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How many of you think Trump is the Bee's Knees? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post How many of you think Trump is the Bee's Knees? Link
I keep reading about how evangelicals support Trump.

How many of you think he's great, and he's your top pick for president?

How many of you held your nose and voted for him because you couldn't vote for Hillary Clinton and did not want her to win?

How many of you might hold your nose again to keep a pro-baby-murder candidate out of the white house?
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
12/18/19 10:38 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
I was compelled by conscience to vote third party. I am a constitutional conservative who voted for the Constitution Party. I could not bring myself to trust, vote for or support our present Self-Worshipper-in-Chief.

He is neither conservative, nor is he, I would wager, even a one-time reader of the US Constitution. In my view, Trump is the worst thing that has ever happened to the Republicrat Party, from whose lawless influence, they are likely never to recover. I do like his judicial picks. The economy seems strong, but why is the Fed pumping so many billions into the system? I’m no economist, but that doesn’t seem like an indicator of robust economic health.

I do however think impeachment is unwise in this case, but then again Democrats are not known for their wisdom. I think it would have been better to let the people decide in 2020 instead of this impeachment charade.

I hope Trump resigns and hands things over to Pence, who would be a definite improvement in many ways over “The Donald.”
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
12/18/19 11:09 pm

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Quiet Wyatt wrote:

I do however think impeachment is unwise in this case, but then again Democrats are not known for their wisdom. I think it would have been better to let the people decide in 2020 instead of this impeachment charade.

I hope Trump resigns and hands things over to Pence, who would be a definite improvement in many ways over “The Donald.”

I do not know how impeachment will play out. I followed parts of the testimony and I have not read everything the house gave the senate. But the parts I saw seemed to build the case that he had pressured the Ukrainian leader to publicly announce an investigation of Biden with either US cash or a white house visit seemed to be based on hearsay. I don't see how asking the Ukraine to investigate Biden over this is an impeachable offense. Using a White House meeting as an enticement for a public announcement seems wrong to me. Holding up the money unless the announcement is made publicly seems like something more over the line. I may be missing some info. That part seemed to be the understanding of some in the State department, but you'd think they'd have to prove that clearly to have a case.

The Dems have been trying to impeach him since before they had anything real on him. This issue entrenches Democrats and Republicans. I am not sure how independents will react.

Pence seems like a good, decent person. I don't know if he has the debating skill to win a general election. Trump would have to be out of there fast if he wanted to build support. Or the Democrats could just choose someone really awful that swing voters, the independents, will not support who would vote for a kind, decent man and the economy under Trump.

I sure hope the Republican party recovers. It needs a real leader. Reagan was good at giving an ideological vision.

It is all up to the Lord. I know people prophesied that God had a purpose in Trump being president. May the Lord's will be done. God also had a plan for Nebuchadnezzar, but he probably was not the easiest person to get along with. I'm glad Trump does not have the powers that man had over his subjects.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
12/19/19 12:29 am

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Post Cojak
Quiet Wyatt wrote:

I do however think impeachment is unwise in this case, but then again Democrats are not known for their wisdom. I think it would have been better to let the people decide in 2020 instead of this impeachment charade.

I hope Trump resigns and hands things over to Pence, who would be a definite improvement in many ways over “The Donald.”

I agree on these points. But in my mind Trump is one stubborn dude and it would take blow of nuclear proportions to cause him to resign.
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
12/19/19 11:11 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
I agree completely with QW's take. I also voted for the Constitution Party in 2016. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
12/19/19 11:28 am

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Post sheepdogandy
Trump has blessed and supported Israel.

Is the promise of God still valid?

By the way, I voted for Pence.

Trump was just along for the ride. Laughing
Charles A. Hutchins
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12/20/19 7:28 pm

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Post Dean Steenburgh
Bee's don't have knees so that would not be my expression but I do see the humor lol.

Yes he had my vote & he will most likely have my vote again barring he doesn't go all nuke & press the red buttons to start WW3.
In my opinion, feel free to disagree and/or debate me, we had 2 choices & it would take everyone on both sides to make a real difference.
I'm glad we have the electoral college so that the witch didn't enter the oval office.
My nose was held going in because I believed most of the mud they were throwing up against Mr. Trump.
3 years in & now that I can identify all the mud throwers, I now doubt many of those lies about him prior to the election.
The impeachment was a sham & still is.
Nancy P. has a responsibility to release the articles along with the vote count to the senate where it will be soundly defeated.

