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Fire Sessions, Mueller and Rosenstein
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Post Fire Sessions, Mueller and Rosenstein Resident Skeptic
That is what Trump should do. Historically, the opposition party makes great strides during mid-term elections. The Dems have promised impeachment. This will happen no matter how much Trump has cooperated. Mueller has become the 4th branch of the Federal Government who will stop at nothing to get at Trump. It is obvious Sessions is refusing to deal with the corruption of Mueller, Obama, Rosenstein, Comey and others, and is letting Trump get rail-roaded. At this point Trump would rally his base by firing these clowns and allowing IG Horowitz become acting AG. Impeachment will fail in the Senate, but at least this way innocent people will no longer be harassed by criminal prosecutors.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
8/25/18 10:45 am

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Post Cojak
It should happen, but he has put it off too long. I am very disappointed he did not fire some of those Months ago.
He is now headed down a road of no return. Trump has done a lot of good and some 'stupid' stuff. Intentionally making enemies is stupid and to attack anyone who even hints they do not agree with you may work in YOUR companies but not wise in politics, where that man/woman is also trying to hold on to their jobs. Imma thinking.

I could be wrong, I am lots of times. Presently I am sick of the whole MESS! Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
8/25/18 11:31 am

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Post Lock Him Up! krista
Lock him up!

At a bare minimum, Trump should be removed from office. I have tried to see any redeeming quality in the man, and have yet to do so.
So what, that he "talks" issues that many conservatives like. The man is a disgrace to our nation.

It's only a matter of time that we will be rid of this terrible man.
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2960
8/25/18 12:07 pm

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Post I am no fan of Trump, and voted third party, but... Quiet Wyatt
One thing to keep in mind is, Trump will never quit, and even in the very unlikely situation that Trump is impeached and removed from office by the Dems, we will get Pence, a man who is far more suited to the presidency, and who would likely be far more consistently conservative in his leadership of the country. And, Trump would never just go away quietly, but would continue to give the dems and the GOP heck on national television and on Twitter for the rest of his life.

Also, impeaching a president tends to favor the president’s party in the next election, and so the Dems really have a lot to lose if they try to impeach Trump.

I don’t see anything revealed last Friday that constitutes an impeachable offense though. Paying a woman hush money after an affair is not considered a legitimate campaign expense, and, while we may rightly morally condemn Trump’s sexual escapades, thus far nothing that we know of that he did was illegal or impeachable. I suppose we’ll just see what’s next. I do believe Pat Buchanan was right to say we are in for a terrible year with all this.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
8/25/18 12:14 pm

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Post Re: Lock Him Up! Resident Skeptic
krista wrote:
Lock him up!

At a bare minimum, Trump should be removed from office. I have tried to see any redeeming quality in the man, and have yet to do so.
So what, that he "talks" issues that many conservatives like. The man is a disgrace to our nation.

It's only a matter of time that we will be rid of this terrible man.
Lock him up for what? How bout we lock you up?
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
8/25/18 12:47 pm

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Post Some questions for anti-Trumpers.... caseyleejones
1) lock him up for what? Did he commit a crime?

2) Impeach him for what? He hasn't committed an impeachable offense.

Do I like everything about Trump? No. But, he has been good to church people up till now. I do not know if he is a Christ Follower. ...not my call. I pray for him as I did for Obama. The last president showed nothing but hostility towards christians and was anti-God in his decisions.

The pendulum swung extremely left that last admin and sometimes you have to swing back to the right before we get back to balance.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
8/25/18 1:51 pm

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Post krista
Hey Resident, who do you think you are to respond like that? That was terrible for you to respond personally like you did,
Your boy is going to be impeached, but that’s no way to respond. You think you can lock me up? That’s a sexist statement.
Forget anything the media has said. Just listen the next time he speaks, and you decide. He is the vilest president we’ve ever had.
Maybe we’ll lock you up with him.
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2960
8/25/18 8:27 pm

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Post Re: Some questions for anti-Trumpers.... krista
caseyleejones wrote:
1) lock him up for what? Did he commit a crime?

2) Impeach him for what? He hasn't committed an impeachable offense.

Do I like everything about Trump? No. But, he has been good to church people up till now. I do not know if he is a Christ Follower. ...not my call. I pray for him as I did for Obama. The last president showed nothing but hostility towards christians and was anti-God in his decisions.

The pendulum swung extremely left that last admin and sometimes you have to swing back to the right before we get back to balance.

Really? Good to Church people? And “ right before we get balance”? Trump is not right and never was.Trump is a narsasist, who is only using the Presidency for his own good.

Forget what the media says about Trump. Forget about what Trump has said in the past. But listen to his very next words that come out of this corrupt mans mouth.
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2960
8/25/18 8:34 pm

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Post Re: Some questions for anti-Trumpers.... Resident Skeptic
krista wrote:
caseyleejones wrote:
1) lock him up for what? Did he commit a crime?

2) Impeach him for what? He hasn't committed an impeachable offense.

