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Trump wants to limit immigrants from S***hole countries
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Post Trump wants to limit immigrants from S***hole countries Nature Boy Florida
Wasn't there a better way to say "There is a limit to the number of immigrants from third world nations that we can assimilate each year".

Which would be true.

We might disagree on the number - but I think we all agree we can't let 300,000,000 immigrants in each year.

So what is the number that should be allowed? That is the discussion that should have been taking place in the White House.

Calling other countries S***HOLES (whether true or not - btw most of Hollywood thinks the U.S. is a S***Hole) - well, he had to know the reaction it would get.

SO either he doesn't care.
That is how he does every policy - get everyone stirred up - and sneak in what you what while everyone focuses on something else - or perhaps he wanted the whole immigration deal to blow up and go away.

No one could be that dumb to think he was helping finish an immigrant deal with that rhetoric - and I don't think that Trump is dumb at all.
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1/12/18 8:28 am

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Post strategic wayne
This man has surrounded himself with elite military minds who are all about strategy. Look at the countries financial numbers, does this happen if the man is dumb?

Sleight of hand. Shocked
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1/12/18 8:33 am

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Post Eddie Robbins
The most obvious thing is his wanting people from white countries and not those from black countries. He already has a problem with people thinking he may be racist and he’s not smart enough to not reveal it through his rhetoric. Genius or not, he’s not a very smart man. And, people will continue to make excuses for him. When you do that, your black brothers and sisters just think that you must be racist as well. Yet, it will continue. I pray for the President. I pray he resign and let Pence take over. Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
1/12/18 8:40 am

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Post UncleJD
He claims he didn't say it. If he did, it wasn't smart. You can say the countries are bad, because they are (obviously people leaving them think it), but you can't say you don't want the people because of it, that is wrong.

I wish we'd all realize that when we take the young people with enough drive and intelligence to seek a better life for their families, out of their country, we make that country even worse and leave them with less hope for change.

BTW - Nice to see you around Eddie.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
1/12/18 9:22 am

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
Whether we like it or not, most all recent presidents used profanity. Some openly. Some when they thought the mic was off.

Could it be that Trump was callin these countries SHIPHOLE countries so they would avoid sending their ships through the Bermuda Triangle? After all, that triangle is a SHIPHOLE, havin sucked untold numbers a ships into the ocean. Planes too.
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1/12/18 9:48 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Eddie Robbins wrote:
The most obvious thing is his wanting people from white countries and not those from black countries. He already has a problem with people thinking he may be racist and he’s not smart enough to not reveal it through his rhetoric. Genius or not, he’s not a very smart man. And, people will continue to make excuses for him. When you do that, your black brothers and sisters just think that you must be racist as well. Yet, it will continue. I pray for the President. I pray he resign and let Pence take over.

I know the countries he singled out have darker skin.
But I really don't believe the guy is a racist. To Democrats every Republican is racist - I get it.
But, he has said over and over that he wants to emphasize immigrants that have skills that the United States can use to make itself better.
If those countries folks had the skills he wants - he would let them in too. Indians have dark skin - and he wants lots of them.

Like I said in my original post - I am all in favor of immigrants from our neighbors - we just need to set a target for how many unskilled immigrants we can reasonably assimilate each year and open it up to them. That's the discussion we should be having.
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1/12/18 9:50 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
I agree with NBF. I'm sure he shares the same opinion about poor Caucasian countries. What qualifies you as a blankhole citizen is not race, but being impoverished.

Does that make it better? Not in my opinion.
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1/12/18 9:57 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt
He’s just a wonderful human being. And quite obviously, a real genius. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
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1/12/18 10:25 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Dave Dorsey wrote:
I agree with NBF. I'm sure he shares the same opinion about poor Caucasian countries. What qualifies you as a blankhole citizen is not race, but being impoverished.

Does that make it better? Not in my opinion.

Looks like we disagree.

By definition - if you want to immigrate - you think the country you are living in is not any good.

Those countries that are in bad condition are like that for a reason - so the folks coming from there need a readjustment in their thinking to be successful - or they just want govt handouts from the U.S. - which is a whole lot more than they currently have.

I just want to know - how many of those can we take in every year successfully? There must be a number. That is the kind of debate that I had hoped we were having in Washington. Trump says he blew up because we didn't fix any of the current problems we have in the bill presented to him. We can't keep taking in the numbers of folks we are taking in that do not offer a tangible skill that they can use in the U.S. There are only so many borrowed dollars that we can spend on it.

