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Pastor who prayed for Trump says it "Put me at a greater security risk." Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Pastor who prayed for Trump says it "Put me at a greater security risk." doyle
The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.
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6/12/19 8:38 am

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Post diakoneo
Wow! I believe we are close to some kind of tipping point. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3382
6/12/19 2:39 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Really good piece on the subject from David French:

You couldn't have asked for a less partisan prayer from Platt. People are upset that he prayed for Trump at all. I think it goes to show the common view of prayer, which is more about telling someone you think positively about them than it is petitioning the one true God.
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6/12/19 3:05 pm

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Post Dean Steenburgh
From the article:
"I was immediately called backstage and told that the president of the United States was on his way to the church, would be there in a matter of minutes, and would like for us to pray for him,” Platt wrote on the congregation's website. "I immediately thought about my longing to guard the integrity of the gospel in our church."

Platt made it clear in the same blog post that he did not endorse President Trump by praying for him, saying it stemmed from 1 Timothy 2:1-6. "My aim was in no way to endorse the president, his policies, or his party, but to obey God’s command to pray for our president and other leaders to govern in the way this passage portrays," he said.

What an honor to be called backstage because the POTUS has asked for prayer!
But then he feels the need to go into "damage control" mode on the church website
And then I guess to appease the financial base in the more liberal part of Virginia, "Platt made it clear in the same blog post that he did not endorse President Trump by praying for him ..."
While vs. 3-6 of 1st Timothy 2 give us the following: "3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time."

At the end of the day the POTUS requested prayer & the Rev. Platt had to cover his back side.
I wonder if the charge from 1st Tim. 2 where it says God "...wants all people to be saved" somehow got mixed up with Platt's directive to first be a witness for Christ & not worry about the fallout?

For 8 straight years & 52 Sundays a year our church prayed a loud public prayer for a man that 95% of my church did not agree with & not one time did we ever apologize on social media for our position ...for goodness sake he was our president.
We would have dropped all defenses to pray for him if he had stumbled into our church during his term.
If the POTUS stops by & ask's for prayer, we now have clergy who want to apologize & defend themselves for having to oblige the world leader sad!

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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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6/12/19 6:19 pm

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Post Cojak
In the report it was said that a California church did not pray for Trump by name becsues, "it may cause a mental break down!"

i can quote it, but I am speechless.

And If I was a pastor, I would feel privileged/blessed to be asked to pray for any leader, because they all NEED it.!!!
this is strange...... At best!

Strange how a church pastor must bend over backwards to EXPLAIN himself. But I am looking into a position I will never be in. I do nto envy the man!,.... BUT it is all too strange to the neophyte who has no idea the weight of a mega pastor. Shocked Shocked Shocked
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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6/12/19 10:23 pm

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Post diakoneo
Dean Steenburgh wrote:
From the article:
"I was immediately called backstage and told that the president of the United States was on his way to the church, would be there in a matter of minutes, and would like for us to pray for him,” Platt wrote on the congregation's website. "I immediately thought about my longing to guard the integrity of the gospel in our church."

Platt made it clear in the same blog post that he did not endorse President Trump by praying for him, saying it stemmed from 1 Timothy 2:1-6. "My aim was in no way to endorse the president, his policies, or his party, but to obey God’s command to pray for our president and other leaders to govern in the way this passage portrays," he said.

What an honor to be called backstage because the POTUS has asked for prayer!
But then he feels the need to go into "damage control" mode on the church website
And then I guess to appease the financial base in the more liberal part of Virginia, "Platt made it clear in the same blog post that he did not endorse President Trump by praying for him ..."
While vs. 3-6 of 1st Timothy 2 give us the following: "3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time."

At the end of the day the POTUS requested prayer & the Rev. Platt had to cover his back side.
I wonder if the charge from 1st Tim. 2 where it says God "...wants all people to be saved" somehow got mixed up with Platt's directive to first be a witness for Christ & not worry about the fallout?