Do I like everything about Trump? No. But, he has been good to church people up till now. I do not know if he is a Christ Follower. ...not my call. I pray for him as I did for Obama. The last president showed nothing but hostility towards christians and was anti-God in his decisions.

The pendulum swung extremely left that last admin and sometimes you have to swing back to the right before we get back to balance.

Really? Good to Church people? And “ right before we get balance”? Trump is not right and never was.Trump is a narsasist, who is only using the Presidency for his own good.

Forget what the media says about Trump. Forget about what Trump has said in the past. But listen to his very next words that come out of this corrupt mans mouth.

You didn't answer one question posed to you. Again, maybe you should be locked up.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
8/25/18 10:15 pm

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Post Re: Some questions for anti-Trumpers.... krista
Resident Skeptic wrote:
krista wrote:
caseyleejones wrote:
1) lock him up for what? Did he commit a crime?

2) Impeach him for what? He hasn't committed an impeachable offense.

Do I like everything about Trump? No. But, he has been good to church people up till now. I do not know if he is a Christ Follower. ...not my call. I pray for him as I did for Obama. The last president showed nothing but hostility towards christians and was anti-God in his decisions.

The pendulum swung extremely left that last admin and sometimes you have to swing back to the right before we get back to balance.

Really? Good to Church people? And “ right before we get balance”? Trump is not right and never was.Trump is a narsasist, who is only using the Presidency for his own good.

Forget what the media says about Trump. Forget about what Trump has said in the past. But listen to his very next words that come out of this corrupt mans mouth.

You didn't answer one question posed to you. Again, maybe you should be locked up.

I don't answer your questions. You get your answers every time trump speaks. He needs locked up.
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2960
8/26/18 9:52 am

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Post Re: Some questions for anti-Trumpers.... Resident Skeptic
krista wrote:
Resident Skeptic wrote:
krista wrote:
caseyleejones wrote:
1) lock him up for what? Did he commit a crime?

2) Impeach him for what? He hasn't committed an impeachable offense.

Do I like everything about Trump? No. But, he has been good to church people up till now. I do not know if he is a Christ Follower. ...not my call. I pray for him as I did for Obama. The last president showed nothing but hostility towards christians and was anti-God in his decisions.

The pendulum swung extremely left that last admin and sometimes you have to swing back to the right before we get back to balance.

Really? Good to Church people? And “ right before we get balance”? Trump is not right and never was.Trump is a narsasist, who is only using the Presidency for his own good.

Forget what the media says about Trump. Forget about what Trump has said in the past. But listen to his very next words that come out of this corrupt mans mouth.

You didn't answer one question posed to you. Again, maybe you should be locked up.

I don't answer your questions. You get your answers every time trump speaks. He needs locked up.

You are irrational.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
8/26/18 2:58 pm

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Post Re: Some questions for anti-Trumpers.... krista
[quote="Resident Skeptic"]
krista wrote:
Resident Skeptic wrote:
krista wrote:
caseyleejones wrote:
1) lock him up for what? Did he commit a crime?

2) Impeach him for what? He hasn't committed an impeachable offense.

Do I like everything about Trump? No. But, he has been good to church people up till now. I do not know if he is a Christ Follower. ...not my call. I pray for him as I did for Obama. The last president showed nothing but hostility towards christians and was anti-God in his decisions.

The pendulum swung extremely left that last admin and sometimes you have to swing back to the right before we get back to balance.

Really? Good to Church people? And “ right before we get balance”? Trump is not right and never was.Trump is a narsasist, who is only using the Presidency for his own good.

Forget what the media says about Trump. Forget about what Trump has said in the past. But listen to his very next words that come out of this corrupt mans mouth.

You didn't answer one question posed to you. Again, maybe you should be locked up.

I don't answer your questions. You get your answers every time trump speaks. He needs locked up.

You are irrational

What is irrational is a true follower of Christ who forfeits morality, and sensabilty, for some one who is of the charcter like Trump. Some of his ideas are ok on paper, but not at the expense of my morality.
People like you like his platform. The ideology was right, but he is the wrong man. If that’s irrational, it falls under the catagory of “Oh well”.
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2960
8/26/18 3:42 pm

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Post Re: Some questions for anti-Trumpers.... Resident Skeptic
Resident Skeptic wrote:
krista wrote:
Resident Skeptic wrote:
krista wrote:
caseyleejones wrote:
1) lock him up for what? Did he commit a crime?

2) Impeach him for what? He hasn't committed an impeachable offense.

Do I like everything about Trump? No. But, he has been good to church people up till now. I do not know if he is a Christ Follower. ...not my call. I pray for him as I did for Obama. The last president showed nothing but hostility towards christians and was anti-God in his decisions.

The pendulum swung extremely left that last admin and sometimes you have to swing back to the right before we get back to balance.

Really? Good to Church people? And “ right before we get balance”? Trump is not right and never was.Trump is a narsasist, who is only using the Presidency for his own good.

Forget what the media says about Trump. Forget about what Trump has said in the past. But listen to his very next words that come out of this corrupt mans mouth.

You didn't answer one question posed to you. Again, maybe you should be locked up.

