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Verbal Amens to scripture or Preaching. Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Verbal Amens to scripture or Preaching. Cojak
In the last 75 years of remembering, the Amens during a church service has dropped tremendously. I gave a loud Amen in church this morning and my wife looked at me a little strange. I realized it has been many a moon since I felt that enthused about a statement. I know that I am constantly thinking an AMEN and nod my head positively.

Many ministers will ask, "Can I get an amen to that?" after a statement.

I tried to preach my first revival at Tellico Plains for Fred Brannen. He said amen real loud and I forgot my place in my great outline.

I have noticed there are not as many verbal Amens as in past years, but I see many heads nodding in agreement with the pastor.

I remember a well know minister saying from the pulpit he did not need amens, he had preached so many years on the radio without them.

I heard of but I never saw one, so when did the Amen corner die?

Do you as a pastor appreciate the Amen or is it necessary?
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
8/26/18 4:14 pm

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Post FLRon
I'm not a pastor,but I still do a fair amount of preaching and the occasional Amen is nice to hear. I don't ask for it like some do,but if someone wants to let a Spirit led Amen rip I'll take it!
So many Pentecostal churches have gotten so quiet through the years I can understand why when you do hear some saying Amen or Glory,it almost seems out of place.
Of course,if there's nothing to shout about one might as well keep quiet.
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
Posts: 787
8/26/18 4:52 pm

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Post Cojak
FLRon wrote:
Of course,if there's nothing to shout about one might as well keep quiet.

I am smiling at that comment, you said a lot! But sitting in the pew I still enjoy a few amens when the pastor is obviously INSPIRED, but in truth they usually come from us old folk! LOL Very Happy
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
8/27/18 11:43 pm

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Post I find it gratifying... roughridercog
When I see people taking notes. I don't really need the amens, but they don't throw me when they are present.
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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8/28/18 6:36 am

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Post Re: I find it gratifying... Cojak
roughridercog wrote:
When I see people taking notes. I don't really need the amens, but they don't throw me when they are present.

YOU HAD to say that! My wife has a file of sermons preached. I could take her notes and relive the sermon. I do hear her mumble an amen at times and raise her hands, but SHE DOES take notes. Her file goes back years.

I heard a song two weeks ago and told my wife, I have never heard that before. She said, "Yes you have, then from her file she reads, 'Charlie and Doris sang it at Praise Cathedral and Bro Carter preached THAT sermon 'You can't be right with God and Wrong with man' that day." That was the day I had to go home and write two letters of apology and ask forgiveness.

My friend that was at least ten years ago. Yep 'them note takers is important'. Embarassed Embarassed Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
8/28/18 9:55 am

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Post Answering Your Question Logos
You asked a tremendous question: When did the Amens die in church? It's my opinion that "Amening" the sermon began regressing once clapping became so popular. Think about it: It is much easier for a person (even sinners) to clap than to verbalize an "Amen." There are others reasons too, and I'd be interested in knowing why you feel a verbal affirmation of sermons has quieted during worship services. Friendly Face
Posts: 167
8/30/18 12:38 pm

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Post sheepdogandy
My people clap and amen.

With enthusiasm and volume.

Always been that way. Shocked
Charles A. Hutchins
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Congregational Church of God
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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8/30/18 1:10 pm

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Post Re: Verbal Amens to scripture or Preaching. Link
I remember watching Mario Murrillo preaching on TBN back in the 1990's. His audience wasn't giving him 'Amens' like he wanted, so he walked about 10 feet from the pulpit, faced the front, and said, "Amen."
Acts-perienced Poster
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8/30/18 5:03 pm

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Post Insight from the Merriam Webster Dictionary Preacher777
Amen: used to express solemn ratification (as of an expression of faith) or hearty approval (as of an assertion).

Perhaps in our Western church culture so much emphasis is on receiving something from an anointed preacher or watching a dynamic praise and worship team rather than comiing to a church service prayed up and in the Spirit there is not as much of a "hearty approval" coming from listeners who are running on spiritual empty. If we are walking in the Spirit throughout the week we overflow with reflex actions (responses to stimuli bypassing conscious thinking) as our human spirit overflows in agreement to Holy Spirit truths.

I am not into politics but when hearig either side debate with one another excitement comes across people who passionately agree and have a hearty approval of what is being said by one promoting his or her cause.

I am not saying this is dogmatically the only reason but feel there is some valid truth here.

Last edited by Preacher777 on 8/31/18 10:27 am; edited 1 time in total
Friendly Face
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8/31/18 7:18 am

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Post Carolyn Smith
Amens are not unusual in the churches around here I've attended.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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8/31/18 8:37 am

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