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What is church message on abortion? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post What is church message on abortion? Nature Boy Florida
Is it:
We don't want ladies to feel bad that they had an abortion - since so many have had one - so we won't call it murder - besides, those outside (and inside) the church will just tell us we hate women if we say it.
We tell ladies: It really is a gruesome murder of a pre-born child. And even worse, you paid money to put the hit on the child by the "doctor". However, the good news is: Jesus forgives even murder and gives you a clean slate.

My experience: ladies that look back on an abortion they had already feel like it IS murder. Soft soaping it doesn't help them deal with it and move on - they stay in a status of GUILT perpetually.

I'm sure there are other ideas - but what I want to know:

What stand SHOULD the church take to get the message of Jesus to everyone?
What would Jesus do?
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3/28/19 7:20 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
#2, with 98% of the emphasis being on the final sentence.

No Christian who has received forgiveness for having had an abortion should ever feel guilt or shame related to that action, any more than any of the rest of us should feel guilt or shame for the things we have done that have been covered by His blood. When we are talking about the first part of #2, which is very important, it is important to ensure grace is always our chief focus.

With that said, the church does have an obligation to call a horrible sin out for what it is, even while proclaiming Jesus as the rescue from the eternal consequences of that sin.
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3/28/19 8:15 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
I guess I answered the question "what SHOULD BE the church message on abortion".

My answer to "what is the church message on abortion" presently would be:

Either #1 or the first part of #2, depending on where you go.
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3/28/19 8:41 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Dave Dorsey wrote:
I guess I answered the question "what SHOULD BE the church message on abortion".

My answer to "what is the church message on abortion" presently would be:

Either #1 or the first part of #2, depending on where you go.

Well, we are told that is the message of the church. But I don't see it happening like that. It is more a shrug of the shoulders except for a few outspoken groups.

If you do call it murder - I don't think the church gets a chance to offer Christ's forgiveness before getting drowned out as a hater of women.

So - I don't know how we get the conversation to where it needs to be.

Current thinking is to not make people feel guilty - it was someone else's fault - the Doctor, the movies, the View, a President not wanting you to "get punished with a baby" - but I feel the Bible tells us "Thou art the Man" when it comes to sin. We can't get healing without repentance for sins we commit. Current discourse doesn't want to hear that - just make everything normal - and there is no more sin problem. Folks don't want to hear Christ's opinion of the matter - so they don't really need His solution.

You tell the homosexual, adulterer, cheater, liar, abortionist that they are a SINNER - you are a hater - and no one needs to listen to you anymore.
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3/28/19 9:04 am

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Post UncleJD
How many of your churches are actually preaching against abortion? I honestly seldom hear it even mentioned from the pulpit. In my opinion there should be 2 or more services a year dedicated to this horrible sin. I believe videos and pictures should be shown. We tend to think of abortion as an on/off switch, compartmentalize it to some clean, clinical procedure. Most videos I've seen of pro-abortion people actually being shown the pictures and procedure of abortion either change their minds or at least show visible emotion where you can tell they are questioning their views. I hear way too many Christians say the same thing as they hear on CNN "I'm personally "pro-life", BUT .... ". And I don't think we'd hear that from Christians were it truly exposed for what it is by the church.

Again, I don't even know if we need to tell people they are sinning, etc.. Just show them what abortion really is! I think it speaks for itself.
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3/28/19 12:01 pm

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