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Post New book on Pentecostal history countrypreacher
Doyle has granted permission for this promotional post.

I have written a book on Pentecostal history, detailing the legends that paved the way for the rise of J.W. Buckalew. Documented are: J.W. Buckalew, L.P. Adams, G.B. Cashwell, A.J. Tomlinson, William J. Seymour and Charles Fox Parham.

You can buy it now at, by typing in the name of the book,
Buckalew's Azusa Street Connection.
author: Byron Henderson
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Posts: 12
9/25/17 8:19 pm

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
Bro Henderson, sir, I got me a copy a ya book, "JW Buckalew: The Evangelist" an seen in ya bio in the back that ya got two doctors degrees (Christian Counseling and Bible). Where did ya earn them? An, was ya research on Buckalews book(s) part a ya research for the dissertation in ya Bible doctorate program? Thank ya! Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
9/26/17 2:03 am

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Post Mat
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
Bro Henderson, sir, I got me a copy a ya book, "JW Buckalew: The Evangelist" an seen in ya bio in the back that ya got two doctors degrees (Christian Counseling and Bible). Where did ya earn them? An, was ya research on Buckalews book(s) part a ya research for the dissertation in ya Bible doctorate program? Thank ya!


Interesting questions. Can you think of any Pentecostal history writers who used the title "Doctor" incorrectly?

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
9/26/17 7:48 am

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
Mat wrote:
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
Bro Henderson, sir, I got me a copy a ya book, "JW Buckalew: The Evangelist" an seen in ya bio in the back that ya got two doctors degrees (Christian Counseling and Bible). Where did ya earn them? An, was ya research on Buckalews book(s) part a ya research for the dissertation in ya Bible doctorate program? Thank ya!


Interesting questions. Can you think of any Pentecostal history writers who used the title "Doctor" incorrectly?


Mat, son, you the one who brought up "incorrect usage." I ain't suggestin none of em did, even Bro Henderson, I was just a wonderin where they was from. They was listed in the book so I wondered where they was from. Its kinda like if a feller says "I'm ordained," it is a normal question to wonder "with which organization," or in good ole Pikevillian English, "ordained by who?"
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
9/26/17 7:59 am

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Post bonnie knox
Its kinda like if a feller says "I'm ordained," it is a normal question to wonder "with which organization," or in good ole Pikevillian English, "ordained by who?"

'At's Pikevillian English, but it ain't Pikevillian thankin. What most of them Pikevillians say when ya say ya ordained is just an unimpressed, "More pire to ya."
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 14803
9/26/17 8:25 am

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Post Methocostal
Is this Pikeville Tennessee or Kentucky, not sure if the level of sophistication differs, but I was a wonderin'

bonnie knox wrote:
Its kinda like if a feller says "I'm ordained," it is a normal question to wonder "with which organization," or in good ole Pikevillian English, "ordained by who?"

'At's Pikevillian English, but it ain't Pikevillian thankin. What most of them Pikevillians say when ya say ya ordained is just an unimpressed, "More pire to ya."
Friendly Face
Posts: 496
9/26/17 3:26 pm

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
Methocostal wrote:
Is this Pikeville Tennessee or Kentucky, not sure if the level of sophistication differs, but I was a wonderin'

bonnie knox wrote:
Its kinda like if a feller says "I'm ordained," it is a normal question to wonder "with which organization," or in good ole Pikevillian English, "ordained by who?"

'At's Pikevillian English, but it ain't Pikevillian thankin. What most of them Pikevillians say when ya say ya ordained is just an unimpressed, "More pire to ya."

Pikeville, KY, born, reared, an raised............
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
9/26/17 5:04 pm

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