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No Wall No Trump ???
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Post No Wall No Trump ??? UncleJD
I'm not ready to call it over yet, but this is a nail in his coffin for sure. If he doesn't get a wall then he may well get primaried and not even be the GOP nominee in 2020. I guess there's still time, and this "temporary" reprieve may not be the end of it, but I think in 3 more weeks the dems would have caved. There was already pressure growing from the DACA defenders to do a deal. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
1/25/19 3:19 pm

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Post Re: No Wall No Trump ??? Resident Skeptic
UncleJD wrote:
I'm not ready to call it over yet, but this is a nail in his coffin for sure. If he doesn't get a wall then he may well get primaried and not even be the GOP nominee in 2020. I guess there's still time, and this "temporary" reprieve may not be the end of it, but I think in 3 more weeks the dems would have caved. There was already pressure growing from the DACA defenders to do a deal.

Most of the threats of being primaried come from RINO's who do NOT want a wall.

I do not yet see this 3 week delay as a big deal. But we will see in 3 weeks. If he goes the national emergency route, and the lower courts block it, he can have it expedited to the SCOTUS. He comes out on top if he plays this right. But without party backing it is going to be tough. The GOP is a joke. But they want to be the gracious losers, not conservative champions.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI

Last edited by Resident Skeptic on 1/25/19 6:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
Posts: 8065
1/25/19 4:38 pm

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Post Re: No Wall No Trump ??? UncleJD
Resident Skeptic wrote:
UncleJD wrote:
I'm not ready to call it over yet, but this is a nail in his coffin for sure. If he doesn't get a wall then he may well get primaried and not even be the GOP nominee in 2020. I guess there's still time, and this "temporary" reprieve may not be the end of it, but I think in 3 more weeks the dems would have caved. There was already pressure growing from the DACA defenders to do a deal.

Most of the threats of being primaried come from RINO's who do NOT want a wall.

I do not yet see this 3 week delay as a big deal. But we will see in 3 weeks. If he goes the national emergency route, and the lower courts block it, he can have it expedited to the SCOTUS. He comes out on top if he plays this right. But without party backing it is going to be tough. The GOP is a joke. But they want to be the gracious losers, not condervative champions.

But it was Trump who caved here. Just like if he'd held out and got the wall funding it would have been his victory, this was his defeat. I'm certainly not interested in RINOs, but there are some true conservatives that might cause problems for him in a primary. Again, I'm not writing him off just yet, but his window for getting a wall done is getting narrower by the day.

Meanwhile Libs just keep winning and winning. They got their way on murder in New York now, yet the GOP will continue to fund Planned Parenthood, or cave to the courts who rule against them. I agree with you about the GOP in general.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
1/25/19 5:10 pm

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He is a smart man and if the demoncrats don't give him the money for the wall, he will use his Presidental power to declare it. Friendly Face
Posts: 387
1/25/19 6:05 pm

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Post Re: No Wall No Trump ??? Resident Skeptic
UncleJD wrote:
Resident Skeptic wrote:
UncleJD wrote:
I'm not ready to call it over yet, but this is a nail in his coffin for sure. If he doesn't get a wall then he may well get primaried and not even be the GOP nominee in 2020. I guess there's still time, and this "temporary" reprieve may not be the end of it, but I think in 3 more weeks the dems would have caved. There was already pressure growing from the DACA defenders to do a deal.

Most of the threats of being primaried come from RINO's who do NOT want a wall.

I do not yet see this 3 week delay as a big deal. But we will see in 3 weeks. If he goes the national emergency route, and the lower courts block it, he can have it expedited to the SCOTUS. He comes out on top if he plays this right. But without party backing it is going to be tough. The GOP is a joke. But they want to be the gracious losers, not condervative champions.

But it was Trump who caved here. Just like if he'd held out and got the wall funding it would have been his victory, this was his defeat. I'm certainly not interested in RINOs, but there are some true conservatives that might cause problems for him in a primary. Again, I'm not writing him off just yet, but his window for getting a wall done is getting narrower by the day.

Meanwhile Libs just keep winning and winning. They got their way on murder in New York now, yet the GOP will continue to fund Planned Parenthood, or cave to the courts who rule against them. I agree with you about the GOP in general.

I am hearing that through back channels, moderate Democrats asked him to do this to give them time and room to negotiate with the House leadership. This might simply be a strategic shift.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
1/25/19 6:44 pm

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Post Re: No Wall No Trump ??? UncleJD
Resident Skeptic wrote:

I am hearing that through back channels, moderate Democrats asked him to do this to give them time and room to negotiate with the House leadership. This might simply be a strategic shift.

