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Church membership pros or cons of any Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Church membership pros or cons of any JLarry
The church we attend does not have a membership roll. I have considered suggesting to the pastor that we start one.

Would like to hear your thoughts about membership rolls. The pros or cons (if any).
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12/29/18 12:13 pm

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Post Re: Church membership pros or cons of any UncleJD
JLarry wrote:
The church we attend does not have a membership roll. I have considered suggesting to the pastor that we start one.

Would like to hear your thoughts about membership rolls. The pros or cons (if any).

The "con" is the con of keeping you on their roll long after you've left, its a total con.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
12/29/18 12:26 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
A lot of it comes down to the power to vote, and who exactly is allowed to vote on decisions of the local body. I suppose one could hold a vote that included everybody who showed up to vote, but would that be fair to those who were actually committed to and supportive of the local church? My guess is, a church with no membership roll or membership requirements is probably just being run by the pastor and his family as he sees fit. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
12/29/18 12:43 pm

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Post FLRon
I am pro membership as long as membership actually means something. If I can be a member of your church and show up once every couple of months,no thanks. If I can be a member and not be held accountable in my financial support,no thanks. If I can be a member and subscribe to an assortment of doctrines,no thanks.

Way back in the day when I was a clerk,the S.O. called me to tell me to have 2 membership rolls available before he took the vote for our new pastor. Unbeknownst to the members who were present,only tithe paying members votes actually counted. That was when I started wondering if membership matters.
Anyway,it does to me.
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
Posts: 787
12/29/18 4:28 pm

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Post Cojak
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
A lot of it comes down to the power to vote, and who exactly is allowed to vote on decisions of the local body. ...

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Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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12/29/18 7:05 pm

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Post sheepdogandy
Our members carry the title of "Stewards".

Kind of sums it up in one word.
Charles A. Hutchins
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12/31/18 1:07 pm

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Post Quite wrote JLarry
A lot of it comes down to the power to vote, and who exactly is allowed to vote on decisions of the local body. I suppose one could hold a vote that included everybody who showed up to vote, but would that be fair to those who were actually committed to and supportive of the local church? My guess is, a church with no membership roll or membership requirements is probably just being run by the pastor and his family as he sees fit.

Very good point.
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1/1/19 11:35 am

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Post Membership only means something Dunamis007
In a Presbyterian style of govt. The avg. COG govt has no incentive for membership. Your vote is non essential to how decisions made so why join?

Other govt. styles like the way the AOG does it or the Presbyterian church does it, have incentives to become a member. Choosing a pastor, going into debt, building a new church etc are prerogatives of members in those types of church govt. and are very good reasons to become one. Of course belonging to a church family has benefits beyond decision making and are worthy reasons to belong but without any attached decision making it seems less important, whether or not that is true.
Posts: 29
1/1/19 2:05 pm

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Post Re: Membership only means something Cojak
Dunamis007 wrote:
In a Presbyterian style of govt. The avg. COG govt has no incentive for membership. Your vote is non essential to how decisions made so why join?

Other govt. styles like the way the AOG does it or the Presbyterian church does it, have incentives to become a member. Choosing a pastor, going into debt, building a new church etc are prerogatives of members in those types of church govt. and are very good reasons to become one. Of course belonging to a church family has benefits beyond decision making and are worthy reasons to belong but without any attached decision making it seems less important, whether or not that is true.

Dun007 I liked that comment. The latter part is very important to the young marrieds and the seniors. One of my fondest memories was as a member of the Biloxi, MS COG. My wife and I still look at that time like FAMILY TIME.

Over the years COG people somehow thought they owned their church and felt their votes actually counted and neither was an actual fact. Now the younger members know more, and it does concern them. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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1/1/19 9:43 pm

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