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Post Serious Question... PreacherSteve
Why should one remain part of the CoG?

Yes, I realize that is very broad, but I am looking for broad (and real) answers.
Posts: 7
6/6/19 5:02 pm

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Post Cojak
Because it is a good denomination, and the comradrie has always been a good point. And also if you were born into it and it is already part of your life.

There are many warts and sores in the upper chain with rules, muddied financial information for the members from upper 'management,' and many more, but if you are a denomination person, Imma thinking you will find the same warts other places.

That leaves independent works. Not bad but if you are not independent minded, probably not for everyone either.

sorry for the rambling, but........ it is from just a quick look around. Embarassed

I know from life stories in the COG many minsisters have went Indy, after a failure of some sort, and of course that put a bad daste for those who left. OF COURSE THAT IS NOT THE CASE FOR THE MAJORITY of those who leave, but to some older COG folk, they just cannot get past the suspicion, there must be another reason 'he' pulled out!
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
6/6/19 8:28 pm

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Post Credential Security famousflavius
You can rest well that you credentials are safe if you stay in the COG. You will not be kicked out unless you do something immoral, illegal or unethical. You will be a number in an elite list of bishops. You can display your ordained bishop certificate proudly on the wall of your insurance office and no one will think badly of you. Golf Cart Mafia Soldier
Posts: 2447
6/6/19 9:20 pm

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Post Re: Credential Security Darrell Garrett
famousflavius wrote:
You can rest well that you credentials are safe if you stay in the COG. You will not be kicked out unless you do something immoral, illegal or unethical. You will be a number in an elite list of bishops. You can display your ordained bishop certificate proudly on the wall of your insurance office and no one will think badly of you.

Wanna bet?
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5330
6/6/19 10:49 pm

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Post Da Sheik
You should be wherever God wants you to be. That’s the real question - “Where does HE want me to be ?” Once that’s settled, the name on the sign is of little consequence. Wherever there are people involved there will be challenges. I guess the question I always come back to when I see these threads is “what is the COG doing to hold you back ?” The COG is far from perfect but I can honestly say the organization has never hindered me from doing any kind of ministry work. Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
6/7/19 9:05 am

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Post Preacher Steve.... Aaron Scott
No matter what denomination you belong to, you will find that there are issues. Consider a member wanting to go to another church. Fine...but there will be issues there, too.

If your belonging to the Church of God is absolutely wrecking you, then, yes, find another place. But if you're just "browsing," so to speak, wondering if this or that is better, you'll find they all have issues.

I wouldn't want to belong to another organization.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
6/7/19 10:15 am

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Post Cojak
Da Sheik wrote:
You should be wherever God wants you to be. That’s the real question - “Where does HE want me to be ?” Once that’s settled, the name on the sign is of little consequence. Wherever there are people involved there will be challenges. I guess the question I always come back to when I see these threads is “what is the COG doing to hold you back ?” The COG is far from perfect but I can honestly say the organization has never hindered me from doing any kind of ministry work.

Very well spoken and I certainly agree. I am not in the ministry, but a pew warmer. I like to believe my pastor feels free to worship and preach the Word.
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
6/7/19 9:18 pm

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Post Re: Credential Security FLRon
Darrell Garrett wrote:
famousflavius wrote:
You can rest well that you credentials are safe if you stay in the COG. You will not be kicked out unless you do something immoral, illegal or unethical. You will be a number in an elite list of bishops. You can display your ordained bishop certificate proudly on the wall of your insurance office and no one will think badly of you.

Wanna bet?

“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
Posts: 787
6/7/19 10:16 pm

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Post Here are a few serious reasons... Rife Stewart
(Although I did leave the denomination)

1. You believe in the vision of the COG.
2. You love the camaraderie.
3. You want to serve the denomination.
4. You like the structure.
5. You enjoy the fellowship of brothers in state/national meetings.
6. You hold the same beliefs as the Declaration of Faith and Doctrinal Commitments.
7. You want to be a part of the rich heritage and legacy of the COG.
8. You want to help shape the future of the COG.
9. You enjoy youth camp!
10. You love pastoring (there are some really great people to love!)
Posts: 841
6/10/19 12:01 am

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Post Dean Steenburgh
Ask yourself, "Could I go where God calls me to go even if it's not CoG?"
You already know this but it's worth repeating that you can go wherever it is that God wants you to go because thats where the blessing/anointing will be.
Praying for you.
"Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!"

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Church planters are focused on just one thing ...introducing people to Jesus!
What are you focused on?
Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4682
6/14/19 8:16 pm

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Post Thanks for the replies... PreacherSteve
The ones that gave serious answers, you have given me something to think on.

I have been COG a LONG TIME. Virtually all my life. There are many things I love about it and honestly believe our doctrine is as solid as any denomination around. That is why I stay.

There are many things I do not like, such as there is no camaraderie without the proper name, no help without the proper name, and I could go on, and on, and on. Without the right name (i.e., connections to those in power) you are left on an island to figure it all out on your own. I could disclose a lot more, but that would really give away exactly who I am and that need not happen.
Posts: 7
6/18/19 12:44 pm

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Post sheepdogandy
"I could disclose a lot more, but that would really give away exactly who I am and that need not happen".

Isn't that the rub?


That's the reason not to live under the thumb of Cleveland.

That's why good folks post under a pen name.

Fear of leadership.

Charles A. Hutchins
Senior Pastor SPWC
Congregational Church of God
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 7307
6/18/19 1:13 pm

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Post My answer? roughridercog
I was saved, joined the church, filled with the Holy Ghost around Church of God altars. Attended one of our institutions of learning, received my exhorters at 18. Began pastoring at 20.
Have I had opportunities to leave? Yes.
Was I tempted? Yes.

But the Church of God was my religious comfort zone.

Are you in the denomination because it is your religious comfort zone? Would it be more religious to say your just blooming where you are planted?
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
6/18/19 7:48 pm

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Post Re: My answer? diakoneo
roughridercog wrote:
I was saved, joined the church, filled with the Holy Ghost around Church of God altars. Attended one of our institutions of learning, received my exhorters at 18. Began pastoring at 20.
Have I had opportunities to leave? Yes.
Was I tempted? Yes.

But the Church of God was my religious comfort zone.

Are you in the denomination because it is your religious comfort zone? Would it be more religious to say your just blooming where you are planted?

I pastored in Church of God for about 20 years and a member fo 50+. I needed to move but was told it wasn't going to happen. I waited for another AB to get another"opinion". He gave me some hope but didn't stay around long enough to help. The next AB again gave me no hope. It was time for me to move on. There are many details I am leaving out. I went to an AoG for a while but it goes back to "comfort".

I know the Church of God. Many many friends. Minister friends. I have known the pastor where I attend and his wife for 30+ years as well as many of it's members. Comfort. Yes
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3382
6/19/19 12:11 pm

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Post skinnybishop
I stay because there is nothing to gain by leaving. Right now, there is nothing to lose by staying. I love the church I pastor. It happens to be a Church of God.

Fellowship, commradire, covering, doctrine, etc have nothing to do with my association with the COG.
Eddie Wiggins
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1055
6/19/19 3:27 pm

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