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The church base Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post The church base Cojak
We all know every church has a base. From childhood folks walked to church some out of necessity some because they were close to the church and parking was a premium. My wife's family never owned a car. They walked to town, to the store and to church.
Back then the pastor's car was a church bus if the church did not have one. I was thrilled when I turned 16 and got my license I could drive and pick up the handicapped members or the ones a distance away with no car. All the churches my dad pastored had it's base 90% of the congregation within 5 miles of the church.
One of the churches, our home church in NC now has a base that is probably well over a 30 mile radius. Most likely only 20% of the active members live withing 5 miles.
This is a fear of the older, local members. When the pastor retires, or leaves, how much of the base travels with him. Many traveled in when he came ten years ago.

I have a feeling many churches are in the same situation, with a base fairly separated and scattered. Our church members associated some during the week and attended most mid week and nite services. Not so now.

I do not know if it was a rule, or just understood years ago, that you were a member of the closest church to your home. However, I never heard of a transfer refused for that reason. Shocked
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
10/9/17 10:18 pm

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