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Qualifications of a Bishop other than gender.... Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Qualifications of a Bishop other than gender.... Da Sheik
It would appear that the majority of our discussion/debate about the eligibility of a bishop revolves around gender or divorce and remarriage. I do think these are worthy discussions to have. But what about all the other criteria that we seem to ignore or dismiss? As I look in I Timothy and Titus at the list of characteristics one should possess, it is very sobering and convicting.

How many of us are "above reproach"? How many pastors do you know with a hot temper? How many have children that are unruly and out of control? How many are leading their homes well? How many are greedy or have money problems? How many exercise self-control in all areas?

What prompted this discussion, you ask? I was reflecting upon times in my own life when I probably should have stepped down or at the very least, taken a sabbatical from full-time ministry. We had one of our teenage children absolutely out of control and it put a real strain on our marriage. I wouldn't say I was living the proverbial "double-life" but my home life was in disarray. Thankfully, we are on the other side of that now, and the grandkids are truly a joy Laughing
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
9/8/17 11:53 am

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Post Cojak
I had started to bed, but I had to smile at this 'honest' entry my friend. having two sons who 'put mom & dad thru the wringer. And friends, one a state overseer with a son who went 'crazy' in his words. Then a general overseer who had experienced the same sorta throws water on 'judgmental' attitudes.

I appreciate openness. Life is good and God forgives, Thank YOU LORD!

Now I must hit the rack. Smile 2:45 here (AM) nite!
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
9/9/17 1:44 am

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Post Re: Qualifications of a Bishop other than gender.... Quiet Wyatt
Da Sheik wrote:
It would appear that the majority of our discussion/debate about the eligibility of a bishop revolves around gender or divorce and remarriage. I do think these are worthy discussions to have. But what about all the other criteria that we seem to ignore or dismiss? As I look in I Timothy and Titus at the list of characteristics one should possess, it is very sobering and convicting.

How many of us are "above reproach"? How many pastors do you know with a hot temper? How many have children that are unruly and out of control? How many are leading their homes well? How many are greedy or have money problems? How many exercise self-control in all areas?

It seems to me that children, in this context, would refer primarily to those age 13 and under, but I could be wrong. For that matter, most all parents have a bit of trouble getting their 2 year olds to obey them, don't they? Also, the highly patriarchal culture of first century Greco-Roman culture would certainly have looked down on any father whose children were openly willfully disobedient to him. However, like disobedience to God (sin) a momentary lapse would be an entirely different matter from a willful habitual way of life.

If we say the list of moral qualifications somehow presents a standard which is impossible to attain, I think we must ask why we think that, and, if impossible, why the inspired apostle Paul said they 'must' be present in a bishop if they really are unattainable. It appears that the list of qualifications given in 1 Tim. 3, except perhaps for being apt to teach, is really a list of what a mature, stable Christian's life should be marked by. If impossible, then, we must mean that Christian maturity is likewise an impossible thing to really have.
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Posts: 12817
9/9/17 6:58 pm

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Post Da Sheik
QW, my post wasn't an attempt to suggest the qualifications were unattainable. Instead, it was an attempt to suggest we should look at all the qualifications, not just gender or marital status.

Cojak, thanks for your words of kindness!
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
9/9/17 10:41 pm

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