I hope so. I read his tweet a little while ago saying this was just to keep people from suffering but he plans to get back in the saddle in a few weeks.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
1/25/19 8:21 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Yay, I'll be able to take the trip to the Air and Space Museum I had been planning for 15 Feb.

Thanks, H.J. Res 28!
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1/25/19 9:47 pm

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Post Cojak
I certainly do not see it as a win of any kind. I have already read where the democrats are already using the words 'Trump caved'. He had to know this. I cannot see where the 'UP & DOWN' is to any benefit. If he decides not to sign a 'no wall' bill he is back at square one with the same negotiating stance of yesterday.

Just my opinion, he blinked, and once you blink they know you will do it again after another 3-4 weeks.

We will know in a few weeks. I am most interested in Mr. Mueller's report, the line in the sand there seems to keep moving also.

Some statements can be hid or put in the spin machine, but I winched when I heard him say, "We will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it." A statement that wild should have been followed immediately with HOW they would pay. Congress has a BIG leg to stand on, and I must agree, "YOU said Mexico would pay and now you are closing a gov't to get the money and still no plan showing how Mexico will pay."

Please do not get me wrong, I am for the wall or Fence or land mines, what ever. BUT Trump backed himself into a corner and cannot admit it. I hope he gets the funding, but every day I see Pelosi grinning. If she wins on this, I hope Trump has the good sense to plan one term.

Yes I am disgusted, he should have kept the Democrats feet to the fire if he is actually dead set on the wall.

I see him agreeing to a 'modern electronic wall', a beautiful wall, with super electronics, drones, etc. I think then he will try to spin that to say he WON, and when he does he is sunk!

This is all just frustration. We will see what we shall see in a few weeks.
Sorry to waste your time and too much paper. LOL
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
1/25/19 11:20 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
He should have built the wall when he had full control of the Congress. But no. Let’s wait for the Dems to gain control and start a pissing match. BTW, the Dems do the same thing. Obama could have done something about gun control when he had full control and didn’t. I reall think both sides are all hot air. Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
1/26/19 8:30 am

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Post UncleJD
Eddie Robbins wrote:
He should have built the wall when he had full control of the Congress. But no. Let’s wait for the Dems to gain control and start a pissing match. BTW, the Dems do the same thing. Obama could have done something about gun control when he had full control and didn’t. I reall think both sides are all hot air.

Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
1/26/19 9:37 am

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Post Resident Skeptic
Eddie Robbins wrote:
He should have built the wall when he had full control of the Congress. But no. Let’s wait for the Dems to gain control and start a pissing match. BTW, the Dems do the same thing. Obama could have done something about gun control when he had full control and didn’t. I reall think both sides are all hot air.

The GOP Congress had no intention of building the wall and would have tried to block an emergency declaration, just like the Democrats.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
1/26/19 9:42 am

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Post Eddie Robbins
Resident Skeptic wrote:
Eddie Robbins wrote:
He should have built the wall when he had full control of the Congress. But no. Let’s wait for the Dems to gain control and start a pissing match. BTW, the Dems do the same thing. Obama could have done something about gun control when he had full control and didn’t. I reall think both sides are all hot air.

The GOP Congress had no intention of building the wall and would have tried to block an emergency declaration, just like the Democrats.

He still would have had a better chance at it than now and it would have forced those Republicans to put up or shut up for their constituents.
Acts-pert Poster
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1/26/19 11:06 am

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Post Dean Steenburgh
Even with full control of congress & senate it still requires 60% of the votes in the senate.
Hard to do with only 49 of the 51 votes in your favor cause Jeff (the Flake) from Arizona & Corker said they would never vote for the wall & then .they retired in November.
Now they have about 52-53 votes but it's still not 60 & they lost the house.

Keep in mind that Obama pitched comprehensive immigration reform for 18 months leading up to 2008 & for 2 years they also had both houses & did not pass the immigration bill that he promised on the campaign trail.
We know he lost the house & senate but easily won the re-election.
This whole thing stinks of liars no matter how you slice it.

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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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1/26/19 1:41 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Dean Steenburgh wrote:
Even with full control of congress & senate it still requires 60% of the votes in the senate.

This is not the case. The wall could have been funded with a simple majority via the reconciliation process. This is the same process that was used to pass the ACA with a simple majority.
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1/26/19 2:25 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Trump has had a lot of success in areas where his priorities aligned with the priorities of the GOP Congress. However, in areas where they differ, he has had virtually no success. IMO, this is an indication of a weak president.

