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What "opening up the country" would look like Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post What "opening up the country" would look like UncleJD
I'm curious what those of us who say we must open up the country are referring to? Are you saying just full-swing back to the way things were in January? Or a controlled approach? Assuming you don't mean "just stay locked up and let the healthcare professionals make all the economic decisions", what is your approach?

I think my idea would look something like this.
1. Large Sporting events, concerts and theaters (historically large/closely packed crowds), would have to decide between postponing until after a widespread cure or vaccination is available, or operate on about 1/4 capacity with safe distancing and mandatory masks, etc..
2. Same for Churches, they would have to operate with reduced capacity and probably add more services, something like call-ahead reservations for Church ??
3. Retail and grocery stores would require masks and a person counting at the door to reduce the capacity of people in the stores, and not allow bunching up of lines outside
4. All business would be required to provide employees with suitable PPE or enough distance between them to allow reasonable safety (for instance, beauty shops would require the hairdresser and the customer to wear a mask and wash hands thouroughly before the procedure). Maybe temperature checks before work each day.
5. All area hospitals must be fully provisioned with projected needs for PPE and medical equipment before the area is deemed ready to go.
6. Of course the government must continue to ramp up production of equipment until we are sure we're covered (they have done a good job at this so far and even Cuomo admits they have saved the day when it looked like the governors had really exposed people to the same fate as Italy)

I think that would allow business and people's jobs to go forward and maintain a reasonable mitigation to save lives and keep the curve flattened until we have a cure/vaccine. What do you think?
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
4/14/20 9:38 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
1. I think concerts, sporting events, etc. will probably be among the last things to get back to normal. Even with spacing for seats, there is still so much contact in the concourses, waiting in lines, etc.

2. I think social distancing is probably easier to enforce here (as a matter of social pressure more than anything else) and churches could probably be among the first to open back up.

3. Agree 100% here. It's insane that a lot of stores STILL aren't doing this.

4. Seems reasonable.

5. Definitely.

6. 1000000%. Add antibody testing to this list as well.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
4/14/20 9:45 am

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Post UncleJD
Dave you're probably right on #1 unfortunately. I don't like government telling anyone they can't operate, but I do think it would be on the group to prove they can do it safely and they'd have to address your concerns (lines, bathrooms, food-courts, etc..).

Bottom line is I think there is a way to move forward and do it sooner than later to try to preserve the economy but be safe about it to avoid a cycle of starts and stops.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
4/14/20 10:04 am

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Post Israel’s plan Patrick Harris
Phase 1: Tech and finance, plus slices of trade-oriented industries. These sectors employ more than 10% of the population.

Phase 2: Commerce and retail stores.

Phase 3: Restaurants and hotels. The NSC expects most of the education system will be back at this point, too.

Phase 4: Recreational sectors like sports, air travel, and entertainment.

If that seems like a straightforward process, consider these caveats:

Each phase will have a two-week buffer to review whether the next can proceed.
All of the public health guidelines we've been subject to (social distancing, face masks, etc.) will be required for reopening industries.
None of these phases applies to people over 60 and other at-risk populations.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1323
4/14/20 12:29 pm

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Post Large crowds/venues? Jamie Noel
No way they can stay closed until a vaccine is available. The CDC is estimating another 18 months. WAAAAAYYYYY too much money involved and lost for them to close down. At WORST they will have their games without crowd and at least generate some funds through TV or PPV
Stay Positive!
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1138
4/15/20 6:56 pm

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Post Re: Large crowds/venues? UncleJD
Jamie Noel wrote:
No way they can stay closed until a vaccine is available. The CDC is estimating another 18 months. WAAAAAYYYYY too much money involved and lost for them to close down. At WORST they will have their games without crowd and at least generate some funds through TV or PPV

However they can figure out how to do it safely is good with me, it will be a challenge though. Large crowds is what started this whole mess so it has to be addressed for sure.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
4/16/20 9:07 am

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