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Guilty of Assuming Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Guilty of Assuming Cojak
For many years MOST COG members assumed they owned their local church and property.
NOW ME! For most of my life I assumed ENGLISH was the official language of the USA.

I mean for my short time in Jr. Hi and High School, English was not an elective, but required. So I guess I sorta ASSummed........

Now that I have learned that it is not, I cannot imagine how an overwhelming number of citizens of the USA would object to that.

I am not naive enough to think someone can immigrate into the USA and speak English as they cross the border, but i think they should be encouraged to learn English. I do believe that English should be the official language of the USA. I am against the idea of every government produced directive be printed in 10 to 100 languages.

. I am definitely not bi-lingual, I wish I were. I have tried and still try to speak and understand French and Spanish, but am having no success, I think that is mainly because it is not required. Embarassed

I hope that if I am honestly, possibly someone can enlighten me as to the reason English should not be our official language.

And yes this was brought up by the recent thrashing of a congressman for statements he has made lately and over the years.

PS I am not discussing the congressman's stand or opinions. Just about English....
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
1/17/19 9:24 pm

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Post What Spanish speaking ... Mat
What Spanish speaking country does the USA want to become? Mexico? Spain? Argentina? Yet, if we abandon English (American English) and its commonality we will most likely see our culture, including the governmental and business sectors, become as poorly run and corrupt as those of Latin America and Spain.

We see the Latin American Culture in many of the Hispanic Churches established in this country. The pastor often has dictatorial powers over the members and denominational policies (if they are part of a denomination) are often not enforced. There is not the same accountability expectations and we Anglos are often told that Spanish is the language of heaven by our Hispanic brothers.

When the "Latin-azation" of our government, we will be even more divided by race, like the Latin American countries - you don't want to be an indigenous or African decent person in most of those countries, and you will notice in Mexico its the more European looking people who have the power and wealth.

Will government become that of the "bribe" to get things done? From police to zoning, to access to education and jobs, you got to pay to play. Elections, l you can buy all the votes you want (politicians give washing machines away in Mexico, to bad they don't always have electricity to run them) and pay off the voting officials to get the results you need - you know, like FL and CA do already.

For those who have been to Spanish speaking churches in the USA, take note of where their missionary money goes. Generally its back home to their native countries. Imagine if English speaking churches only supported English speaking missions? Or if it were determined by the race of the congregation as to where mission money was allocated.

Look at the linguistic cousins of Spanish, which are Portuguese and to a lesser degree French and Italian. They are not well represented in terms of effective government and economic opportunity. Perhaps it is that "old world" influence which through language and culture subjugates the masses limiting the pursuit of liberty and equality of all.

Look at Canada to as an example of inequity of language and culture between the majority English speaking provinces and French speaking Quebec. Spain is a good study, as its two language groups are pulling apart as well.

However, in the future if you kids want to be business owners or managers they need to learn Spanish so they can talk to the employees.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
1/18/19 7:42 am

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Post Cojak
Thanks Mat, I agree. Language does separate. I truly think we should encourage the use fo English. I have a neighbor here on a work visa. He did not speak any English 2 years ago, today we talked a little, still a long way to go, but could get a point across.

I do think most immigrants learn the language enough to get by, but if the point of common language was stressed I think it would help unite, NOT divide, but that is my opinion.

We have traveled in over 26 foreign countries, none that I noted printed directions in both the local and English language. Things might have changed. Just a short time ago in Mexico, it certainly was not the case. LOL Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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1/18/19 8:43 pm

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