Yes we should take in some on a humanitarian basis only. But there is a maximum number. What is that number?

Now Trump calling a person's country as S*** HOLE was bound to tick off the leaders of those countries. I would expect them to cry foul - after all if the leader won't stand up for you - who will? The question is - are those countries actually S***HOLES that folks should want to get away from - or are they great countries that these immigrants should want to stay in?
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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1/12/18 10:50 am

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Post Eddie Robbins
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
Eddie Robbins wrote:
The most obvious thing is his wanting people from white countries and not those from black countries. He already has a problem with people thinking he may be racist and he’s not smart enough to not reveal it through his rhetoric. Genius or not, he’s not a very smart man. And, people will continue to make excuses for him. When you do that, your black brothers and sisters just think that you must be racist as well. Yet, it will continue. I pray for the President. I pray he resign and let Pence take over.

I know the countries he singled out have darker skin.
But I really don't believe the guy is a racist. To Democrats every Republican is racist - I get it.
But, he has said over and over that he wants to emphasize immigrants that have skills that the United States can use to make itself better.
If those countries folks had the skills he wants - he would let them in too. Indians have dark skin - and he wants lots of them.

Like I said in my original post - I am all in favor of immigrants from our neighbors - we just need to set a target for how many unskilled immigrants we can reasonably assimilate each year and open it up to them. That's the discussion we should be having.

Don’t miss the point. I’m saying that he already has that perception, so, why say something like that? Does he not realize it doesn’t help his cause? Does this bring us all together or divide us? It divides.
Acts-pert Poster
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1/12/18 10:57 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Eddie Robbins wrote:
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
Eddie Robbins wrote:
The most obvious thing is his wanting people from white countries and not those from black countries. He already has a problem with people thinking he may be racist and he’s not smart enough to not reveal it through his rhetoric. Genius or not, he’s not a very smart man. And, people will continue to make excuses for him. When you do that, your black brothers and sisters just think that you must be racist as well. Yet, it will continue. I pray for the President. I pray he resign and let Pence take over.

I know the countries he singled out have darker skin.
But I really don't believe the guy is a racist. To Democrats every Republican is racist - I get it.
But, he has said over and over that he wants to emphasize immigrants that have skills that the United States can use to make itself better.
If those countries folks had the skills he wants - he would let them in too. Indians have dark skin - and he wants lots of them.

Like I said in my original post - I am all in favor of immigrants from our neighbors - we just need to set a target for how many unskilled immigrants we can reasonably assimilate each year and open it up to them. That's the discussion we should be having.

Don’t miss the point. I’m saying that he already has that perception, so, why say something like that? Does he not realize it doesn’t help his cause? Does this bring us all together or divide us? It divides.

I agree with everything you just said. Those words were totally not helpful. There were a lot better ways to say it - and since I don't believe he is an idiot - he said it like that for a reason - perhaps he did it to derail the whole thing. I don't know. I thought we were close to letting all sides feel they accomplished something - a win-win. Guess I was wrong.
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1/12/18 11:33 am

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Post UncleJD
Again, if he said it just that way, then yes it wasn't appropriate at all.

However, everyone needs to take a breath, he has denied it. He probably said something that a bunch of dems who are hungry for something to say, took in the worst way they possibly could and spin it in the best way politically that they could think of. We shouldn't be so quick to believe the WaPo and liberal politicians so easily. You'd think we'd have learned that by now.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
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1/12/18 11:40 am

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Post Eddie Robbins
UncleJD wrote:
Again, if he said it just that way, then yes it wasn't appropriate at all.

However, everyone needs to take a breath, he has denied it. He probably said something that a bunch of dems who are hungry for something to say, took in the worst way they possibly could and spin it in the best way politically that they could think of. We shouldn't be so quick to believe the WaPo and liberal politicians so easily. You'd think we'd have learned that by now.

Republicans that were there said that he said it and I believe he did. What he is denying is how he said it and what he meant by it. It’s his nature. No surprise here.
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1/12/18 11:52 am

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Post UncleJD
Eddie Robbins wrote:

Republicans that were there said that he said it

can you provide the link for that, there is so much out there right now that I may have missed that.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
1/12/18 12:13 pm

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Post Cojak
Eddie Robbins wrote:
UncleJD wrote:
Again, if he said it just that way, then yes it wasn't appropriate at all.

