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DON'T do it! Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post DON'T do it! doyle
As I read through a discussion thread, a poster shared that he felt his voice was not being heard in the COG. Another poster advised him to "contact me and I will advocate for you."

Do not do it! If you have a complaint about a COG policy or lack thereof, DO NOT give anyone your identity. The poster who asked you to contact him, may be the nicest person in the world, dedicated, honest, prayer-warrior. However, you don't know that.
My advice is to use your real name (if you want to) to share about events in the COG, Camp Meeting, ministry, church growth etc. However, if you share things you feel are unfair, unjust or just flat wrong, use your pen name only. Somebody championed the policy with which you may disagree. They most likely will not appreciate someone disagreeing with it or or criticizing. Don't back away, but be cautious.

Remember, it was tithe-paying, praying, preaching, Messiah-longing religious folks that worked to crucify Jesus. He went "everywhere doing good," but he said truthful things with which they disagreed.

Listen, God did not put us here to be secret or silent, but be wise. "Know them that labor among you" before sharing your heart with them.

Somewhere on earth, there are probably a few places where one can share his or her heart completely and openly while expecting a respectful and interested response. Thank God for such places. Until you know for sure, be cautious.

Sad? Yes. Tragic? Yes. Should it be different among Brothers and Sisters? Absolutely, but know your audience before speaking.

This is no slam on the COG. Every religious and secular organization has people in them who are easily offended and vindictive. As far as I know, not one angel is a member or minister of the COG. Of course, OTCP comes close to it but...

Is this a call to be fearful? No. However, every large church has some "small" people in it who have not grown up enough to hear a different opinion without wanting to harm the one with whom they disagree. There is a price to pay for being outspoken. Jesus can verify that. It was a price he was willing to pay.

Don't be fearful, but as Scripture says, "Before he starts a journey, a wise man counts the cost." Pen names are intentionally allowed here for one ministers and members can share their heart without fear of retribution.

The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.
Acts-celerate Owner
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3/22/18 2:14 pm

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Post Chicago27
Thank you! Friendly Face
Posts: 253
3/22/18 3:40 pm

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Post Thx Doyle Dean Steenburgh
Nice to be reminded.

Funny, a few years ago I made a general comment immediately following someone who was using their pen name in a discussion about California & the PNW considering a merger to become one giant state made up of 5 states.
I wasn't privy to any details but I thought it was a good idea if it were actually being considered.
I voiced my positive opinion using my real name of course & apparently somebody was watching & reading.
It wasn't a half hour & our state overseer (at that time) had me on the phone & wanted to know why I made my comments & wanted me to reach out to the pen name person & ask them to stop making comments if I could lol

I told that AB that people using pen names are anonymous & we don't have a way to determine who they are.
It'c comical now but un-nerving at the time.

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3/22/18 6:47 pm

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Post Re: DON'T do it! wayne
doyle wrote:
As I read through a discussion thread, a poster shared that he felt his voice was not being heard in the COG. Another poster advised him to "contact me and I will advocate for you."

Do not do it! If you have a complaint about a COG policy or lack thereof, DO NOT give anyone your identity. The poster who asked you to contact him, may be the nicest person in the world, dedicated, honest, prayer-warrior. However, you don't know that.
My advice is to use your real name (if you want to) to share about events in the COG, Camp Meeting, ministry, church growth etc. However, if you share things you feel are unfair, unjust or just flat wrong, use your pen name only. Somebody championed the policy with which you may disagree. They most likely will not appreciate someone disagreeing with it or or criticizing. Don't back away, but be cautious.

Remember, it was tithe-paying, praying, preaching, Messiah-longing religious folks that worked to crucify Jesus. He went "everywhere doing good," but he said truthful things with which they disagreed.

Listen, God did not put us here to be secret or silent, but be wise. "Know them that labor among you" before sharing your heart with them.

Somewhere on earth, there are probably a few places where one can share his or her heart completely and openly while expecting a respectful and interested response. Thank God for such places. Until you know for sure, be cautious.

Sad? Yes. Tragic? Yes. Should it be different among Brothers and Sisters? Absolutely, but know your audience before speaking.

This is no slam on the COG. Every religious and secular organization has people in them who are easily offended and vindictive. As far as I know, not one angel is a member or minister of the COG. Of course, OTCP comes close to it but...

Is this a call to be fearful? No. However, every large church has some "small" people in it who have not grown up enough to hear a different opinion without wanting to harm the one with whom they disagree. There is a price to pay for being outspoken. Jesus can verify that. It was a price he was willing to pay.

Don't be fearful, but as Scripture says, "Before he starts a journey, a wise man counts the cost." Pen names are intentionally allowed here for one ministers and members can share their heart without fear of retribution.


Wow!!!! This makes the CoG sound like some vindictive group of people who have a specific agenda and anyone who goes against this agenda will be visited in the middle of the night by men in long black coats.

If I felt the CoG was truly like this I would have pulled out a long time ago. I definitely would not have planted a church in this denomination.

While I do not agree with everything and have had some issues, I understand that in an organization as large as this, it's hard for each individual to get what they want.... It's the same way in my secular job.

I truly understand the use of a pen name to discuss freely your frustrations but I don't understand being able to just slam away without working through the chain of command and trying to resolve the issues.

This is too much paranoia for me.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1274
3/23/18 8:23 am

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