For 8 straight years & 52 Sundays a year our church prayed a loud public prayer for a man that 95% of my church did not agree with & not one time did we ever apologize on social media for our position ...for goodness sake he was our president.
We would have dropped all defenses to pray for him if he had stumbled into our church during his term.
If the POTUS stops by & ask's for prayer, we now have clergy who want to apologize & defend themselves for having to oblige the world leader sad!


So, you think for Platt, it is all about the money?
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3382
6/13/19 10:18 am

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Post UncleJD
are we seeing a fulfillment of 2 Thes: 2:11-12?

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Certainly sounds like a definition of TDS to me.

(probably not, but its really starting to look like the level of crazy in this country surrounding anything they don't agree with is up to about 11). Its really almost supernatural in the way that it really makes no sense to a rational mind.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
6/13/19 10:28 am

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Post Dean Steenburgh
diakoneo wrote:
Dean Steenburgh wrote:
From the article:
"I was immediately called backstage and told that the president of the United States was on his way to the church, would be there in a matter of minutes, and would like for us to pray for him,” Platt wrote on the congregation's website. "I immediately thought about my longing to guard the integrity of the gospel in our church."

Platt made it clear in the same blog post that he did not endorse President Trump by praying for him, saying it stemmed from 1 Timothy 2:1-6. "My aim was in no way to endorse the president, his policies, or his party, but to obey God’s command to pray for our president and other leaders to govern in the way this passage portrays," he said.

What an honor to be called backstage because the POTUS has asked for prayer!
But then he feels the need to go into "damage control" mode on the church website
And then I guess to appease the financial base in the more liberal part of Virginia, "Platt made it clear in the same blog post that he did not endorse President Trump by praying for him ..."
While vs. 3-6 of 1st Timothy 2 give us the following: "3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time."

At the end of the day the POTUS requested prayer & the Rev. Platt had to cover his back side.
I wonder if the charge from 1st Tim. 2 where it says God "...wants all people to be saved" somehow got mixed up with Platt's directive to first be a witness for Christ & not worry about the fallout?

For 8 straight years & 52 Sundays a year our church prayed a loud public prayer for a man that 95% of my church did not agree with & not one time did we ever apologize on social media for our position ...for goodness sake he was our president.
We would have dropped all defenses to pray for him if he had stumbled into our church during his term.
If the POTUS stops by & ask's for prayer, we now have clergy who want to apologize & defend themselves for having to oblige the world leader sad!


So, you think for Platt, it is all about the money?

I think Platt said it best himself.
He made sure to explain his every move & let the onlookers know it wasn't his idea to do this.
Also made sure people knew he didn't endorse Mr. Trump.
Never mind the title of the story is Platt worrying about Platt
Platt lives & ministers in a very affluent, liberal area ...wonder what his motivation could have been to explain this situation???
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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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6/14/19 7:56 pm

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Post Why do you have to explain to your people to practice caseyleejones
the Word? I prayed for Obama, not because I like him but because the Word said so. Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
6/15/19 10:14 am

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Post Re: Why do you have to explain to your people to practice Dave Dorsey
caseyleejones wrote:
the Word?

Isn't that, like, job number one of a pastor?
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6/15/19 11:17 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Platt did a great job explaining the difficulty of suddenly finding out he would be praying for an ungodly man who uses Christ's church as a cover and a prop, while working to instruct his congregation that Christians are not only to pray for such leaders, but especially so.

It's something else to see his motives questioned and derided as they have been in this thread. He prayed for Trump and defended the Christian necessity of doing so -- and people want to say him instructing his church in gentleness about it is just all about him wanting their money. I don't think that's very fair.
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6/15/19 11:35 am

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Post diakoneo
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Platt did a great job explaining the difficulty of suddenly finding out he would be praying for an ungodly man who uses Christ's church as a cover and a prop, while working to instruct his congregation that Christians are not only to pray for such leaders, but especially so.

