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Post Chlorestoral Cojak
A few years ago i was prescribed a Statin 80mg for my high Chlorestoral (?) I took that for months and one day raising a small wall in a building one of my upper arm ligaments popped and broke. The side effects of statins is muscle degeneration.
I lost one upper arm muscle ligament, it just snapped. It never hurt the arm was just weaker. I dropped the drug and increased my oatmeal. My blood work came in as beautiful, according to my doctor, before i told him I had dropped the statin.
then he said, "YOU ARE NO DOCTOR! but you blood work is good, stay the course for a year and we will see. It stayed good. I love cornbread and milk and crackers and milk. I even add a few tablespoons of oatmeal to that.
I add oatmeal to most every thing I cook. As he said I am no doctor, but I am off the statin.
Oatmeal is good stuff. I add it to my dry cereal also.
I thought someone might want to know.
Statins cause some serious cramps and muscle degeneration. I am proof of that. Idea
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
6/27/19 11:28 pm

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Post Resident Skeptic
Some say the cholesterol thing is a myth or is over-hyped.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
6/28/19 6:45 am

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Post Cojak
Resident Skeptic wrote:
Some say the cholesterol thing is a myth or is over-hyped.

Yeah RS, I just read that Iron, is the next cholesterol. Just as soon as they perfect the 'drug' to sell to take care of it.

I was shocked to learn the damage the statin has done to my muscles, I have lost one upper arm muscle. Anyway, in my case the damage wasn't worth the trial.

Crying or Very sad
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
7/3/19 10:35 am

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Post Darrell Garrett
I read this with great interest, Cojack. I never put the connection together until I read your post. I was on a statin too but quit taking them several years ago. Both my cardiologist and my GP are constantly trying to get me back on them, but I've changed my diet and exercised and all of my blood numbers are great and have been for 4 years. What caught my attention though was your loss of the muscle due to the tendon snapping. Happened to me too. I snapped the tendon that attaches the bicep to the shoulder. I was EXTREMELY fortunate though. I went to a doctor in Springfield, IL named Rodney Herrin. His dad used to be the basketball coach at SIU-Carbondale. Anyway, after examining me, and doing an MRI he said, "You're the luckiest man on the face of the earth!" I thought he was nuts, but then he explained. His college roommate had recently performed the first successful surgery to reattach the bicep and tendon. He had flown to Atlanta to assist him in that surgery. I became the second one. He wove a mesh of Kevlar through the muscles and tendon and reattached it to my shoulder with 5 screws. For the next year I was not allowed to lift anything heavier than a cup of coffee with that arm, which allowed scar tissue to build and surround the area. He told me he did not know how well this would work nor how long it would last. That was in 2003 and I'm still using it. I have pain in that arm every day of my life and I've lost considerable range of motion, but I still have my bipep and for that, I'm thankful. Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5330
7/3/19 1:57 pm

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Post Cojak
Darrell Garrett wrote:
I read this with great interest, Cojack. I never put the connection together until I read your post..... He told me he did not know how well this would work nor how long it would last. That was in 2003 and I'm still using it. I have pain in that arm every day of my life and I've lost considerable range of motion, but I still have my bicep and for that, I'm thankful.

Yep that is what happened to my upper arm. What an amazing thing about the Dr. being a pioneer in that surgery and you being second. NEAT. My Dr. asked if I wanted to have it repaired, I asked him, at 80 years old, would you? Of course he said this is not me but YOU! He said one more incident and you use use of the arm, remember that! He knew I did push ups in the evening and ORDERED ME NO PUSH UP! I do the female version every other night but only 15-20.

That is great that you have use of the arm. I greatly enjoyed absorbing what you said. I would never suggest anyone dropping the statin. Meds are personal. But it scared me.

Take care and you are in our prayers as you travel a new path!
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
7/3/19 7:44 pm

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