOOL, fasting typically means no food OR drink, including water).

Then there's this:

Isaiah 58:6-12

6 Is not this the fast that I choose:
to loose the bonds of injustice,
to undo the thongs of the yoke,
to let the oppressed go free,
and to break every yoke?
7 Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,
and bring the homeless poor into your house;
when you see the naked, to cover them,
and not to hide yourself from your own kin?
8 Then your light shall break forth like the dawn,
and your healing shall spring up quickly;
your vindicator* shall go before you,
the glory of the Lord shall be your rearguard.
9 Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer;
you shall cry for help, and he will say, Here I am.

As far as sex goes, Paul spoke about foregoing it to draw close to the Lord. So if one was fasting, one would/could, at the same time, forego sex as an added element, since it is about saying no to the flesh so we can be open to the things of God.

Yes, I've always smirked a bit when someone says that all they had during their "fast" was a salad and the such. But some years ago, I HAD to change....

I had went on an old school fast. When I came back, my heart was hurting enough to cause me to go the doctor, and for him to send me for stress testing, etc. But after a few days of eating/drinking, I seemed to be better again.

When I was younger, that wouldn't have been a thing. But as I aged, I couldn't bounce back like before. I had to stop fasting like I'd been fasting. Today, I might fast a day--or most of the day--etc. These are purposeful (i.e., I don't consider it fasting if I skip a meal I never eat anyway), but I have had to take greater care.

I can tell you assuredly that there are time I would rather fast food than some things (e.g., social media, surfing the internet, my cellphone, etc.). I have found that fasting food is really about disconnecting from the flesh, so you can grow quiet and hear what God has to say. And there are plenty of fleshly things that can have hooks in us, keeping us too busy, occupied, and self-centered to hear from God like we ought.

Yes, fasting is usually food. But it might be pleasant bread. It might be the fast that God wanted. It might be anything that you stay away from through the "withdrawal pains," until you can hear from heaven again. (I don't need to tell you that the 3rd fasting is much easier than the first day.)
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
8/7/18 10:36 am

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Post Re: Fasting = Not Eating FOOD Quiet Wyatt
NewTimeUrbanPreacher wrote:
Fasting = the spiritual discipline of denying oneself FOOD for the purpose of drawing closer to God and denying the flesh. IT IS NOT turning off the TV, not posting on Facebook, not having sex, or anything else. Fasting is to not eat food.

I am looking forward to the day those who teach it is something other than that will also begin to teach that tithing can be giving 10% of anything you want. Does not have to be money. You can give the church 10% of the time you would spend on facebook. You can give 10% of the daisy's in your yard. Just anything is fine. God sees the heart. Kind of doubt I’ll see that one be preached soon.


The supposed proof texts for the so-called ‘Daniel Fast’ never use the word, “fast” at all. Of course, it’s perfectly fine to restrict one’s diet or one’s extracurricular activities for the glory of God, but that is not the same thing as a biblical fast. Since the Gospels reveal that Jesus, our prime example, was hungry after 40 days, and not thirsty, the only logical conclusion is that He took in only water during those forty days in the wilderness.

When everything becomes a fast, nothing is a fast.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
8/7/18 10:49 am

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Post NewTimeUrbanPreacher
At that time I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks. 3 I ate no choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over.

this was a time of mourning. Not fasting.
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8/7/18 12:02 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
What should we call the Daniel "non eating certain foods because of a spiritual reason"?

"Fast" seems reasonable to me - but I will let the spiritual giants weigh in on this. (FYI: That lets you off the hook NTUP - as no one would recognize you as such - but I felt I should clear it up for you) Twisted Evil
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
8/8/18 10:57 am

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Post NewTimeUrbanPreacher
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
What should we call the Daniel "non eating certain foods because of a spiritual reason"?

"Fast" seems reasonable to me - but I will let the spiritual giants weigh in on this. (FYI: That lets you off the hook NTUP - as no one would recognize you as such - but I felt I should clear it up for you) Twisted Evil

thanks for the insult. Hope that makes you feel better. Blessings
New Member
Posts: 19
8/8/18 12:13 pm

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Post Why do we call it a fast? roughridercog
When the time goes so slowly?
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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8/8/18 12:22 pm

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Post Re: Fasting = Not Eating FOOD UncleJD
Aaron Scott wrote:
NewTimeUrbanPreacher wrote:
Fasting = the spiritual discipline of denying oneself FOOD for the purpose of drawing closer to God and denying the flesh. IT IS NOT turning off the TV, not posting on Facebook, not having sex, or anything else. Fasting is to not eat food.

I am looking forward to the day those who teach it is something other than that will also begin to teach that tithing can be giving 10% of anything you want. Does not have to be money. You can give the church 10% of the time you would spend on facebook. You can give 10% of the daisy's in your yard. Just anything is fine. God sees the heart. Kind of doubt I’ll see that one be preached soon.

I don't think you can make as strong a case as would like....

Daniel 10:3 says, "I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled."

He could have easily said, I ate no bread, flesh, etc. But he didn't. It appears that he simply had a very limited intake.

Didn't say he didn't drink water (if you're REALLY OLD SCHOOL, fasting typically means no food OR drink, including water).

Then there's this:

Isaiah 58:6-12

6 Is not this the fast that I choose:
to loose the bonds of injustice,
to undo the thongs of the yoke,
to let the oppressed go free,
and to break every yoke?
7 Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,
and bring the homeless poor into your house;
when you see the naked, to cover them,
and not to hide yourself from your own kin?
8 Then your light shall break forth like the dawn,
and your healing shall spring up quickly;
your vindicator* shall go before you,
the glory of the Lord shall be your rearguard.
9 Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer;
you shall cry for help, and he will say, Here I am.

