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I watched Schindler’s List for the first time Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post I watched Schindler’s List for the first time Eddie Robbins
It reminded me about the question. When the Jews were gassed, did God just go ahead and send them to hell from there? Any thoughts? Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
12/13/18 7:20 pm

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Post Re: I watched Schindler’s List for the first time UncleJD
Eddie Robbins wrote:
It reminded me about the question. When the Jews were gassed, did God just go ahead and send them to hell from there? Any thoughts?

I never heard that God sends people to Hell. At least not from anyone I give any credit to. From what I understand a person's own sin does that.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
12/13/18 8:09 pm

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Post Re: I watched Schindler’s List for the first time Link
UncleJD wrote:
Eddie Robbins wrote:
It reminded me about the question. When the Jews were gassed, did God just go ahead and send them to hell from there? Any thoughts?

I never heard that God sends people to Hell. At least not from anyone I give any credit to. From what I understand a person's own sin does that.

Matthew 10:28 â–º
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
12/13/18 8:18 pm

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Post (L) Resident Skeptic
Why does the fact that they were gassed or that they were Jews have any bearing on whether they went to hell?

What about the millions of Ukrainians who died during the Holodomor at the hands of Soviet agencies overrepresented by Jews?

Both situations were equally evil. Millions of innocent people died.,7340,L-3342999,00.html
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
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12/13/18 9:09 pm

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Post Da Sheik
The Holocaust was a tragedy of epic proportions. Even more tragic and a fate far worse than death, is rejecting the Son of God for eternity. Reminds me of a bumper sticker I once saw: “Born once, die twice. Born twice, die once”. Sounds biblical doesn’t it ? Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
12/13/18 9:38 pm

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Post Re: I watched Schindler’s List for the first time Quiet Wyatt
Eddie Robbins wrote:
It reminded me about the question. When the Jews were gassed, did God just go ahead and send them to hell from there? Any thoughts?

Every one will be judged perfectly righteously by God according to their works. He takes everything into account, and prefers mercy where possible. Not being able to know exactly what the state of heart was of each of the victims of the Holocaust, it is impossible to state with certainty what their final judgment will be, except to say that it will be perfect, and will be according to truth, with a God who delights in mercy.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
12/13/18 9:54 pm

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Post Cojak
I have never felt I had enough 'God insight' to KNOW one's destination after death.
But to the OP, it is a question asked often about 'that tragic situation' as well as the 'Bum who dies on the street.' There maybe one on earth who knows the answer, but I sure do not. Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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12/13/18 9:57 pm

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Post Re: I watched Schindler’s List for the first time Cojak
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
Eddie Robbins wrote:
It reminded me about the question. When the Jews were gassed, did God just go ahead and send them to hell from there? Any thoughts?

Every one will be judged perfectly righteously by God according to their works. He takes everything into account, and prefers mercy where possible. Not being able to know exactly what the state of heart was of each of the victims of the Holocaust, it is impossible to state with certainty what their final judgment will be, except to say that it will be perfect, and will be according to truth, with a God who delights in mercy.

Thumb Up Said well QW.
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
12/13/18 9:58 pm

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Post Re: I watched Schindler’s List for the first time UncleJD
Link wrote:
UncleJD wrote:
Eddie Robbins wrote:
It reminded me about the question. When the Jews were gassed, did God just go ahead and send them to hell from there? Any thoughts?

I never heard that God sends people to Hell. At least not from anyone I give any credit to. From what I understand a person's own sin does that.

Matthew 10:28 â–º
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Doing the deed and sending someone there are 2 completely different things. Its the "willing" part of "willing AND able", and we know that He is not "willing" that any should perish. 2 Peter 3:9 . So if HE isn't willing, then it must be us.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
12/13/18 11:23 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
Matthew 10:28 â–º
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

This is an interesting scripture and it takes me to a different thought. If I am in hell, being tormented for all eternity as long as my soul and body existed. why would I fear the one who will DESTROY both soul and body in hell? Wouldn’t I welcome that to end the torment?

I am so thankful for the mercy of God!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
12/14/18 4:49 am

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Post Re: I watched Schindler’s List for the first time Nature Boy Florida
Eddie Robbins wrote:
It reminded me about the question. When the Jews were gassed, did God just go ahead and send them to hell from there? Any thoughts?

The Jews had an Old Covenant - only open to them. So - I guess they are open to make that appeal on judgment day.

Or they can hope that maybe there will be a bunch of liberals on the High Court willing to let just anyone in.

Or perhaps the Bible is just fake news - and their existence completely ended at the gas chamber.

Or they could put their hope in Jesus.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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12/14/18 8:26 am

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Post Some thoughts... Aaron Scott
As someone pointed out, the issue is not whether they died by gassing, but whether they were saved. The gassing issue, I think, Eddie, is used to try to make it seem that if they went to hell, then God is utterly unjust.

But consider that millions of Jews have lived to a good old age and died peacefully. Did they go to hell? But let's take it one step further....

Let's say that some kid was raised a PK, but is now backslidden. He takes a drive with his friends and is killed in a car accident. Does he go to hell?

In other words, the question of eternity is a separate question from the cause of death. Of course, we cannot help but hope, since we are compassionate people, that if someone experiences a particularly tragic death, it seems too much that they might also go to hell.

As QW pointed out, God WILL do the right thing. I believe God looks at a lot more than "Are you saved?" That is ultimately ESSENTIAL, but consider that some folks may have died without knowing a thing about Jesus. God takes that into account, and, if I understand Romans correctly, makes some determinations based on how they lived according to the light they had.

HOWEVER, if you die as a good person, you STILL must be born again. And why wouldn't you be, if you are standing in front of the Son of God? That would eliminate all doubt about which religion is correct.

ON THE OTHER HAND, a Pharisee who was no doubt a good and upright man, was thanking God that he wasn't like the other fellow, a publican. Jesus said that it was the PUBLICAN that went home justified...implying that the Pharisee remained unjustified. So there's that....

All we ultimately have is FAITH that God will do the right thing. Not one person will be in hell who doesn't deserve to be there. At the same time, I am not sure that anyone in heaven will deserve to be there...except for the grace of God.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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12/14/18 10:47 am

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