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here's what the moderate American Islamists are saying Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post here's what the moderate American Islamists are saying UncleJD
We always hear from the families about how "shocked" they are that their son became "radicalized" and how this is such a tiny percentage of the Muslim population that we really have nothing to worry about (except from Republican whites with guns). But the leap from "moderate" to "radical" is not as far as the media pretends it is. Here's a quote from the filth's father. You wonder how many other peaceful American Muslim households are saying the same thing? Why isn't this family being interrogated? They obviously are in deeper than they claim.

He was also obsessed with Israel.”

“I told him he had to stay calm and be patient because in two years Israel will not exist any more.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
12/7/15 10:32 am

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Post Let me tell you what a MODERATE Muslim brotherjames

A Moderate Muslim is the same thing as a back-slidden Christian. A back slidden Christian is not really a believer. A moderate Muslim does not really know the precepts of Islam as the teachings of Mohammed are very troubling and very violent. If they don't hold to those teachings they are not really Muslim. If the infidel does not convert, kill the infidel. THAT is the precept of Islam. THere is no MODERATION. If you moderate that, you are an enemy of Islam, pure and simple. IT is not a religion of peace in any way.
Posts: 935
12/7/15 1:46 pm

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Post Re: Let me tell you what a MODERATE Muslim Old Time Country Preacher
brotherjames wrote:
A back slidden Christian is not really a believer.

Please, don't tell either Augustine, Calvin or Brad this.
Acts-pert Poster
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12/7/15 2:55 pm

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Post Re: Let me tell you what a MODERATE Muslim Cojak
brotherjames wrote:

A Moderate Muslim is the same thing as a back-slidden Christian. A back slidden Christian is not really a believer.

I beg to differ here. I know back-slidden people, even a couple COG PK's who still believe Jesus is the Son of God. I even backslid a few times and never quit believing in Jesus and his willingness to forgive and forget!

But to the OP. I posted something awhile back about a Muslim in France who called for his fellow Muslims to root out the terrorists, report planned attacks, etc.

This has been my problem all along, immediately after the slaughter of Americans, the Muslim leaders should have called a press conference and condemned the act and called on their peers who are true Muslims and Americans to support their country and make it safe. I still ask where are they? Confused Confused Confused
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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12/7/15 3:09 pm

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Post Re: Let me tell you what a MODERATE Muslim UncleJD
Cojak wrote:
the Muslim leaders should have called a press conference and condemned the act and called on their peers who are true Muslims and Americans to support their country and make it safe. I still ask where are they? Confused Confused Confused

Exactly! They are too busy demanding defense from our AG and demonstrating how "normal" they are with groups like CAIR, to concern themselves with rooting out the so-so-tiny faction of violent extremists. You'd think with such a tiny portion of radicals, and since it is so extremely violent it would be easy to spot, that you'd have 1000 peaceful Muslims pointing the fingers at every 1 "rare and not-Muslim" extremist out there.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
12/7/15 4:12 pm

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Post Re: Let me tell you what a MODERATE Muslim c6thplayer1
brotherjames wrote:

A moderate Muslim does not really know the precepts of Islam as the teachings of Mohammed are very troubling and very violent. If they don't hold to those teachings they are not really Muslim. If the infidel does not convert, kill the infidel. THAT is the precept of Islam. THere is no MODERATION. If you moderate that, you are an enemy of Islam, pure and simple. IT is not a religion of peace in any way.

this portion is exactly right. muslims are not your friend be not deceived. If we are called racist for this stand then so let it be written - so let it be done.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6385
12/7/15 4:55 pm

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Post Re: Let me tell you what a MODERATE Muslim Cojak
c6thplayer1 wrote:
brotherjames wrote:

A moderate Muslim does not really know the precepts of Islam as the teachings of Mohammed are very troubling and very violent. If they don't hold to those teachings they are not really Muslim. If the infidel does not convert, kill the infidel. THAT is the precept of Islam. THere is no MODERATION. If you moderate that, you are an enemy of Islam, pure and simple. IT is not a religion of peace in any way.

this portion is exactly right. muslims are not your friend be not deceived. If we are called racist for this stand then so let it be written - so let it be done.

Roger that, especially if I don't hear the 'Moderates' yelling, God Bless America, down with terrorists. And I ain't hearing it, not a peep. Twisted Evil
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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12/7/15 9:27 pm

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Post "Moderate Muslims" an oxymoron brotherjames
From this morning - I rest my case from previous post

To those who say that terrorists are a tiny minority, who can be spotted by screening techniques, consider the following: opinion polls taken throughout the Islamic world (over 1,000,000,000 believers) show immense support for destroying Western Judaeo-Christian Civilization and replacing it with an unreformed and brutal theocratic “caliphate” with Sharia law, a “system” from the 7th century inimical to Western ideas on freedom and human rights. “Immense” means e.g. 88% of Egyptians agreeing with al-Qaeda that Western ideas on freedom and law must be kept out of Islamic countries, along with 76% of Indonesians, 64% of Moroccans, and 60% of Pakistanis.

And for attacking America directly, support is also widespread: e.g. 83% of Palestinians, 62% of Jordanians, and 61% of Egyptians all favor killing Americans.

And so the odds are 9 out of 10 that a non-Christian Egyptian migrating to the United States would be quite happy with trashing our heritage, and the odds are 2 out 3 that he or she would be quite happy with Americans dying in an Islamic terror attack.

And are Americanized Islamic believers more reasonable? Have they reformed their beliefs on their own?

Overall, the survey, which was conducted by The Polling Company for the Center for Security Policy (CSP), suggests that a substantial number of Muslims living in the United States see the country very differently than does the population overall. The sentiments of the latter were sampled in late May in another CSP-commissioned Polling Company nationwide survey.

According to the just-released survey of Muslims, a majority (51%) agreed that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.” When that question was put to the broader U.S. population, the overwhelming majority held that shariah should not displace the U.S. Constitution (86% to 2%).

More than half (51%) of U.S. Muslims polled also believe either that they should have the choice of American or shariah courts, or that they should have their own tribunals to apply shariah. Only 39% of those polled said that Muslims in the U.S. should be subject to American courts.

if you believe in Islam, and do not believe that violence against non-believers can be justified, then you are not quite orthodox in your beliefs, and can be considered expendable in the fight to Islamicize the world. While Islamic states in the past have grudgingly tolerated Christians and Jews and others under their control, too often the “infidels” were subjected to discrimination and relegated to an inferior status legally and politically. Always keep in mind e.g. that our supposed ally Saudi Arabia has an absolute policy against religious toleration!

Our leaders can pussyfoot around addressing the issue at our peril: the problem is NOT unemployment, lack of education, and certainly not the ridiculous claim that “global warming” is involved. The problem is the violent roots of Islam itself, going back to its supposed prophet, who was rather violent himself according to Islamic sources themselves.
Posts: 935
12/8/15 7:49 am

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Post c6thplayer1
Thank you Brother James. The sooner our population and politicians realize this the better off we will all be. Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6385
12/8/15 7:19 pm

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Post Methocostal
You won't hear it in the media! Those stats will be suppressed as being racist and islamaphobic.

c6thplayer1 wrote:
Thank you Brother James. The sooner our population and politicians realize this the better off we will all be.
Friendly Face
Posts: 496
12/9/15 10:17 am

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