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Cojak, speaking of Louis L'Amour Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Cojak, speaking of Louis L'Amour Aaron Scott
Did you buy those volumes of collected short stories? My wife bought them for me for several Christmases--among the most enjoyable books I've ever gotten.

BTW, Tony Hillerman novels (Leaphorn Mysteries) are very good insights into modern Navajo culture, all mixed with police work.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
4/16/19 8:27 am

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Post Cojak
My brother in law had a complete collection of leather bound Lamour books. He loaned me a stack every year until I read them all. I still buy the old ones at yard sales or at RV libraries.

I will keep an eye out for Tony Hillerman novels (Leaphorn Mysteries). If it is on Amazon e-books I will down load them. I read off my Kindle, but I read it most in bed. That dude can wake you up when it falls on your face when you drop off to sleep.

Always a joy to hear from you! We have lived in a house now for a whole month, not sure I like it yet. But it is nice to have a local church. I feel about as lucky as your members. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
4/16/19 10:18 am

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Post Carolyn Smith
Cojak wrote:
My brother in law had a complete collection of leather bound Lamour books. He loaned me a stack every year until I read them all. I still buy the old ones at yard sales or at RV libraries.

I will keep an eye out for Tony Hillerman novels (Leaphorn Mysteries). If it is on Amazon e-books I will down load them. I read off my Kindle, but I read it most in bed. That dude can wake you up when it falls on your face when you drop off to sleep.

Always a joy to hear from you! We have lived in a house now for a whole month, not sure I like it yet. But it is nice to have a local church. I feel about as lucky as your members. Cool

So have you stopped traveling, Cojak, or is this while the RV is being repaired?
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
4/16/19 8:46 pm

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Post Cojak
Carolyn Smith wrote:
Cojak wrote:
My brother in law had a complete collection of leather bound Lamour books. He loaned me a stack every year until I read them all. I still buy the old ones at yard sales or at RV libraries.

I will keep an eye out for Tony Hillerman novels (Leaphorn Mysteries). If it is on Amazon e-books I will down load them. I read off my Kindle, but I read it most in bed. That dude can wake you up when it falls on your face when you drop off to sleep.

Always a joy to hear from you! We have lived in a house now for a whole month, not sure I like it yet. But it is nice to have a local church. I feel about as lucky as your members. Cool

So have you stopped traveling, Cojak, or is this while the RV is being repaired?

22 years ago we left this house. It has been leased and rented during that time. The last occupant was my sister Shirley. She passed last year. We did get the coach repaired and traveled until a month ago when we finally moved into this place in Belmont. This has been one long month. This house is 2800sqft we miss the 325sqft motor home, everything is so convenient.
Staying here is a tough decision, we still have not made that decision yet, but being in our 80s, age may make the decision.
Thanks for asking.
To the OP, I read more Louis in the motor home. LOL
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
4/17/19 10:00 am

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Post need a driver.... Aaron Scott
I keep thinking that when I retire, I need to hire on as a cross-country driver for someone (not a trucker, etc.) so I can see the country on their dime.

Find you someone who's strong and handy, drive cross-country and pay them in lodging and food, etc. (they can set up a tent everywhere you go and sleep there).

There is NO CHARGE for this incredible advice! (SMILE)
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
4/17/19 1:36 pm

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Post Re: need a driver.... Cojak
Aaron Scott wrote:
I keep thinking that when I retire, I need to hire on as a cross-country driver for someone (not a trucker, etc.) so I can see the country on their dime.

Find you someone who's strong and handy, drive cross-country and pay them in lodging and food, etc. (they can set up a tent everywhere you go and sleep there).

There is NO CHARGE for this incredible advice! (SMILE)

Thanks, I will put that on the list! Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
4/18/19 8:09 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
The RV life is certainly different. I hope if you desire to return to it (perhaps part time?), you are able. I was not a huge fan of it myself, but I was also at a very different stage in life when we traveled. 3 small kids, a Siamese cat who drove me crazy, and my hubby & me. Though I wasn't thrilled with the RV life through much of my time on the road (admittedly, mostly my fault), when I think back of our kids' childhood, that is the time I cherish the most.

We also loved the used bookstores, Cojak. That was a definite stop for us once we got somewhere. We would all get a big stack of books! Yeah, that was before the internet. We sure met a lot of great folks in our travels, though.

I hope you enjoy being in Belmont. It is a nice place. I think we lived in a trailer park there during our ECBC days. I'm glad you are settled in a good church. Being involved in church was one of my biggest problems with being on the road. I would find a church for us to go to, but I'd sit there and think, "These folks go to the same church every week. They have no idea how blessed they are!"

Being on the road is an adventure. But settling down has its advantages, too! Smile Happy trails! Smile
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
4/20/19 9:35 pm

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Post Cojak
Carolyn Smith wrote:
.... I would find a church for us to go to, but I'd sit there and think, "These folks go to the same church every week. They have no idea how blessed they are!"

Being on the road is an adventure. But settling down has its advantages, too! Smile Happy trails! Smile

Thanks, and yes Carolyn, being at our home church and having a good pastor is definitely a plus over continually shopping around. Although we did learn a lot over the years at the many different churches and even denominations. I guess the jury will be out for awhile on whether we stay or go....

Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
4/21/19 2:47 pm

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