However, everyone needs to take a breath, he has denied it. He probably said something that a bunch of dems who are hungry for something to say, took in the worst way they possibly could and spin it in the best way politically that they could think of. We shouldn't be so quick to believe the WaPo and liberal politicians so easily. You'd think we'd have learned that by now.

Republicans that were there said that he said it and I believe he did. What he is denying is how he said it and what he meant by it. It’s his nature. No surprise here.

Well if the Republicans said he said it it must be true, because they wouold never say anything derogatory about Trump. He is such an easy target with his mouth, but hey how is the Real Estate business? The economy?
Yeah I just read the he is lucky that Obama set it up for him. (sarcasm intended)

His mouth? YES he has a trash mouth. Prejudiced? With the right spin, Most of our lives could be proven prejudiced. I have even been called prejudiced, and as far as I know I am not. Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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1/12/18 12:17 pm

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Post I believe he said it brotherjames
BUT, as the President of the United States, his words have impact. He uses the vernacular of the blue collar man and while that enables him to connect with his base it is insensitive to those whom he offends. To be all aghast that he said it is mock offense. Some of these criticizing him have probably said worse in private conversation. He made the mistake of speaking off handedly in a semi private conversation with some Democratic and Republican Senators in a small meeting. Guess who threw him under the bus? Probably never Trumper Jeff Flake.

It does beg the question that is getting lost in the "racist" comments, why ARE we bringing in so many Haitians and Africans and other 3rd world citizens who are not suffering war? Compassion? yes but if you have been to some of these countries as I have, you'd want to leave too. How many can we assimilate? What is the proper number of people we should bring in each year? Should we bring any in? This the discussion we should be having.

Is his language coarse and vulgar at times? THat's how he speaks. It's unfortunate but true. Should we expect better from a President? Yes but we aren't going to get it so it's probably best to move on and have the policy discussion that drove the comment.
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1/12/18 12:24 pm

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Post Then there's this brotherjames

Here's a pull quote:
Sure, ideally it would be nice if the president wasn’t quoted as describing other countries as s***holes. But these are s***holes. They’re places where the local culture is unquestionably, horribly dysfunctional, and where civil society and the rule of law as we know them do not exist. Successful immigration from such places depends on assimilation into our culture, and most definitely not the importation of their inferior culture — and that means small numbers of immigrants with skills and qualities ensuring their positive participation in our society. Not mass willy-nilly immigration to turn swaths of our cities into breeding grounds for Al Shabaab or MS-13.

The open-borders crowd doesn’t want to talk about that, though, and it wants to call you racist if you’re opposed to a deluge of immigrants from the worst places on earth. That’s why Trump’s “s***holes” objection is big news rather than the fact there are so-called political leaders who can’t agree to reorient our immigration policy toward taking people who can successfully assimilate here.

Between the two, the crude man who tells the truth and looks out for his own citizens is preferable to the genteel man who sells us out for cheap labor or ballot-box fuel for a political machine. If Trump is the former, so be it.
Posts: 935
1/12/18 12:29 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
It’s gonna be a long 4 years of making excuses for him. Acts-pert Poster
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1/12/18 12:34 pm

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Post UncleJD
Eddie Robbins wrote:
It’s gonna be a long 4 years of making excuses for him.

If its only 4 years, we'll then have another 4 of fighting off the gays who are going to demand to run your churches and teach your grandchildren how to have proper .... (you know what) in schools.

Eddie, I'm not being sarcastic, which Republicans said that he said those words? I can't find it (but I admit I'm tired of the 1000s of articles I've seen on it already).

I'll also admit this is exactly the kind of stuff that I was afraid of when I strongly opposed his nomination. If this is true and other worse things, we will, as I predicted, not have another Republican or conservative POTUS again in my lifetime.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
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1/12/18 12:56 pm

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Post media meltdown (L) Nature Boy Florida

You know - I just wish one side - Dem or Rep - could talk sanely about issues anymore without name calling.

Calling places S***HOLES - and getting called back a NAZI - for goodness sake why can't we talk rationally and find common ground to agree on.

This calling the President all kinds of names isn't new - but the President calling them back is new. I believe Obama called folks he disagreed with names - but he was much more subtle - science deniers, religion and gun clingers, etc...

Not sure where it all ends.
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1/12/18 1:07 pm

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