As far as sex goes, Paul spoke about foregoing it to draw close to the Lord. So if one was fasting, one would/could, at the same time, forego sex as an added element, since it is about saying no to the flesh so we can be open to the things of God.

Yes, I've always smirked a bit when someone says that all they had during their "fast" was a salad and the such. But some years ago, I HAD to change....

I had went on an old school fast. When I came back, my heart was hurting enough to cause me to go the doctor, and for him to send me for stress testing, etc. But after a few days of eating/drinking, I seemed to be better again.

When I was younger, that wouldn't have been a thing. But as I aged, I couldn't bounce back like before. I had to stop fasting like I'd been fasting. Today, I might fast a day--or most of the day--etc. These are purposeful (i.e., I don't consider it fasting if I skip a meal I never eat anyway), but I have had to take greater care.

I can tell you assuredly that there are time I would rather fast food than some things (e.g., social media, surfing the internet, my cellphone, etc.). I have found that fasting food is really about disconnecting from the flesh, so you can grow quiet and hear what God has to say. And there are plenty of fleshly things that can have hooks in us, keeping us too busy, occupied, and self-centered to hear from God like we ought.

Yes, fasting is usually food. But it might be pleasant bread. It might be the fast that God wanted. It might be anything that you stay away from through the "withdrawal pains," until you can hear from heaven again. (I don't need to tell you that the 3rd fasting is much easier than the first day.)

Very good post Aaron, I have to say one of your best! I love Isaiah 58:6-12

Now we should have a discussion on New Testament giving compared to OT tithe and the law, but probably too many here that depend on the American church model to do that one honestly.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
8/8/18 1:01 pm

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Post Re: Fasting = Not Eating FOOD Link
NewTimeUrbanPreacher wrote:
Fasting = the spiritual discipline of denying oneself FOOD for the purpose of drawing closer to God and denying the flesh. IT IS NOT turning off the TV, not posting on Facebook, not having sex, or anything else. Fasting is to not eat food.

There was also fasting water in the Bible. I can't find a conclusive example where it clearly says they fasted food and not water, though they may have. This became an issue of interest for me when I found out that GBI (COG) folks in Indonesia fasted food and water. Muslims do that also. But so did Esther and so did Israel on another occasion. It isn't clear what all was fasted in verses that just say they fasted.


I am looking forward to the day those who teach it is something other than that will also begin to teach that tithing can be giving 10% of anything you want. Does not have to be money. You can give the church 10% of the time you would spend on facebook. You can give 10% of the daisy's in your yard. Just anything is fine. God sees the heart. Kind of doubt I’ll see that one be preached soon.

Can you show me where money was tithed in the Bible? I can't find that. In the Bible, the required tithe was on crops, flocks, and herd. I can think of two one-off tithes of the spoils of war, including Abrahams, but not an ongoing ordinance.

The next thing you know, preachers will start preaching you have to pay tithes of cash income to the offering instead of Israelites paying tithes of crops and herds from the land of Israel to the Levites like the Bible teaches.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
8/8/18 5:27 pm

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Post Re: Fasting = Not Eating FOOD Link
Aaron Scott wrote:
I had went on an old school fast. When I came back, my heart was hurting enough to cause me to go the doctor, and for him to send me for stress testing, etc. But after a few days of eating/drinking, I seemed to be better again.

When I was younger, that wouldn't have been a thing. But as I aged, I couldn't bounce back like before. I had to stop fasting like I'd been fasting. Today, I might fast a day--or most of the day--etc. These are purposeful (i.e., I don't consider it fasting if I skip a meal I never eat anyway), but I have had to take greater care.

Fasting a meal is a fast, isn't it? It's just a short one?

A lot of COG people in Indonesia will fast food and water from sunup to sundown as a fast. Some will skip breakfast or breakfast and lunch. A leader might call a fast for all the church workers and 'activists.' (Like Pak Niko used to do when I was in Bethany. They fasted once a week.)

You can eat dinner at night and either eat breakfast before sunup or just fast breakfast, lunch, and eat dinner after dark.

Days are always around 12 hours long in Indonesia since it is in the tropics, which makes this easy to do. If you were to do this in the summer, it would be hard. Some Christians will do the sunup to sunset fast with no food and water for an extended period of time.

Muslims fast that way. When I realized Christians did that, I wondered if it was cultural influence, but I found that sunup to sunset food and water fast in the Bible, but I did not find a 24 hour food-only fast in there. Muslims borrowed a lot of practices from Christians and Jews, anyway.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
8/8/18 5:33 pm

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Post NTUP.... Aaron Scott
NewTimeUrbanPreacher wrote:
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
What should we call the Daniel "non eating certain foods because of a spiritual reason"?

"Fast" seems reasonable to me - but I will let the spiritual giants weigh in on this. (FYI: That lets you off the hook NTUP - as no one would recognize you as such - but I felt I should clear it up for you) Twisted Evil

thanks for the insult. Hope that makes you feel better. Blessings

When NBF puts that little laughing devil face on his post, he is saying it as a funny, not as an insult. Happens all the time between us.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
8/8/18 8:40 pm

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Post Re: NTUP.... Nature Boy Florida
Aaron Scott wrote:
NewTimeUrbanPreacher wrote:
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
What should we call the Daniel "non eating certain foods because of a spiritual reason"?

"Fast" seems reasonable to me - but I will let the spiritual giants weigh in on this. (FYI: That lets you off the hook NTUP - as no one would recognize you as such - but I felt I should clear it up for you) Twisted Evil

thanks for the insult. Hope that makes you feel better. Blessings

When NBF puts that little laughing devil face on his post, he is saying it as a funny, not as an insult. Happens all the time between us.

Some people can take it, some can't.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
8/9/18 5:31 am

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