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It all began....... Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post It all began....... sheepdogandy
with a meeting of the Church Council.

One of the men asked about the money in the "pave the parking lot fund".

The response was "what money".

"The money I put into it!"

Truth was the money had been spent during a remodeling of the Church.

The absence of itemized accounting created confusion and skepticism.

Some members wrote letters to the state overseer citing disappointment with the Pastor.

In response the state overseer came and held a meeting on a Sunday afternoon.

His tone and demeanor was to say the least appalling, at one point referring to one of the senior adult ladies as "old woman".

The state overseer called for another meeting on a Monday night.

There were some in attendance (at that meeting) I had never saw before.

I remember thinking "Who are these people?"

During this meeting the state overseer announced that he had removed the elected officers of the Church and would replace them with his own appointees. (some it turns out did not even attend the congregation, they were members at other Church of God congregations)

He did not allow any comments or questions from the audience, he would instead meet with people individually in the Pastor's office.

It was during this meeting with my wife and myself the we were informed that the overseer owned the church and would do whatever he wished with it.

I brought up two points with the overseer.

"If the church belongs to you, am I responsible for the debt I voted for to remodel?

No response.

"You have removed Sister XXXX who has been teaching the adult ladies Sunday School class for forty years, If you can show me what she has done to deserve such punishment, I will not speak another word.

No response.

Appeal was made to the General Overseer, his response was "I do not intervene in the work of the state overseers".

As amazing as it may sound, I had no idea of anything was amiss until I was informed that the state overseer had called the first meeting.

I surrendered my ministerial credentials to the General Overseer.

The rest is as they say, history.

I do not reveal the name of the overseer because his family is employed by the Church of God and they had nothing to do with any of this.

Over the years many have shared with me their own horror stories concerning the conduct of said overseer.

During my membership in the Church of God Cleveland, TN I had four state overseers, out of the four only one (in my opinion) conducted himself worthy of the office.

For more information concerning the subsequent history of our Congregation access our web site and click on the history tab.

I submit this summary in response to a request.
Charles A. Hutchins
Senior Pastor SPWC
Congregational Church of God
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 7307
8/27/18 9:56 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
If these statements are actually true...Why is the overseer not mentioned by name?

Is it because you are a pen name?

Believe me - I have no trouble believing it is true - as I was also royally shafted by a COG pastor - who had been an overseer and had a pattern of doing the same thing - all the while talking about how much he loved everyone (just not me, I guess) And I have never posted it as a pen name - because folks would accuse me of hiding, cowardice, etc...

But I have happily posted using my actual name - as these guys NEED to be exposed.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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8/27/18 10:43 am

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Post sheepdogandy
This guy (the overseer) is dead.

His family was not at all involved. Hence I do not reveal his name.

No hidden identity here.

Check the web site at the bottom.

I received a request to explain why we "left" the oversight of Cleveland.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Charles A. Hutchins
Senior Pastor
Charles A. Hutchins
Senior Pastor SPWC
Congregational Church of God
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 7307
8/27/18 11:29 am

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Post Who left who? Mat
sheepdogandy wrote:
This guy (the overseer) is dead.

His family was not at all involved. Hence I do not reveal his name.

No hidden identity here.

Check the web site at the bottom.

I received a request to explain why we "left" the oversight of Cleveland.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Charles A. Hutchins
Senior Pastor

I'm not sure who left who as far as you not being part of the COG. It's interesting that you would not name the overseer, seeing as the COG has a history of naming (and taking to court) those who "dare" challenge their perceived authority.

In the end, the biggest condemnation of a leaders is the the character of those whom he forced out of fellowship. If the principle of "double honor" holds true, so does the principle of "double rebuke." If not in this life, than the next. Overseers who abuse pastors are like priest who abuse children, they miss God's heart.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
8/27/18 9:08 pm

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Post SouthFloridaman
Look folks I asked him for his back story. I thank him for doing that. Sheep dog is probably the least pen named person on the site. His church website is listed in his signature. Him not listing The Who is a personal conviction I understand that. But his website is listed and the history of his church is listed. With a timeline of events. The timeline alone if you dig is enough to figure this out. Let’s just respect that he shared a very painful moment so that maybe others can heal and know they are not alone. Friendly Face
Posts: 358
8/27/18 9:19 pm

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Post Cojak
I too respect Sheep Dog for the 'back story' I am curious as to the overseer of course since in that period I knew many in admin, and even had family there. I know it was not my family though since one has only been an overseer of SGA. The others of Yankee states and Canada.

This is a very sad thing for the COG. Many ministers have been 'punished' legally and rightly including two of my own family maybe three. I never had reason to condemn nor disrespect any overseer I have ever had. I have been treated fairly and when I turned in my license I had back slid, I have never denied that. I resigned within days of realizing I had no business behind a pulpit.

I did laugh and disavow some of the stories about the pianist, etc. spread by some members and preachers. Amazing to me that many cannot believe a man fails other than morally. Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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8/27/18 10:52 pm

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Post sheepdogandy
In later years the man who was the Pastor at the time, experienced what many retired ministers do. A need for income.

It was our (SPWC) honor to assist him and do what we could to bless him and his family.

His circumstance caused me to become an advocate for Church of God retired ministers.

I have tried to engage as many as I could.

I hope to do more in the future.

You know, not one has ever failed to bless me and my people.

A forgotten resource.
Charles A. Hutchins
Senior Pastor SPWC
Congregational Church of God
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 7307
8/28/18 5:23 pm

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