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Ever thought of suicide? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Ever thought of suicide? Cojak
Suicide is a major public health problem and a leading cause of death in the United States.
Suicide does not discriminate. People of all genders, ages, and ethnicities can be at risk.
The main risk factors for suicide are:
• A prior suicide attempt
• Depression and other mental health disorders
• Substance abuse disorder
• Family history of a mental health or substance abuse disorder
• Family history of suicide
• Family violence, including physical or sexual abuse
• Having guns or other firearms in the home
• Being in prison or jail
• Being exposed to others’ suicidal behavior, such as a family member, peer, or media figure
• Medical illness
• Being between the ages of 15 and 24 years or over age 60.

Men are more likely to die by suicide than women, but women are more likely to attempt suicide. Men are more likely to use more lethal methods, such as firearms or suffocation. Women are more likely than men to attempt suicide by poisoning.

I had a sweet cousin a female and COG member, who used a gun, very unusual.
I will not ask you if you had ever considered suicide, if I did, I would not expect an answer.

I will say I have thought about it, but NEVER come close to making that attempt. What I understand, it is not unusual, so it doesn't make me feel any more or less human.

I heard, but did not see it, that another pastor (not COG) has committed suicide. that is so sad. We are seeing that now. Very disheartening.

Members think you guys have a lock on life, and would never even think of taking your life. SO PLEASE DON'T! you have too many people depending on you and looking for guidance.

I am only sitting in a pew, but you pastors are looked up to.
Love you guys and are proud of all you preachers and pastors who put your life and soul into the ministry. God is Good.

Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
9/29/19 9:36 pm

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Post I have seen devout believers... roughridercog
Desire death.
Pain and disease were wracking their bodies. Every day had become an ordeal. Some felt no purpose for their existence. They echoed these words, "It is enough, Lord. Take away my life."
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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9/30/19 7:06 am

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Post Da Sheik
The pastor of the largest church in history asked God to take him home. His name was Moses. I thank God I’ve never had that desire and I pray I never do. We need to pray for one another. Pastors are notorious for always putting the shiniest version on display. Don’t be fooled. Regardless of how big the church, how successful the ministry, the perils are real. Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
9/30/19 7:12 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
I am not sure what officially qualifies as suicidal ideation. After our third miscarriage, I would sometimes fantasize about steering my car into oncoming traffic. (I found out years later that my wife did the exact same thing.)

However, that was fortunately brief, and I have not experienced it aside from that.

I do have friends who deal with severe depression. The church does an especially poor job understanding and supporting people who endure that trial, in my opinion.
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Posts: 13654
9/30/19 8:46 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Dave Dorsey wrote:

I do have friends who deal with severe depression. The church does an especially poor job understanding and supporting people who endure that trial, in my opinion.

Agreed - what should they be doing?

And here is a real problem - 2 churches that have led the way in dealing with depression in their members - had pastors that dealt with severe depression. But the pastors still killed themselves.

So - who would know the answer?
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
9/30/19 10:09 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
And here is a real problem - 2 churches that have led the way in dealing with depression in their members - had pastors that dealt with severe depression. But the pastors still killed themselves.

So - who would know the answer?

That doesn't mean that what those churches were doing was wrong or ineffective. A world-class cancer treatment center is still going to have patients who die from cancer. And sometimes it will have doctors who die from cancer.

Better church care would start with pastors making the effort to learn about and understand mental illness at a basic clinical level. Learning that it is in many cases a chronic condition, that whether chronic or temporary it cannot be willed or believed or prayed away, and that it is a condition as tangible and real as any physical condition. This would be followed by lay leaders and lay folks.

Ultimately, the church would make tremendous strides in its care of folks with depression or other mental health issues if it simply treated those people the same way they would treat someone with a non-mental health condition.

How should a church treat someone with fibromyalgia? That's how they should treat someone with chronic depression.
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Posts: 13654
9/30/19 10:37 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
I agree with you.

But - back to my point - two church pastors recently that lead the way with understanding clinical depression - even wrote books and articles about it - still killed themselves.

If the ones doing the best can't prevent it - who can?