Part of my issue is against those who ran for cover, threw on the blindfold, ducked their head in the sand & used their vote for a non-winnable option.
In my opinion you're better off voting for the opposite party so that at least your ballot stood for something in a community for the majority or the minority ...but not in the community of ONE.
Throwing the vote to a non-winnable party or candidate is on the scales of irresponsible behavior.

My family stood for something back when my Great, Great, Great Grandfather Hiram released his sons & some of his nephews (11) all together to fight against slavery & to help people eventually win the right to vote.
I don't plan to change your mind (nor would you anyway) but you have enjoyed the most robust economy in over 5 decades, employment at it's lowest levels in every sector going back to the 1950's if I have it right, Israel has a new capitol, soldiers have bullets again, farmers have grain, rice, wheat, corn, pork belly & sugar contracts again and my 401K has went through the proverbial roof finally.
Now for those who hate him & despise him so much that you will defy those of us who will vote for him again, do the right thing & lay off enjoying all the benefits, turn in your 401k until Pres. Perfect gets elected, remove your black cape & put aside your gavel and maybe run for office so folks can get a glimpse under the microscope of your past.

I live in the capitol of the land of fruits & nuts where hundreds of thousands now sleep on the streets of our cities here in Calif.
Reminds me of many of the 3rd world countries I have traveled through during short term missions work accept these folks have a lot of choices but refuse to live under rules & laws, instead they enjoy the freebies.
If most of you lived here & had to put up with all these years of liberal, socialistic mandates where your kids are taught at age 5 how to perform oral sex then I think you would either be moving out quick or you would feel grateful for someone who is against abortion, a friend of Israel & for once has offset the liberal 9th circuit court of appeals that is based out of the "capitol of human waste in the streets", formerly known as San Francisco.

Next November I plan on putting on my red MAGA hat & walking in to the polling place & casting my vote for Team Trump/Pence & I hope & pray we enjoy 4 more good years which will put me just about at the point of retirement.

Yeah you can safely say this evangelical supports Mr. Trump, my President.

"Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!"

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What are you focused on?
Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4682
12/20/19 8:34 pm

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Post TRUMP 2020 Belieber
I voted for him the first time and I will vote for him the 2nd time. He has my support all the way. He's one of the best we've seen in a long time. Hey, DOC
Posts: 50
12/20/19 8:45 pm

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I'm 100% Trump and also Pence. I just don't think Pence would have the audacity to stand toe to toe with the liberals and defy their every move. And their moves is to tear down everything America has stood for.
It takes someone with Trumps gall and guts to take what has been handed to him. His bravado is a weapon against a reprobate bunch that does not understand common sense and has to be shown the back of the hand. I personally don't think anyone else could withstand the pressure that is being put on him. BTW, my first choice was Ben Carson (don't laugh) but he is just way to nice and they would have chewed him up and spewed him out. It's not that easy with ole crank head.
I honor his stand for Israel and the Church. Whether he is right or wrong inside is yet to be seen. He doesn't have to stand up for the Church but he is doing it anyway and I do honor that. He is not squeaky clean by no means, but to beat the man you have to be the man. And so far he has handled his side fairly good. But I'm just a low tech red neck. lol.
Posts: 714
12/20/19 9:24 pm

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Post Cojak
It is not a great defense to any subject to say, 'Pick the lesser of two evils.' I have no idea how evil anyone is so I must try to use my common sense, that is MY common sense. Bill Clinton did some things I liked, Obama did at least one thing I liked, Trump has actually done several things I like. But before the last election I chose Trump who was the most likely to beat Hillary whom I did not want back in the White House. So I voted for Trump.

Unless someone comes out of the woodwork on the Other side with some common sense themselves, that really yanks my chain and has a chance of winning, I will put my vote with Trump.

Nope, I don't think he is the bee's knees but he has more support than the other side thought, and they haven't convinced many he should be removed.

It is funny to see politicians who monthly put some lobbyist's money and requests above their country and common sense jumping on someone who doesn't run their job to suit them.

To pick a % out of the air, I would bet you could only find 30% of the politicians in DC clean, if they were under the same microscope as Trump.

It is not a judgement just a statement I have of politicians.

It is just a testimony from me of my confidence in men who are trying another man.

Embarassed Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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12/20/19 10:31 pm

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