A strong president uses his influence to get his agenda passed no matter what. As Neustadt put it, he gets his way and punishes those in his way. This is the image that Trump sold to voters in 2016 -- a cutthroat businessman who knew how to get things done. But it seems clear that Trump is not actually that person at all. He has no influence or power over his own party. They do the bare minimum to appear like they are on his side so they don't run afoul of their own bases, but they don't do anything unless Trump's agenda aligns with theirs. Judges? Gold stars all around. McConnell moves heaven and earth to push Trump's nominees through to the judiciary. The wall? Absolutely nothing.

Washington has figured out that Trump is a paper tiger. I suspect it will only get worse for him from here.
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1/26/19 2:36 pm

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Post Dean Steenburgh
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Trump has had a lot of success in areas where his priorities aligned with the priorities of the GOP Congress. However, in areas where they differ, he has had virtually no success. IMO, this is an indication of a weak president.

A strong president uses his influence to get his agenda passed no matter what. As Neustadt put it, he gets his way and punishes those in his way. This is the image that Trump sold to voters in 2016 -- a cutthroat businessman who knew how to get things done. But it seems clear that Trump is not actually that person at all. He has no influence or power over his own party. They do the bare minimum to appear like they are on his side so they don't run afoul of their own bases, but they don't do anything unless Trump's agenda aligns with theirs. Judges? Gold stars all around. McConnell moves heaven and earth to push Trump's nominees through to the judiciary. The wall? Absolutely nothing.

Washington has figured out that Trump is a paper tiger. I suspect it will only get worse for him from here.

I've heard plenty of negative naysayers & so far the old tiger has bit right through the nonsense.
Liberals still can't figure out his 40% popularity & strong base of supporters.
People are tired of the liars in D.C.
I believe his best days are ahead of him & I'm not saying that because I'm naive.

Also, the wall wasn't funded so a 51% majority could not pass it in the senate required 60 votes unless they went nuclear. Many hurdles were in the way in the house also. It wasn't a slam dunk.
"Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!"

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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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1/26/19 3:35 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Dean Steenburgh wrote:
Also, the wall wasn't funded so a 51% majority could not pass it in the senate required 60 votes unless they went nuclear.

That's not correct.

There is a fixed limit of one reconciliation bill per annual budget, and the GOP likely wanted to save their golden ticket for repealing the ACA, tax reform, etc. But it is not correct to say that they could not have built the wall with a simple majority. They absolutely could have, but Trump was unable to move his party to do so.
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1/26/19 3:40 pm

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Post Resident Skeptic
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Dean Steenburgh wrote:
Also, the wall wasn't funded so a 51% majority could not pass it in the senate required 60 votes unless they went nuclear.

That's not correct.

There is a fixed limit of one reconciliation bill per annual budget, and the GOP likely wanted to save their golden ticket for repealing the ACA, tax reform, etc. But it is not correct to say that they could not have built the wall with a simple majority. They absolutely could have, but Trump was unable to move his party to do so.

It's not a weak President but a weak Senate that even now won't use the nuclear option.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
1/26/19 3:58 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Resident Skeptic wrote:
It's not a weak President but a weak Senate that even now won't use the nuclear option.

Are they, though? They're doing what they want to do. It's the president's desires that are being sidelined.

They may be weak in your view as it concerns their commitment to the safety of the US, etc. I understand that and am not saying they are or aren't. I'm talking about political weakness or political strength. They're getting done what they want to get done -- and the president isn't. It's hard for me to see that as anything other than him being politically weak.

He wins when he's on the same page as the Congressional GOP, but doesn't seem able to move them when he's not.
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1/26/19 4:01 pm

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Post Resident Skeptic
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Resident Skeptic wrote:
It's not a weak President but a weak Senate that even now won't use the nuclear option.

Are they, though? They're doing what they want to do. It's the president's desires that are being sidelined.

They may be weak in your view as it concerns their commitment to the safety of the US, etc. I understand that and am not saying they are or aren't. I'm talking about political weakness or political strength. They're getting done what they want to get done -- and the president isn't. It's hard for me to see that as anything other than him being politically weak.

He wins when he's on the same page as the Congressional GOP, but doesn't seem able to move them when he's not.

I suspect Trump will use his own nuclear option in 3 weeks. SCOTUS will expedite its ruling. Then we will see impeachment hearings in the House for certain SCOTUS judges.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
1/26/19 5:37 pm

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