RR (or anyone, for that matter),
I am thinking of taking my family to the Ozarks (I've been all through the Smokies and have traveled some in the Rockies).
What are some places in or around that KS, OK, AK, and MO "corner" that are worthwhile?
I am not particularly fond of touristy areas, although my wife and son will enjoy them.
For my part, I am looking for four things:
1). Some great, clear, cold rivers to swim in (easily accessible, since I don't want to sweat after I get out!).
2) Some great drives with awesome scenery.
3) Some good and not-too-expensive places to eat (not chains, unless they are just uncommonly good). And
4) Some "attractions" that are off the beaten path, but are worth the time and money.
If you can help with some or all of these, I'd be most appreciative. |
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology Posts: 6042 6/22/20 8:33 am