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Tim Hill visits Trump in White House Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Tim Hill visits Trump in White House Nature Boy Florida
Will all COG democrats leave the denomination now?
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
8/29/18 10:42 am

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Post Eddie Robbins
There were people who left the COG when the singers from Lee sang at Obama’s inauguration. So, yeah...people get really stupid about this stuff. Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
8/29/18 1:15 pm

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Post Change Agent
Hope he didn't get a dose of fear. Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1449
8/29/18 2:36 pm

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Post Seriously - people left? spartanfan
Are you kidding me? People left their church over the Lee Singers singing at the Obama inauguration? Oh my goodness - what's wrong with some people. I wasn't a fan but POTUS stands for "President of the United States" not "Pastor of the United States." No matter who is in there our first job is to pray for them. I just don't get some people. I'm proud of our General - he wants to do a great job - he really cares. If he visits Swaggart the "right" objects - If he visits the White House the "left" object. It remains true - the easiest and less resistant way is simply to do nothing. If you do anything, you are opening up for criticism (warranted sometimes and unwarranted). Again - I'm proud of a man who does what he feels is right and just lets the chips fall where they may! Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
Posts: 3638
8/29/18 2:56 pm

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Post Re: Seriously - people left? Eddie Robbins
spartanfan wrote:
Are you kidding me? People left their church over the Lee Singers singing at the Obama inauguration? Oh my goodness - what's wrong with some people. I wasn't a fan but POTUS stands for "President of the United States" not "Pastor of the United States." No matter who is in there our first job is to pray for them. I just don't get some people. I'm proud of our General - he wants to do a great job - he really cares. If he visits Swaggart the "right" objects - If he visits the White House the "left" object. It remains true - the easiest and less resistant way is simply to do nothing. If you do anything, you are opening up for criticism (warranted sometimes and unwarranted). Again - I'm proud of a man who does what he feels is right and just lets the chips fall where they may!

Tim Hill is a great man. Just because you attend a meeting, it doesn’t mean you are a supporter. He knows that he is the Overseer for people that are Democrats, Republicans and Independents, not to mention others outside the USA.

As for the Obama inauguration, I was told by more than one pastor that they lost members because of it. I figure it was best they left. Lee wasn’t there to support Obama. They were invited to sing by Sen Lamar Alexander long before we knew who would win the presidency.
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
8/29/18 3:23 pm

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Post Re: Seriously - people left? UncleJD
Eddie Robbins wrote:
spartanfan wrote:
Are you kidding me? People left their church over the Lee Singers singing at the Obama inauguration? Oh my goodness - what's wrong with some people. I wasn't a fan but POTUS stands for "President of the United States" not "Pastor of the United States." No matter who is in there our first job is to pray for them. I just don't get some people. I'm proud of our General - he wants to do a great job - he really cares. If he visits Swaggart the "right" objects - If he visits the White House the "left" object. It remains true - the easiest and less resistant way is simply to do nothing. If you do anything, you are opening up for criticism (warranted sometimes and unwarranted). Again - I'm proud of a man who does what he feels is right and just lets the chips fall where they may!

Tim Hill is a great man. Just because you attend a meeting, it doesn’t mean you are a supporter. He knows that he is the Overseer for people that are Democrats, Republicans and Independents, not to mention others outside the USA.

As for the Obama inauguration, I was told by more than one pastor that they lost members because of it. I figure it was best they left. Lee wasn’t there to support Obama. They were invited to sing by Sen Lamar Alexander long before we knew who would win the presidency.

Why on earth would they leave over this? They already know that their church and their political party are at great odds over most issues, this wouldn't be anything new to them. Are they going to say something like "Well I know they condemn homosexual practice, gay marriage, baby-killin', drug use, humanistic anti-God public-funded education, and everything else my party stands for, but I can't believe he would go to an "evangelical meeting"!, I quit!" Laughing
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
8/29/18 6:48 pm

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Post Cojak
It is a dinner, shucks I'd go no matter which president invited me. I would ask my wife which fork to use though! Embarassed

Bro Hill probably didn't have to ax anyone! (which fork to use?) Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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8/29/18 8:31 pm

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Post skinnybishop
I cannot imagine declining an invitation to a White House dinner, regardless of who is the President.

Appearing with someone doesn't mean you agree with them.
Eddie Wiggins
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8/30/18 10:41 am

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Post Has Trump Even Heard Of The COG? Lonestar
I believe there's a good chance he hasn't. Member
Posts: 46
8/30/18 1:38 pm

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Post MoonWalkingWithJesus
1 in a large group of over 200 christian leaders. It wasn’t like he was invited to be on the cabinet. I respect trump by the way and thankfully he is reaching out to evangelical denominations.
Tis so Sweet to Moonwalk with JESUS. 😎🌔🌔👟👞👟👞
Friendly Face
Posts: 141
8/30/18 3:13 pm

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Post Chicago27
Trump is using evangelicals for his advantage. It helped him get elected. I wish just one of them would have the sense to help him out with the whole “I don’t need to repent because I’ve always been a good person” thing. Friendly Face
Posts: 253
8/31/18 2:06 pm

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Post Resident Skeptic
Chicago27 wrote:
Trump is using evangelicals for his advantage. It helped him get elected. I wish just one of them would have the sense to help him out with the whole “I don’t need to repent because I’ve always been a good person” thing.

That's not what he said. At least get the quote accurate.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
9/1/18 1:18 pm

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Post Chicago27
Resident Skeptic wrote:
Chicago27 wrote:
Trump is using evangelicals for his advantage. It helped him get elected. I wish just one of them would have the sense to help him out with the whole “I don’t need to repent because I’ve always been a good person” thing.

That's not what he said. At least get the quote accurate.

"I try not make mistakes where I have to ask forgiveness," Trump answered.

When further asked about repentance again by Cooper, Trump said "I think repenting is terrific."

"Why do I have to repent or ask for forgiveness, if I am not making mistakes?" asked Trump. "I work hard, I'm an honorable person."

In talking about his Iowa appearance, Trump said, "We were having fun when I said I drink the wine, I eat the cracker, the whole room was laughing."
Friendly Face
Posts: 253
9/1/18 7:49 pm

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Post Chicago27
Late last year, Trump told Republican pollster and focus-group guru Frank Luntz that when the real-estate mogul has done something wrong, he tries to correct his error without getting God involved.

"I am not sure I have," Trump said when asked if he'd ever asked God for forgiveness. "I just go on and try to do a better job from there. I don't think so," he said. "I think if I do something wrong, I think, I just try and make it right. I don't bring God into that picture. I don't."
Friendly Face
Posts: 253
9/1/18 7:53 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
Trump’s faith is in himself. To some extent he gets that from Norman Vincent Peale. The rest he probably gets from his ginormous ego. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
9/1/18 8:00 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Chicago27 wrote:
Trump is using evangelicals for his advantage. It helped him get elected. I wish just one of them would have the sense to help him out with the whole “I don’t need to repent because I’ve always been a good person” thing.

How do you know they haven't? Trump is gonna do what Trump wants to do.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
9/1/18 9:45 pm

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Post Chicago27
Carolyn Smith wrote:
Chicago27 wrote:
Trump is using evangelicals for his advantage. It helped him get elected. I wish just one of them would have the sense to help him out with the whole “I don’t need to repent because I’ve always been a good person” thing.

How do you know they haven't? Trump is gonna do what Trump wants to do.

It is an assumption that he has not since he hasn’t made a public proclamation denouncing his previous statement of not needing to repent. Maybe he has!
Friendly Face
Posts: 253
9/2/18 6:42 am

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