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Why Aren't Republicans Passing Laws Like CRAZY Before Dems Gain Control? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Why Aren't Republicans Passing Laws Like CRAZY Before Dems Gain Control? Aaron Scott
Why in the world aren't they hammering away as hard as they can to pass conservative legislation in the couple of months they have remaining???

To wait means that virtually NOTHING is going to get done without a significant Democratic flavor.

What is going on?
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
11/19/18 11:59 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Too many Flake's in the Senate.
It wouldn't pass - so why bother?
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
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11/19/18 12:17 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
They only make promises. They’re big on proclaiming to be pro-life and do nothing once in office. They continue to fool their supporters. I’m done with most of them. Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
11/19/18 2:08 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Eddie Robbins wrote:
They only make promises. They’re big on proclaiming to be pro-life and do nothing once in office. They continue to fool their supporters. I’m done with most of them.

Trump is the only one that keeps his word on that stuff on a National level. There has been a lot done on the state levels. We'll see what happens when they make their way to the Supreme Court.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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11/19/18 2:20 pm

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Post UncleJD
Eddie Robbins wrote:
They only make promises. They’re big on proclaiming to be pro-life and do nothing once in office. They continue to fool their supporters. I’m done with most of them.

You're right Eddie. Its called "the swamp". Most of the Republicrats that lost were swamp-dwellers, but the GOP isn't smart enough to do anything about it. They promptly elected McCarthy, one of the biggest rats in the swamp to be minority leader (and possibly the next speaker IF they should win in 2020). They are determined to keep up their fake promises so they can keep the status-quo that makes them all rich.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
11/19/18 8:07 pm

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Post Cojak
Nothing, absolutely Nothing can be done in a hurry. To submit a bill and get it to the floor sometimes takes years. To be passing laws someone would have been thinking months ago that this was going to happen, for some reason many of the dudes up there cannot read the writing on the wall and will not call a prophet to read it for them.

No matter who is in the majority, the same patterns continue. Infrastructure bills pass. Do nothing 'special days' declarations fly thru, but to remodel Health care and put the pharmaceuticals under some kind of 'price controls' is impossible.

If I wasn't such a believer in this country I would think it was trying to self destruct, but not so. Life is good and the USA will survive. Shucks we made it thru 8 years of someone I did not vote for. I am sure we can make it thru an administration I did vote for. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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11/19/18 8:48 pm

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Post Change Agent
Could start wth the middle class tax break that Trump was talking about before past election. Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1449
11/20/18 8:48 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
Cojak wrote:
Nothing, absolutely Nothing can be done in a hurry. To submit a bill and get it to the floor sometimes takes years. To be passing laws someone would have been thinking months ago that this was going to happen, for some reason many of the dudes up there cannot read the writing on the wall and will not call a prophet to read it for them.

No matter who is in the majority, the same patterns continue. Infrastructure bills pass. Do nothing 'special days' declarations fly thru, but to remodel Health care and put the pharmaceuticals under some kind of 'price controls' is impossible.

If I wasn't such a believer in this country I would think it was trying to self destruct, but not so. Life is good and the USA will survive. Shucks we made it thru 8 years of someone I did not vote for. I am sure we can make it thru an administration I did vote for. Cool

So much for the popular campaign promise that begins with “on day one....” 😂
Acts-pert Poster
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11/20/18 9:54 pm

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Post Dean Steenburgh
Safe to say that Mr. Trump doesn't make or create laws.
Safe to say that a lot of key GOP swampers don't like the Prez.
All the dems are against him.
If the GOP ran a bunch of stuff through to get signed it would end up in committee & get canceled in 2019.
Waste of time.
Sit back & prepare to be bored for the next 2 years as the dems try to foul things up before the next election sends them away again for at least 2 more years.
"Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!"

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What are you focused on?
Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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11/24/18 5:05 pm

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Post Resident Skeptic
Dean Steenburgh wrote:
Safe to say that Mr. Trump doesn't make or create laws.
Safe to say that a lot of key GOP swampers don't like the Prez.
All the dems are against him.
If the GOP ran a bunch of stuff through to get signed it would end up in committee & get canceled in 2019.
Waste of time.
Sit back & prepare to be bored for the next 2 years as the dems try to foul things up before the next election sends them away again for at least 2 more years.

"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
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11/25/18 7:45 am

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Post Re: Why Aren't Republicans Passing Laws Like CRAZY Before Dems Gain Control? Link
Aaron Scott wrote:
Why in the world aren't they hammering away as hard as they can to pass conservative legislation in the couple of months they have remaining???

To wait means that virtually NOTHING is going to get done without a significant Democratic flavor.

What is going on?

Send your representatives an email.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
11/27/18 11:46 pm

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Post A decade MayB2Day
Eddie Robbins wrote:
They promptly elected McCarthy, one of the biggest rats in the swamp to be minority leader (and possibly the next speaker IF they should win in 2020).

It'll be at least 10 years before you see another GOP majority in the House. House seats are not easy to flip.

The Dems had the advantage this time around because so many GOP incumbents bought into the coming blue wave narrative a year ago and ended up with 45 incumbents retiring. Those cowards bought the goods that Trump was so unpopular that they would lose and rather than losing they simply quit. Those incumbents would've kept most of those seats red. You don't see those kind of retirement numbers very often.
Socialism is a great idea until you run out of other people's money.
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12/15/18 12:18 am

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