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Pastor Andrew Brunson released from Turkey; now home in the US (L) Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Pastor Andrew Brunson released from Turkey; now home in the US (L) Dave Dorsey

It's quite hard to find any explanation for this aside from the fact that the US is positioning itself more dominantly under the Trump administration. Turkey had previously been seeking the return of Fethullah Gulen, a cleric wanted by Erdogan in relation to the 2016 "coup", in exchange for Brunson's release. But it seems Turkey received nothing in exchange for his release on Friday. Compare that to the five Taliban commanders traded by the Obama administration in exchange for deserter Bowe Bergdahl.

The coastal elite never seem to tire of wringing their hands about the fact that America is losing respect on the global stage -- but I'm not sure how they define "respect". It seems, by the only metrics that matter, the US is gaining it.
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Posts: 13654
10/13/18 3:39 pm

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Post Re: Pastor Andrew Brunson released from Turkey; now home in the US (L) UncleJD
Dave Dorsey wrote:
... I'm not sure how they define "respect". It seems, by the only metrics that matter, the US is gaining it.

You're right. The "respect" we are losing according to the media is not respect, its more like "happy you are licking our boots". This is the same thing we saw with Reagan. The liberal media cried that we weren't "leading" (which means something different to them), and all the while, nations were lining up to get on our good side for a change.

Anyhow, did you see the pictures of pastor Brunson laying hands on President Trump and praying for him? It really touched my heart. I believe its time to lay aside the past, be thankful for the things God's allowed him to achieve so far, and pray for the future of our great country, our leadership, our president, and the stability and peace of Jerusalem and the free world.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
10/13/18 9:26 pm

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Post Link
I was about to post about this before I saw the thread.

Trump may tweet or say some mocking things, and he has not had a perfect track record when it comes to his marriage and personal life in the past. But I noticed during one of the debates he said ISIS was chopping Christian's heads off in the middle east. I can't remember a politician saying something like that in the past, not a presidential candidate, defending Christians. Recently, he has gone to bat for a pastor persecuted by a Muslim country.
Acts-perienced Poster
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10/14/18 9:21 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Link wrote:
I was about to post about this before I saw the thread.

Trump may tweet or say some mocking things, and he has not had a perfect track record when it comes to his marriage and personal life in the past. But I noticed during one of the debates he said ISIS was chopping Christian's heads off in the middle east. I can't remember a politician saying something like that in the past, not a presidential candidate, defending Christians. Recently, he has gone to bat for a pastor persecuted by a Muslim country.

Agreed Link.

He isn't afraid to take up for Christians. He may only think of them as a voting bloc - but he still gives deference to them (us).

How long has it been since any President did that?
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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10/15/18 7:59 am

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Post UncleJD
Nature Boy Florida wrote:

He isn't afraid to take up for Christians. He may only think of them as a voting bloc - but he still gives deference to them (us).

How long has it been since any President did that?

The Bushes gave lip-service here and there, claiming to be "pro-life" while all the while their wives with the family pants firmly in place, were the reason NOTHING ever got done about it, other than funding it.

I honestly think we have the first-ever pro-life First Lady. I believe she loves children, born and unborn.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
10/15/18 9:05 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt
Very glad to see this pastor set free. Trump and all those who worked to see this happen deserve much appreciation for it. Praise God. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
10/15/18 9:07 am

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Post Cojak
Most Sailors from the 6th fleet know of leaving friends both USN & USMC in Instanbul jails. on minor or trumped up charges. They were held until the USA &/or families paid to get them out. Turkey's legal system is known for this.
It makes me smile to see someone brought out and it makes headlines.

Good for the pastor and the many people who prayed for his release. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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10/15/18 9:22 pm

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