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Tattoos - Sin or Stupid
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Post Tattoos - Sin or Stupid Nature Boy Florida
Which is it?
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
7/1/18 6:26 pm

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Post Cojak
Probably both in some cases. I think you would need forgiveness for a 'vulgar' tattoo, then have it modified.

If it is something you cannot afford or it deducts from the Christian obligations to support Kingdom work it just might be sinful.

But in my case it was just stupid I guess, I wasted $5 down town Jacksonville, NC. It could have been wasteful also since it was one fourth of my weeks salary. LOL

I think it is stupid if it cancels many job opportunities you might have like a glaring facial tattoo.

I appreciated one ladies appraisal of a beautiful young lady's 'sleeve'. She said that is like putting bumper stickers all over a Rolls Royce. In other words 'Stupid'.

JMO here. Since I am an old man I guess I consider full blown tattoos and piercings as stupid.
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
7/1/18 9:00 pm

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Post A face tattoo ... Mat
Some years ago our church was called on to provide food for a family with several small children. When we arrived the man (not sure he was a husband) who answered to door had the plant Saturn (and it rings) plus some stars tattooed on his face. He than complained about how no one would give him a job. Why indeed? Perhaps employers want people with good judgement or who present a positive "face" for their business. His choices were to work in the backroom of a business that would hire him, find a business (like a tattoo parlor) where his face tattoo is part of the experience, or start his own business.

That said, I remember him being grateful for the food from the church, whereas sometimes you help a family and they complain that churches are not doing enough for them. Of the two, I would hire Mr. Face Tattoo over Mr. Ungrateful. I think I would get a good days work out of the first and I'm not interested working with the second.


PS Pastor, have you ever gotten voice mails on the church phone where the people calling for help forget to hang up the phone and you hear them "cussing" your church for not having someone to answer the phone. Sometimes you hear them say, "what's the next one on the list?"
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
7/2/18 6:27 am

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Post UncleJD
Agree with Cojak. Some are sin, most are stupid. Best case is that they really send a message of "I love the world's culture". In fact, whenever some hip music minister gets a new one to show off to the audience, that's the first thing I think "Welcome to Relevant Church, we really love the world's culture!" Not sin, but a symptom of the American Church in my opinion. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
7/2/18 10:05 am

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Post Chicago27
No more of a sin than people who become obese on their own doing and have stretch marks. Probably just stupid. Friendly Face
Posts: 253
7/2/18 11:28 am

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Post Re: A face tattoo ... Quiet Wyatt
Mat wrote:

PS Pastor, have you ever gotten voice mails on the church phone where the people calling for help forget to hang up the phone and you hear them "cussing" your church for not having someone to answer the phone. Sometimes you hear them say, "what's the next one on the list?"

I’ve had people cuss me directly over the phone when I told them we couldn’t pay their utility bill. I would usually reply that we do good to pay our own utility bills, and if we paid everybody’s bill who called us, we could not survive financially.

One county I previously pastored in had a great interdenominational organization called "Love, INC. (In the Name of Christ)" which any church could voluntarily affiliate with and support if they wanted to. A participating church could then just refer anyone in need to Love INC, and the organization would provide groceries and in some cases help with utilities. It pretty much totally eliminated the common problem of folks just making the rounds from church to church. I really wish we had something like that here.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
7/2/18 11:49 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt
Tattoos are stupid. Wish I had the money it would take to get mine removed. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
7/2/18 11:50 am

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Post The yeah, but argument Mat
Chicago27 wrote:
No more of a sin than people who become obese on their own doing and have stretch marks. Probably just stupid.

There is no topic regarding lifestyle that the "yeah, but" argument can't cover. Yeah, I may have a death-head tattoo that looks demonic, but look at that fat Christian. Yeah, I may not give freely to the church, but look at that rich TV preacher. Yeah, I may beat my wife when I get drunk, but those church people are mean to me.

The result is no personal responsibility or accountability, because other people are so much worse than me.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
7/2/18 12:47 pm

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Post georgiapath
I see homeless people all the time with tattoos, I always think the money could have been better spent. Acts-dicted
Posts: 7604
7/2/18 8:11 pm

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Post Mat
georgiapath wrote:
I see homeless people all the time with tattoos, I always think the money could have been better spent.

I think tattoos can be a mark of poor money management. As can owning several large dogs when you're living in a small apartment/house/trailer. Also, expensive team gear (shirts, hats, shoes, etc) as well as always having to go to Disney, or ballgames, or concerts, even if it means missing work or not paying bills (or tithes). Smoking and drinking can also be an issue.

If really does trouble me to have people ask for help and yet they seem to have money to spend on their lifestyle. Recently did a funeral for a baby that passed - mom was living with a boyfriend, not the father and the baby had problems from birth, need constant care. She was known to go out partying and leave the baby with the boyfriend. He had plenty of tattoos, nice phone, party clothes, etc, but when it came to the funeral she felt the funeral home, church and everybody else should pay for the service due to her grief, which lasted about a week until the next party. I would use the phase "white trash" to describe her, but I guess I'm not allowed.

By the way, the bio father and his family set up a "go fund me" account, as did the mother, to help with expenses at the death of the baby. Turned out they need beer money (maybe drug money) to drink their sorrows away. No money for forth coming for expenses.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
7/3/18 9:58 am

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Post georgiapath
Yeah, all you have to do is watch how they spend their money and you know why they are in the shape they are in. Acts-dicted
Posts: 7604
7/3/18 12:24 pm

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Post Dow Moses
Friendly Face
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7/6/18 10:00 pm

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Post or both Mat
Dow Moses wrote:

Or both.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
7/7/18 10:15 am

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Post Re: or both Cojak
Mat wrote:
Dow Moses wrote:

Or both.

Smile Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
7/8/18 11:17 pm

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Post Isa 58:12
Well......G-d says in His Word, Torah that it is sin Lev 19:28.......
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
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7/9/18 9:38 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
I’m thinking about getting one on my calf. The Boston Marathon logo maybe 2 inches in diameter. Will God keep me alive after death for the sole purpose of torturing me for that? 😂 Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
7/23/18 1:29 pm

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Post My opinion...just my opinion roughridercog
They look plain trashy on male and female.
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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7/23/18 4:15 pm

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Post Re: My opinion...just my opinion Eddie Robbins
roughridercog wrote:
They look plain trashy on male and female.

Trashy is the new sexy. 😂😂
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
7/23/18 4:28 pm

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Post Re: My opinion...just my opinion roughridercog
Eddie Robbins wrote:
roughridercog wrote:
They look plain trashy on male and female.

Trashy is the new sexy. 😂😂

I thought 60'sand bald was the new sexy. My Geritol bottle must be lying to me.
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
7/23/18 5:34 pm

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Post Re: My opinion...just my opinion Eddie Robbins
roughridercog wrote:
Eddie Robbins wrote:
roughridercog wrote:
They look plain trashy on male and female.

Trashy is the new sexy. 😂😂

I thought 60'sand bald was the new sexy. My Geritol bottle must be lying to me.

No doubt!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
7/23/18 6:34 pm

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