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Wonder if Warren supported Impeachment because... Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Wonder if Warren supported Impeachment because... Link
I'm not saying this is the case, but it would make sense for Elizabeth Warren to support impeachment to help her own chances. I wonder if there were advisers telling her Biden talking about a Russian prosecutor being impeached could be used against Biden. It was a bad news day for Trump yesterday, but also for Biden since there were several references on the news to a video of him 'bragging' about getting that prosecutor fired and whether that was along the same lines as what Trump has been accused of.

I still suspect we are looking at a two-term presidency here. But wouldn't it be something if they could remove him during an election season like this. I'd like to see a Pence presidency, but I don't know if he could get the votes.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
9/27/19 12:09 am

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Post UncleJD
She's a gift, if she wins the nomination, then Trump is POTUS again. (unless it is clearly shown he did a quid-pro-quo... The security payment withholding needs explained in my opinion). IF she were to win, and God forbid, the Senate overturn to the dems, then her version of the green new deal will add an estimated $50K per year per family (basically all most people make). We wouldn't recover as a country in my lifetime. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
9/27/19 8:41 am

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Post Cojak
If I was Sister Warren I would vote for ANYTHING toward his downfall. Like most high profile men and women MY president has assigned nasty 'nick' names to. Again I will say Our president has done some good things, many I really liked, but he drives me to distraction with his ego. I just cannot imagine with all the flack (most not deserved) about a Russian connection, that he again would open himself for more 'trouble'.
Then that ego, "I deserve the NOBEL prize!".

Personally I hate the distraction in our government when we need good leaders. BUT again with WHAT is running against him, I will hold my nose and vote for him again. Mr. Trump knows how to make enemies, I just wish he would learn how to make friends. This country must be run on compromise and agreement. WE love this country and to survive we need someone seeking co-operation.
Will the President be impeached? I hope not. But in the present climate I would not give odds in his favor.
But that is all PO, I know diddly about real politics. Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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9/27/19 10:26 pm

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I'm not sure what law has been broken. Trump might have thought something was amiss with Biden and wanted whatever info they had. I don't see that as an impeachable offense. If he were giving US funding in exchange for dirt on his enemies, I can understand the case.

But the news coverage is pretty disgusting. I don't watch a lot of these news channels. Of course, Fox has right-wing bias. I'm conservative and I can stand to watch it, but I know a lot of it is just political opinion, not real news. But other news channels, most of them, have staked out positions along the left of the political spectrum and argue propaganda, too. I have had cable for a bout a week and read text on Fox and CNN while working out at the gym in addition to morning programming.

The lack of professionalism and obvious bias irritates me. CNN saying Trump is 'lashing out' at the Democrats--- that's just unprofessional language. And they go on and on with speculation about this case instead of stopping when they run out of news and reporting on something else. What channel can we watch to see real news if we aren't around for the evening news?
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
10/3/19 9:25 am

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Post UncleJD
The only sticky point in my opinion is whether they can actually PROVE that Trump withheld money because he wanted to pressure Ukraine. The fact that Schiff knew about this so-called whistle-blower complaint for months before it was released is proof-positive that he (Schiff), was colluding and coaching this to give him the best chance for his very personal vendetta against this President. I think his involvement taints the whole process so that even if there was a crime, its been overshadowed and muddied by his personal rage and bias. In other words, in court, he would be quickly exposed as an unreliable witness. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
10/3/19 9:33 am

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