I think the science regarding this is still in its infancy - where we have tried certain medicines that sometimes make things worse - especially if you try to come off the medicine for whatever reason.

I believe it is more like cancer - even when we treat it with everything we know - chances of failure are great.

As we are praying - pray for a breakthrough there.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
9/30/19 12:55 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
Jesus gave His life. He said that no man takes His life. He gave it. Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
9/30/19 3:15 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Eddie Robbins wrote:
Jesus gave His life. He said that no man takes His life. He gave it.

What's the point?
I don't get it.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
9/30/19 4:46 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
Eddie Robbins wrote:
Jesus gave His life. He said that no man takes His life. He gave it.

What's the point?
I don't get it.

Have you never heard that before? Some say that Jesus committed suicide.
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
10/1/19 5:06 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Eddie Robbins wrote:
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
Eddie Robbins wrote:
Jesus gave His life. He said that no man takes His life. He gave it.

What's the point?
I don't get it.

Have you never heard that before? Some say that Jesus committed suicide.

No - can't say that I have heard it.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
10/1/19 6:46 am

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Post Cojak
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
And here is a real problem - 2 churches that have led the way in dealing with depression in their members - had pastors that dealt with severe depression. But the pastors still killed themselves.

So - who would know the answer?

That doesn't mean that what those churches were doing was wrong or ineffective. A world-class cancer treatment center is still going to have patients who die from cancer. And sometimes it will have doctors who die from cancer.

Better church care would start with pastors making the effort to learn about and understand mental illness at a basic clinical level. Learning that it is in many cases a chronic condition, that whether chronic or temporary it cannot be willed or believed or prayed away, and that it is a condition as tangible and real as any physical condition. This would be followed by lay leaders and lay folks.

Ultimately, the church would make tremendous strides in its care of folks with depression or other mental health issues if it simply treated those people the same way they would treat someone with a non-mental health condition.

How should a church treat someone with fibromyalgia? That's how they should treat someone with chronic depression.

Yes, just because of the failures we NEED more insight. and thanks Dave for that statement about 'Steering into on coming traffic'. I think that is more common than lots of folks think. Thank God, i think it is more just a passing thought, but I am sure some have thought of it. When I thought of it, immediately I thought of the 'other guy' who did not deserve MY Intruding into his life.

I wish churches could somehow come up with a winning 'Help' for the problem, because it is a problem. Crying or Very sad
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
10/2/19 10:20 pm

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Post Link
I was taking a long drive when I was about 19 years old, thinking about something foolish I'd done and started feeling ashamed, embarrassed, and condemned about it, and suddenly started thinking about killing myself. There were some emotions to go along with it. After a minute or so, I recognized it as a demonic attack. If I recall correctly, I rebuked it and it went away. I think that's the only time.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
10/3/19 9:17 am

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Post UncleJD
Eddie Robbins wrote:
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
Eddie Robbins wrote:
Jesus gave His life. He said that no man takes His life. He gave it.

What's the point?
I don't get it.

Have you never heard that before? Some say that Jesus committed suicide.

Same people that said he was gay because he loved John.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
10/3/19 9:57 am

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Post Eddie Robbins
Never. Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
10/3/19 10:15 am

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Post georgiapath
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
Eddie Robbins wrote:
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
Eddie Robbins wrote:
Jesus gave His life. He said that no man takes His life. He gave it.

What's the point?
I don't get it.

Have you never heard that before? Some say that Jesus committed suicide.

No - can't say that I have heard it.

I have never heard that either.
Posts: 7604
10/3/19 11:31 am

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Post UncleJD
georgiapath wrote:
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
Eddie Robbins wrote:
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
Eddie Robbins wrote:
Jesus gave His life. He said that no man takes His life. He gave it.

What's the point?
I don't get it.

Have you never heard that before? Some say that Jesus committed suicide.

No - can't say that I have heard it.

I have never heard that either.

Those poor souls, someone please tell them that "giving your life" (for others) is nothing at all like "taking your own life".
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
10/3/19 12:15 pm

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Post Cojak
UncleJD wrote:

Those poor souls, someone please tell them that "giving your life" (for others) is nothing at all like "taking your own life".

Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
10/4/19 10:02 pm

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