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I feel it is very racist to keep Chinese people out because of "possibility" of coronavirus! Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post I feel it is very racist to keep Chinese people out because of "possibility" of coronavirus! Aaron Scott
That is so mean. What next--lock them up in cages?

If we are as good of a country as we claim, we'd allow everyone in who wants in. I mean, what next, a wall?

It is just wrong to keep people out because of what SOME of them do or have?

Most Muslims are NOT terrorists.

Most Chinese are NOT infected with the coronavirus.

Most Mexicans are good people.

See how easy it is to do the logic?

But where to put them all? Why not California? It's closer to China and Mexico than virtually all the other states.

Just think about it...I know you'll come to the right conclusion.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
1/30/20 3:42 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
The conclusion I came to is that you were dropped on your head as a baby. Was that the right one? Laughing [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
1/30/20 5:41 pm

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Post Cojak
I hate to keep this flip flopping up, but here I agree with Aaron's logic. Now not disagreeing with DD that he was not dropped on his head. That is not the question. Shocked Confused Cool Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
1/30/20 9:28 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Cojak wrote:
That is not the question. Shocked Confused Cool Embarassed

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Posts: 13654
1/31/20 4:40 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
The logic doesn't follow because it doesn't make sense to consider either issue racially.

I hope the US is planning to restrict travel for people of ANY race coming from China until the coronavirus stuff starts to chill out. It would be pretty short-sighted to just restrict travel for Chinese people while allowing white people, black people, etc. to travel to the US from China. Such a restriction might overwhelmingly impact Chinese people because of the demographics involved, but it would still be a restriction based on a legitimate reason, rather than a racial one.

Similarly, there are lots of good reasons to restrict immigration. Many of these restrictions overwhelmingly impact Latin American migrants because that's the area immediately adjacent to the United States. But "because he's Mexican" isn't a good reason in and of itself to restrict someone from entering the United States. And "because he's not Mexican" isn't a good reason to let them in, either.
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Posts: 13654
1/31/20 4:52 am

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Post UncleJD
Dave Dorsey wrote:
The logic doesn't follow because it doesn't make sense to consider either issue racially.

I hope the US is planning to restrict travel for people of ANY race coming from China until the coronavirus stuff starts to chill out. It would be pretty short-sighted to just restrict travel for Chinese people while allowing white people, black people, etc. to travel to the US from China. Such a restriction might overwhelmingly impact Chinese people because of the demographics involved, but it would still be a restriction based on a legitimate reason, rather than a racial one.

Similarly, there are lots of good reasons to restrict immigration. Many of these restrictions overwhelmingly impact Latin American migrants because that's the area immediately adjacent to the United States. But "because he's Mexican" isn't a good reason in and of itself to restrict someone from entering the United States. And "because he's not Mexican" isn't a good reason to let them in, either.

Agreed, and I think that is A-A-Ron's point, it makes as much sense (none) as calling border security "racist"
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
1/31/20 9:47 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
UncleJD wrote:
Agreed, and I think that is A-A-Ron's point, it makes as much sense (none) as calling border security "racist"

Well, if U.S. border security rejected Mexicans or Muslims solely on the basis of them being Mexican or Muslim, that would be racist/wrongly discriminatory.

It doesn't, of course, which is why I'm not sure how the Aaronomics follows here. The left accuses anyone who supports strong border security of being racist. Aaron seems to be willing to grant the premise and make a defense for it, when instead the premise should be completely rejected. But my interpretation of Aaron's comments could for sure be wrong. (And I know Aaron is the furthest thing in the world from a racist and in no way mean to imply that when I say he is wrongly granting the left's premise here.)
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Posts: 13654
1/31/20 10:32 am

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Post UncleJD
I took it as being parody. To show how silly the left is. Their champions of righteousness have constantly labeled everything racist. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
1/31/20 10:45 am

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Post Re: I feel it is very racist to keep Chinese people out because of "possibility" of coronavirus! Link
Aaron Scott wrote:
That is so mean. What next--lock them up in cages?

If we are as good of a country as we claim, we'd allow everyone in who wants in. I mean, what next, a wall?

It is just wrong to keep people out because of what SOME of them do or have?

Most Muslims are NOT terrorists.

Most Chinese are NOT infected with the coronavirus.

Most Mexicans are good people.

See how easy it is to do the logic?

But where to put them all? Why not California? It's closer to China and Mexico than virtually all the other states.

Just think about it...I know you'll come to the right conclusion.

They might keep British or Mexicans from flying over from a Chinese airport.

If they started not letting American citizens in from Canada because they are ethnic Chinese, that would be unreasonable and racist.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
1/31/20 11:57 am

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Post Link
I was thinking it might be a good time for a really cheap ticket to Indonesia on China Southern, since I figured the leg of the flight that lands in Shenzen couldn't be that full, but these flights return error messages. They route flights through Thailand and other places. Prices are generally cheap this time of year. I'm too busy with work, though.

Let's pray for the victims of the outbreak to get better and for the disease not to spread...and for God to empower all believers over there so that the flu may be healed instantly through the laying on of hands, so that government officials start bringing the sick to Christians, begging them to lay hands on them so that they can be healed.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
1/31/20 12:00 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
UncleJD wrote:
I took it as being parody. To show how silly the left is. Their champions of righteousness have constantly labeled everything racist.

Only one person can tell us for sure... he is the PhD master of Aaronomics... the one... the only...



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Posts: 13654
1/31/20 12:24 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Link wrote:
Let's pray for the victims of the outbreak to get better and for the disease not to spread...and for God to empower all believers over there so that the flu may be healed instantly through the laying on of hands, so that government officials start bringing the sick to Christians, begging them to lay hands on them so that they can be healed.

Wouldn't that be something! May it be so in Jesus' name.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
1/31/20 12:35 pm

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Post diakoneo
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Link wrote:
Let's pray for the victims of the outbreak to get better and for the disease not to spread...and for God to empower all believers over there so that the flu may be healed instantly through the laying on of hands, so that government officials start bringing the sick to Christians, begging them to lay hands on them so that they can be healed.

Wouldn't that be something! May it be so in Jesus' name.

Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3382
1/31/20 9:23 pm

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Post I officially fear for DD... Aaron Scott
They say that psychopaths don't pick up on sarcasm/parody.


Yeah, I was just being playful about how we can't seem to understand why having border security might be important...except, apparently, when it comes to coronavirus.

I enjoyed what you guys were saying more than the joke I wrote at first! We need to bottle this stuff and put it on YouTube--it's good.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
2/2/20 2:12 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Aaron, I don't necessarily question your diagnosis, but you have to admit that you do very sincerely post some very strange things now and then. Laughing [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
2/2/20 2:52 pm

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Post DD... Aaron Scott
Yeah, I do post some crazy stuff at times, I reckon. Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
2/2/20 7:51 pm

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