I don't answer your questions. You get your answers every time trump speaks. He needs locked up.

You are irrational

What is irrational is a true follower of Christ who forfeits morality, and sensabilty, for some one who is of the charcter like Trump. Some of his ideas are ok on paper, but not at the expense of my morality.
People like you like his platform. The ideology was right, but he is the wrong man. If that’s irrational, it falls under the catagory of “Oh well”.

Trump's character is probably much better than 90% of his predecessors. You are just too blind too understand that.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
8/26/18 3:45 pm

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Post Re: Some questions for anti-Trumpers.... krista
[quote="Resident Skeptic"]
krista wrote:
Resident Skeptic wrote:
krista wrote:
Resident Skeptic wrote:
krista wrote:
caseyleejones wrote:
1) lock him up for what? Did he commit a crime?

2) Impeach him for what? He hasn't committed an impeachable offense.

Do I like everything about Trump? No. But, he has been good to church people up till now. I do not know if he is a Christ Follower. ...not my call. I pray for him as I did for Obama. The last president showed nothing but hostility towards christians and was anti-God in his decisions.

The pendulum swung extremely left that last admin and sometimes you have to swing back to the right before we get back to balance.

Really? Good to Church people? And “ right before we get balance”? Trump is not right and never was.Trump is a narsasist, who is only using the Presidency for his own good.

Forget what the media says about Trump. Forget about what Trump has said in the past. But listen to his very next words that come out of this corrupt mans mouth.

You didn't answer one question posed to you. Again, maybe you should be locked up.

I don't answer your questions. You get your answers every time trump speaks. He needs locked up.

You are irrational

What is irrational is a true follower of Christ who forfeits morality, and sensabilty, for some one who is of the charcter like Trump. Some of his ideas are ok on paper, but not at the expense of my morality.
People like you like his platform. The ideology was right, but he is the wrong man. If that’s irrational, it falls under the catagory of “Oh well”.

Trump's character is probably much better than 90% of his predecessors. You are just too blind too understand that.

I cant see and you can’t hear. Resident, just listen to him.
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2960
8/26/18 4:12 pm

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Post Re: Lock Him Up! Carolyn Smith
krista wrote:
Lock him up!

At a bare minimum, Trump should be removed from office. I have tried to see any redeeming quality in the man, and have yet to do so.
So what, that he "talks" issues that many conservatives like. The man is a disgrace to our nation.

It's only a matter of time that we will be rid of this terrible man.

Still better than Hillary.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
8/26/18 5:40 pm

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Post President Donald J. Trump dtgrant
Thankful -- Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential election.

Thankful -- President Trump has strong Pro-America policies.

Thankful -- President Trump's policies are helping the American working man.

Thankful -- President Trump is exposing the corruption in Washington D.C.

Thankful -- President Trump is exposing the lies of the Fake News Propaganda Media.

Thankful -- President Trump has the strong character needed to withstand the attacks by corrupt politicians , corrupt bureaucrats , corrupt Fake News Propaganda Media.
Friendly Face
Posts: 236
8/26/18 5:51 pm

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Post Re: President Donald J. Trump Resident Skeptic
dtgrant wrote:
Thankful -- Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential election.

Thankful -- President Trump has strong Pro-America policies.

Thankful -- President Trump's policies are helping the American working man.

Thankful -- President Trump is exposing the corruption in Washington D.C.

Thankful -- President Trump is exposing the lies of the Fake News Propaganda Media.

Thankful -- President Trump has the strong character needed to withstand the attacks by corrupt politicians , corrupt bureaucrats , corrupt Fake News Propaganda Media.

And I'm thankful for people like you.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
8/26/18 7:48 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
krista wrote:
He is the vilest president we’ve ever had.

You don't study much history, do you?
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
8/27/18 10:46 am

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Post krista
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
krista wrote:
He is the vilest president we’ve ever had.

You don't study much history, do you?

There has always been corruption among Presidents, but Trump is one of the worst people ( Presidents aside ), I have every heard. Everything that comes out of his mouth, gives him up as far as his character. Trump doesn't need Fake news. He is his own worst enemy.
Just the last few days, concerning John Mccain, has proven who he is.
All you guys sold your soul because he made promises that you liked. and in the process forfeited your morality and decency.
Lock him up!!!
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2960
8/27/18 1:43 pm

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Post UncleJD
krista wrote:
Hey Resident, who do you think you are to respond like that? That was terrible for you to respond personally like you did,
Your boy is going to be impeached, but that’s no way to respond. You think you can lock me up? That’s a sexist statement.
Forget anything the media has said. Just listen the next time he speaks, and you decide. He is the vilest president we’ve ever had.
Maybe we’ll lock you up with him.

I'm not saying this about anyone in particular, but I think that the irrational Trump derangement syndrome might be cause for protective custody lest the person be a danger to themselves or others. Any Christian that claims to support conservative and Biblical positions on family, abortion, freedom, responsibility, etc... who would rather instate the exact opposite than to have someone in office that they think sinned worse than all others (he didn't), or is simply beneath them, aught to be seriously evaluated.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
8/27/18 1:46 pm

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