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American Child vs. Immigrant Child Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post American Child vs. Immigrant Child Aaron Scott

If an immigrant family comes to America with children and become naturalized citizens, the children of those parents automatically become citizens. This could mean, in effect, that an immigrant child who has been in America five years (or even less) can vote upon turning 18...while an American child who is born in the United States must wait 18 years to vote.

I am not at all against immigrants voting when they become citizens, but something seems amiss when they don't have to wait as long as an American-born child to vote.

I'm not sure that makes any sense. I may be reading it wrongly. But it seems that if an American child has to wait 18 years...then so should newcomers.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
3/10/22 8:44 am

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Post Cojak
Probably the paperwork would be too tricky!

An another thread here you mentioned that some people today would not know what you meant if you said, "You know what happened to Sampson!" Because we 'assume' folks know scripture. Sorta like this kid in a Christian school!


Now back to the subject. we assume 18 yrs old is 18 year old, no matter where they spent those years. So YES it would make a difference in knowledge if a young person voted after being in the USA for only 2 years, the thinking slant would be completely different.

Ok, it makes no sense. LOL Very Happy Very Happy Embarassed Embarassed big difference in SUN & SON Wink
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
3/11/22 10:59 am

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Post If his son stood still--that is a miracle! Aaron Scott

I think the 18-year-old thing is important NOT because an immigrant isn't good, smart, and even wise. But simply because it takes time to get a handle on America.

I recall reading that Marjory Stoneman Douglas said that folks moving to Miami/South Florida did not fully grasp the importance of the Everglades like folks who had been there for a good while. Those who were new didn't see the bigger picture--they just wanted some dry land to build on.

Likewise in America. Someone who comes here may think of America as a kind of Santa Claus, not realizing what they will eventually realize: America is full of opportunity, but you have to work for it, etc.

It's not so much something that is taught, as it is something that is understood.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
3/11/22 3:33 pm

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