The other night that I was in a room with Jesus. He looked like all the pictures that I have seen of Him in the Bible, long brown hair, brown beard, white garment.
I was standing beside Him in the middle of the room and I walked over to one side of the room, as I approached the wall, the floor collapsed and that side of the room fell into a bottomless pit. As I was falling in to the pit, the Lord reached out, grabbed my hand and pulled me up to Him and said, "I told you that I would never leave you!" and I woke up.
I didn't have pizza or taco's for supper that night, so I didn't dream this because of what I ate.
I have never dreamed anything like this before and really not sure why I dreamt it.
Has anyone else had a dream similar to this, where you were with Jesus? |
Acts Enthusiast Posts: 1050 7/13/18 6:48 am