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Church website examples Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Church website examples FLRon
I’ve been tasked with redesigning our church website. As you know, this is often how a lot of first time visitors learn about your church,and depending on the quality of the site it can be the deciding factor in whether or not they show up for a visit.
I can’t tell you how many church web sites I’ve come across that still have 2015 or 2016 information on their home page. Nothing scares away potential visitors like an outdated site. At least that’s how they impact me.
That being said,in order to avoid having to sift through hundreds of different church sites,I thought I would ask if any of you have come across a particularly great local church site that you can direct me to.
Specifically,I’m interested in both layout design and the amount of information a site should have to keep it interesting. I’d also be interested in seeing how others incorporate social media into their site.
Any helpful suggestions would be appreciated.
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
Posts: 787
6/4/18 8:52 pm

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Post Da Sheik
This is overly simplistic but let me offer a few suggestions:

Don’t overload the site with pictures of staff.
Do make service times and directions a priority
Do have some pictures of church members so that others can see the demographic, the customs/norms etc. (is everyone wearing a suit ?)
Briefly state what you believe
State your mission (again- clear, brief , concise )
Have some multimedia if possible
Links to social media platforms.
Have some kind of “contact us “ page (that someone actually checks and responds to)
Keep it current !!
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
6/4/18 9:19 pm

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Post FLRon
Da Sheik wrote:
This is overly simplistic but let me offer a few suggestions:

Don’t overload the site with pictures of staff.
Do make service times and directions a priority
Do have some pictures of church members so that others can see the demographic, the customs/norms etc. (is everyone wearing a suit ?)
Briefly state what you believe
State your mission (again- clear, brief , concise )
Have some multimedia if possible
Links to social media platforms.
Have some kind of “contact us “ page (that someone actually checks and responds to)
Keep it current !!

Exactly the kind of information I was hoping to receive. Thank you Shiek!
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
Posts: 787
6/5/18 4:21 pm

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Post philunderwood
I do not know who your host is, but I absolutely LOVE, their templates, scads of church websites that work for your perusal. Plus, you get SO MUCH with a subscription to their service.
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Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
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6/6/18 10:46 pm

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Post FLRon
philunderwood wrote:
I do not know who your host is, but I absolutely LOVE, their templates, scads of church websites that work for your perusal. Plus, you get SO MUCH with a subscription to their service.

We are currently using Wordpress Phil. I am not familiar with Sharefaith but will definitely check them out!
Thank you!
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
Posts: 787
6/7/18 4:35 pm

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