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Post Day of Pentecost Carolyn Smith
OK, I have a question about the Day of Pentecost. Can't remember if I've asked this before or not. Acts 2 says, "When the day of Pentecost was fully come..." does anyone have any insight on what "fully come" means? It just kind of stood out to me as I was studying it one time, and I haven't found anything about why it says it that way. The Day of Pentecost came every what does it mean that it was "fully come"? Was there a point on the Day of Pentecost that showed it had arrived?

Just thinking...I ask a lot of questions when I read the Word. Smile
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
6/9/19 10:25 pm

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Post Here's a thought... Rife Stewart
Carolyn, we see in Galatians 4:4--But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law,....

There was moment on our timeline where God saw fit to introduce into history what He had already planned from the foundation of the world.

I see the day of Pentecost very similar to this. Many Pentecosts had come and gone, but this one was different. It was the one when God the Father had ordained to release the blessing that comes from Unity in the Faith. The day had "fully come" when God's plans of empowering believers were to be carried out--changing the Church forever.

Why this date? Why this particular Pentecost? Not sure we can know that other than to say, it was the will of the Father and part of His plan.

Just my thoughts.
Posts: 841
6/9/19 11:49 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
That is pretty much what I thought when I was reading it this time. That the time had been fulfilled for the Day of Pentecost (as we know it, not as the Jewish celebration) had come. God's timing was fulfilled through Jesus' death and resurrection, and it was time for the Holy Spirit to come to dwell with us.

Curious to see if there are any other thoughts re: it. I don't remember hearing anyone discuss it.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
6/10/19 5:49 am

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Post Re: Here's a thought... Dave Dorsey
Rife Stewart wrote:
Many Pentecosts had come and gone, but this one was different. It was the one when God the Father had ordained to release the blessing that comes from Unity in the Faith. The day had "fully come" when God's plans of empowering believers were to be carried out--changing the Church forever.

Good stuff, Rife!

There could be an additional near-term practical interpretation -- the Day of Pentecost was the largest of all Hebrew feasts and attracted many, many people from all over. Due to the difficulty of the journey, they would likely begin arriving for the feast days or even weeks before it actually started. So people would be gathered for the Day of Pentecost before it actually began, but when it fully came, it was the day itself and the feast was ready to begin.

Luke may be referring to this with his terminology, but I think it's probably entirely appropriate to read the phrase with the additional eschatological layer.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
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6/10/19 5:53 am

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Post Re: Here's a thought... Da Sheik
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Rife Stewart wrote:
Many Pentecosts had come and gone, but this one was different. It was the one when God the Father had ordained to release the blessing that comes from Unity in the Faith. The day had "fully come" when God's plans of empowering believers were to be carried out--changing the Church forever.

Good stuff, Rife!

There could be an additional near-term practical interpretation -- the Day of Pentecost was the largest of all Hebrew feasts and attracted many, many people from all over. Due to the difficulty of the journey, they would likely begin arriving for the feast days or even weeks before it actually started. So people would be gathered for the Day of Pentecost before it actually began, but when it fully came, it was the day itself and the feast was ready to begin.

Luke may be referring to this with his terminology, but I think it's probably entirely appropriate to read the phrase with the additional eschatological layer.

Yes ! I don’t see any hidden/special meaning here. After Christ’s death (at Passover) there was a tremendous sense of anticipation. Jesus has instructed them to “tarry at Jerusalem until...”. I see Luke’s wording as emphatic “the time is HERE!!! NOW!!...the wait is over !
Acts Enthusiast
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6/10/19 5:32 pm

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Post Re: Here's a thought... Carolyn Smith
Da Sheik wrote:
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Rife Stewart wrote:
Many Pentecosts had come and gone, but this one was different. It was the one when God the Father had ordained to release the blessing that comes from Unity in the Faith. The day had "fully come" when God's plans of empowering believers were to be carried out--changing the Church forever.

Good stuff, Rife!

There could be an additional near-term practical interpretation -- the Day of Pentecost was the largest of all Hebrew feasts and attracted many, many people from all over. Due to the difficulty of the journey, they would likely begin arriving for the feast days or even weeks before it actually started. So people would be gathered for the Day of Pentecost before it actually began, but when it fully came, it was the day itself and the feast was ready to begin.

Luke may be referring to this with his terminology, but I think it's probably entirely appropriate to read the phrase with the additional eschatological layer.

Yes ! I don’t see any hidden/special meaning here. After Christ’s death (at Passover) there was a tremendous sense of anticipation. Jesus has instructed them to “tarry at Jerusalem until...”. I see Luke’s wording as emphatic “the time is HERE!!! NOW!!...the wait is over !

I wasn't really saying there was a special/hidden meaning. It's just one of those things that stood out to me once when I was reading the Bible and kinda bugged me because I wasn't sure what it meant. Usually when something in the Word catches my attention like that, it means there's something there I need to understand. This time I feel like I got it and understood it better. But sometimes when I'm not reaching a conclusion on something like this, I ask because maybe someone else did! I'm not a scholar by any means but I do enjoy looking deeper and trying to understand the context better.

Thanks for responding. Great comments! Smile
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
6/15/19 11:05 pm

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Post Some say there are two Pentecosts Mat
Some say there are two Pentecost in the Bible. In the Old Testament, when Moses received the Law on Mt. Sinai was the first Pentecost, which was/is one of the reasons for the Jews to celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. The second Pentecost was the giving of the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem, on Mt. Zion. Moses when up the mountain and and God came down to meet with Moses. The 120 or 12, when up to the Upper Room and God came down to meet with them. There were "signs and wonders" and presence of the glory of God on both Pentecost. So, perhaps to the day, but surely on the Day of the Feast, God came down in "Person."

Acts Enthusiast
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6/16/19 7:54 am

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