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Post Let's break it down Isa 58:12
Messianic Judaism vs Christianity? Who wants to go 1st? 😀. It s my belief that when we repent & come to Messiah Y'shua or lives change, is that a true statement?

I will use Gal 2:20 as a start; with Messiah I have been crucified, and no more do **I live**, but Messiah **lives in me**, and that which **I now live** in the Body, **I live** in the faith of the Son of G-d, who loved me and gave Himself for me😇

Now without Messiah, we have no hope, our life is no more, it is the **life** of Y'shua we now live, can we agree?

Here is something to think about, as I believe everyone could agree with what I said in my 2 statements in the beginning. If it's the **life** of Y'shua we now **live**, when we "think" & act contrary to who Y'shua is, we are living contrary to who we truly are......

Can we agree on this too?
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2547
6/13/18 11:06 pm

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Post philunderwood
Why? What's the point? As in anything, what is the end game here?
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Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
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6/14/18 8:40 am

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Post Isa 58:12
philunderwood wrote:
Why? What's the point? As in anything, what is the end game here?

Truth, what is Truth phil
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2547
6/14/18 7:44 pm

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Post Isa 58:12
Isa 58:12 wrote:
philunderwood wrote:
Why? What's the point? As in anything, what is the end game here?

Truth, what is Truth phil

And you agree with everything I said abovw?
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2547
6/14/18 7:48 pm

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Post philunderwood
Now without Messiah, we have no hope, our life is no more, it is the **life** of Y'shua we now live

Sure, who wouldn't? Why would the fact that Jesus is our life and we are to live as His place and presence be debated? Why even ask that here?
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A Mission in Formation
Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
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6/14/18 9:59 pm

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Post Isa 58:12
philunderwood wrote:
Now without Messiah, we have no hope, our life is no more, it is the **life** of Y'shua we now live

Sure, who wouldn't? Why would the fact that Jesus is our life and we are to live as His place and presence be debated? Why even ask that here?

Did u agree with my last statement Phil? I said, it is the life in Messiah we now live, but when we think & act **contrary** to who Y'shua is, we are **living** contrary to who we truly are supposed to be, made in His "Image" Gen 1:27. Do u live like Him phil, or do u walk contrary to Him? Do u keep the Sabbath like Y'shua did or another day? That's one example I know we need to talk about 😉

I asked that question because like the believers in Gal, they had a cloud in their understanding of the Ways of G-d. The Believers in Gal were trapped by their **own** doctrines & misconceptions about what to do. I watch u guys talk about ur up coming GA stuff, I don't see G-ds direction in anything or anyone's comments, & surely no Scriptual basis on subjects, no prayer for His direction. It's like u guys are winging it 😶

So, like each one of us sees life through a filter of our "own" personal opinions & experiences & how we have been taught the Scriptures. I want to test them. Because if it doesn't line up with the Life of Y'shua & the Word of G-d, were walking *contrary* to Him & His Word, & sadly we won't be true disciples of the Master 😔

Because "if" we are truly believers, disciples of Y'shua, we would talk out our differences without poppin or corks 😏. Are u guys satisfied with what u know? Let's talk out our differences 😋

I mean, what's it going to hurt? Is everybody afraid to talk about it? See what the Scriptures say about things? I'm not.
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2547
6/15/18 12:12 am

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Post philunderwood
No. I do not agree about Sabbath worship times. I think we've moved into a 24/7, 100%, all in existence with Jesus. Sorry, I am off the train.

And no, anyone who gets mad at their spouse, kids or members from time to time live contrary to Joshua/Jesus.

I choose to live in empowering grace (which is different than greasy grace) and look unto Jesus the author/completer of my trust/reliance for power to live. I do not judge myself on every jot and tittle.

Have Fun!
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A Mission in Formation
Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
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6/15/18 10:38 am

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Post Isa 58:12
philunderwood wrote:
No. I do not agree about Sabbath worship times. I think we've moved into a 24/7, 100%, all in existence with Jesus. Sorry, I am off the train.

And no, anyone who gets mad at their spouse, kids or members from time to time live contrary to Joshua/Jesus.

I choose to live in empowering grace (which is different than greasy grace) and look unto Jesus the author/completer of my trust/reliance for power to live. I do not judge myself on every jot and tittle.

Have Fun!

Really, seriously Phil? Do u realize what ur saying? You have no Biblical Scripture for anything u just said. Doesn't that bother you? "You" don't agree with the Sabbath? not G-d, He's already made up His mind on when it is, Y'shua kept it & we are supposed to be His disciples, imitators.

This is what I'm talking about, u are walking "contrary" to Y'shua which sadly u have no Bible verse for. Those aren't my words either, that's Bible. Doesn't it bother u that G-d says to keep it & u say no,

Greasy Grace? Does the Bible talk about two different kinds of Grace? And if you don't judge yourself according to G-d's Word, how do you know if you're wrong? And what judgemental system do you use, yours?

You sound like the Galatians......1:8-9

That is truly frightening. If you want to believe that, that's your prerogative, go ahead & you can look to "Jesus" all u want, but if you continue this path, you will hear Him say I don't know you depart from Me you who work lawlessness 😮

G-d is not a respecter of persons, do you think He would just give you a pass? In reality G-d has One Way, and it is not yours.

I pray that you repent Phil & come to the true knowledge of who G-d is & what is required for "His" people in this world
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem

Last edited by Isa 58:12 on 6/16/18 12:59 pm; edited 2 times in total
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2547
6/15/18 4:55 pm

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Post Isa 58:12
Does anybody else believe like Phil? Isn't there any more fear of G-d in the Believers anymore?

Continuing the differences

Messianics keep the Sabbath which there is truth of this fact in all texts of the Bible, Christianity keeps Sunday, which there is no biblical confirmation 😶

Messianics keep the Feasts, which there is confirmation in all text in the Bible. Christianity keeps Easter, Christmas, Sunday worship which there is no biblical confirmation 😶

Messianic keep the Torah, law, which is the whole message of the Bible, Y'shua's message throughout the New Testament. Christianity does not keep the Torah, and throw it out, not knowing they keep a great majority of it but they pick and choose what they wanted to do and what not to do

And believe me before I go any further, I am not championing Messianic Judaism, because there are a lot who have things wrong. I'm not campaigning my own thoughts, please just go through the Bible and test to see what I'm saying is right or wrong, that's all I've ever asked from everybody here since I got on here. What my concern here is we've all inherited lies, & I'm here to expose them to give G-d the glory, and cause people to repent and turn back to G-d's Torah by the faith in Y'shua

But there is a big elephant in the room and no one's talking about it. People, we only get one chance at this, there's only One Way. If you are a disciple of Y'shua, live like he did, and you will find yourself keeping the Torah. But you can have to deny yourself and come out from among her My people

I hope to get more people talking about this for G-d's glory 😊
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem

Last edited by Isa 58:12 on 6/16/18 1:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2547
6/15/18 5:09 pm

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Post Isa 58:12
There's a 100% identity crisis going on, people got this belief as saying that was back then, or that was for the Jews. What if it's not for just the Jews, what if that's for u?
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2547
6/15/18 6:23 pm

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Post Forgive me Isa 58:12
I am not & I do not want to make this a denominational discussion.... Let me re-set this, let's talk about the Life of Y'shua who we are to imitate.😇

Who wants to go 1st? 😁
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2547
6/16/18 6:36 pm

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