It's something else to see his motives questioned and derided as they have been in this thread. He prayed for Trump and defended the Christian necessity of doing so -- and people want to say him instructing his church in gentleness about it is just all about him wanting their money. I don't think that's very fair.

David Platt is a good and Godly man. Those Christians who throw stones at him should check out his history and find out a little about him. When you pastor a church, you pastor all the people and YES job 1 is teacher of ALL of God's word.

David Platt is a non-cessationist, by the way. He is deep and his sermons are deeper. He is as ant-Church growth movement as you can get. If finances were concerned in his decision to explain(don't we explain why we speak in tongues to those who are ignorant) then it wasn't to build HIS empire but to fund missions. But I don't think money had anything to do with his explaining.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3382
6/15/19 1:06 pm

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Post Re: Why do you have to explain to your people to practice Dean Steenburgh
Dave Dorsey wrote:
caseyleejones wrote:
the Word?

Isn't that, like, job number one of a pastor?

Job #1 as you put it for pastors is to care for all people ...especially those who are in authority.
Platt said, "Put me at a greater security risk."
Give me a break on all of this Platt protectionism & what a great guy he is.
Platt saw that the prez was coming for prayer & he immediately went into self preservation mode ...his mission sounds like he was covering the bases.

At the end of the day the POTUS asked for a Christian pastor to pray for him & all of the never trumpers hate this & are trying to seek out the real motive for wanting prayer.
Should have just called up Pastor Steve & asked the National Church of God congregation to pray for him. Maybe the liberal baptist in northern Virginia are too busy to be interrupted by our president.

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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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6/15/19 3:45 pm

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Post Re: Why do you have to explain to your people to practice diakoneo
Dean Steenburgh wrote:
Dave Dorsey wrote:
caseyleejones wrote:
the Word?

Isn't that, like, job number one of a pastor?

Job #1 as you put it for pastors is to care for all people ...especially those who are in authority.
Platt said, "Put me at a greater security risk."
Give me a break on all of this Platt protectionism & what a great guy he is.
Platt saw that the prez was coming for prayer & he immediately went into self preservation mode ...his mission sounds like he was covering the bases.

At the end of the day the POTUS asked for a Christian pastor to pray for him & all of the never trumpers hate this & are trying to seek out the real motive for wanting prayer.
Should have just called up Pastor Steve & asked the National Church of God congregation to pray for him. Maybe the liberal baptist in northern Virginia are too busy to be interrupted by our president.


When he said he was at a greater security risk, I believe him. Like it or not, Trump is a lightning rod. Yes, it is unfortunate that there are never Trumpers in Christian congregations who don't know the word. Both of my kids are never Trumpers but they do know the word and the importance of praying for the president but there are people in the pews who are biblically illiterate. Some are even WoFers. Wink
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3382
6/15/19 5:51 pm

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Post Dean Steenburgh
I hear ya diakoneo,
We all have blood bought family members who don't see eye to eye.
For the record I didn't vote for Mr. Trump with a Trump flag waving over my head ...I kinda went in holding my nose lol.
But I'm glad I voted for him because I've seen a lot of good things he's done & I especially like the list of 289 accomplishments you cited that one time here on Acts.
Mr. Trump is who he is & all the fussing & quarreling won't change him - when his tenure is finished he'll still be a lightening rod in the biz world.
As far as his popularity goes, we have a lot of military people in our church & they all love him. It seems to some degree the ones who don't like him have taken it to a personal level.

My cousin Rick owns a trucking company in S/E Oklahoma & he says his business is booming like never before & he attributes most of it to certain conditions in the logging industry where Mr. Trump made changes that helped.

As to the original post I would be elated to pray for the POTUS & I would have felt that way for Obama, Bush & maybe even Clinton (but I would have griited my teeth over Clinton) Laughing Laughing
"Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!"

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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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6/15/19 8:22 pm

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