There are over a billion people in the world who don't have the full Bible in their native language, and 1,700 languages that don't have a single verse of Scripture at all.
For the last several years, the church I attend has been funding an effort to change this for the Lomwe people of Malawi, a people group of about a million who have never had a verse of Scripture in their native language of Elhomwe. By the end of 2018, the translators expect to have the project completed, which will include a complete Old and New Testament, a complete audio Bible, and a translation of the Jesus Film, all in the Elhomwe tongue.
I wanted to ask if you would pray for three things. First, for the provision necessary to complete the rest of the project. Second, for the three translators, Alfred, Hayes, and Brian, who have been working tirelessly to faithfully translate God's word. Please pray especially that they would have wisdom and grace as they work through difficult Old Testament passages and endeavor to translate them faithfully. Third, for the Lomwe people -- that God would bring great revival as His word is proclaimed in their language for the very first time.
If you'd like to learn more about the project or see specific updates and prayer requests from the translation team, you can do so here:
And if you are a pastor or church leader, let me commend the Seed Company to you. They are working to create a complete Bible for every language that does not currently have one. There is a list of people groups on their website that you and your church can partner with, and together with others you can proclaim the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth. |
[Insert Acts Pun Here] Posts: 13654 2/25/18 8:03 pm