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Jentezen Franklin, one of your own COG people praying for Trump....(L) Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Jentezen Franklin, one of your own COG people praying for Trump....(L) caseyleejones

Or is this bad?

I see Tommy Barnett as he bad for being in the same room as Paula White?
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
12/22/19 4:24 pm

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Post Cojak
I kinda feel that most ministers would not to turn down a chance to pray for the president in person. I always considered it a privilege to be asked to pray. I have had strangers, gays, drug dealers and addicts ask for my prayers and have always considered it a privilege that I would be asked. My daddy said Prayer is ALWAYS IN ORDER.
I truly believe that.
Shucks, if I was asked to stand beside an infidel and pray, I certainly would. Shocked
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
12/22/19 8:29 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
According to this article in the Christian Post, Franklin, Marty Baker, Tim Hill, Travis Johnson, and Kevin Wallace were all signers of a letter sent to Timothy Dalrymple concerning the editorial recently published in Christianity Today. The letter and the other signatories can be seen here:
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Posts: 13654
12/22/19 8:43 pm

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Post MrSippi
Dave Dorsey wrote:
According to this article in the Christian Post, Franklin, Marty Baker, Tim Hill, Travis Johnson, and Kevin Wallace were all signers of a letter sent to Timothy Dalrymple concerning the editorial recently published in Christianity Today. The letter and the other signatories can be seen here:

There are actually 11 COG Minister’s signatures on that letter.

Doug Anderson
Marty Baker
Barry Clardy
Jentezen Franklin
Tim Hill
Tim Oldfield
Tony Scott
Scott Sheppard
David Smith
Tom Sterbens
Tony Stewart
Friendly Face
Posts: 156
12/23/19 12:25 am

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Post Same here...I have prayed for people who were un-saved caseyleejones
Cojak wrote:
I kinda feel that most ministers would not to turn down a chance to pray for the president in person. I always considered it a privilege to be asked to pray. I have had strangers, gays, drug dealers and addicts ask for my prayers and have always considered it a privilege that I would be asked. My daddy said Prayer is ALWAYS IN ORDER.
I truly believe that.
Shucks, if I was asked to stand beside an infidel and pray, I certainly would. Shocked

That asked me for prayer.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
12/23/19 7:13 pm

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Post Cojak
If I read the response right from CT, they have had an increase in readers, subscribers and $ supporters. That would surprise me.
I am one who never reads CT unless an article is referred to in reports as this one was. I haven't took the time to read it either but do assume if the General seemed fit to respond I would not like it. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
12/23/19 10:17 pm

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Post Re: Jentezen Franklin, one of your own COG people praying for Trump....(L) Link
caseyleejones wrote:

Or is this bad?

I see Tommy Barnett as he bad for being in the same room as Paula White?

I spoke to a Congregational Holiness official not too long ago. He said that Jentzen Franklin was CH and was good about getting everyone on staff licensed with the CH, and that Free Chapel was CH.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
12/23/19 10:27 pm

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Post Re: Jentezen Franklin, one of your own COG people praying for Trump....(L) diakoneo
caseyleejones wrote:

This Galli guy needs prayer! His description of the 76% of evangelicals who supported Trump tells it all. He described them as having "not finished college" "blue collar workers"while he described himself as "elite" evangelical... Really??? Sounds like a Marxist socialist Democrat, you know, all us deplorables lol.

Somehow the educated elite know better how to run everything. Yeah, didn't Obama disprove that myth with his 8 years of nonsense? One thing I have learned about Galli and his ilk, they love to talk about stuff and pontificate in their ivory towers. Most of them couldn't find their way out of a paper bag.

Most of the guys in Congress now (Democrat and Republicans) are the same way. We need term limits.... bad!
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3382
12/24/19 7:48 am

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Post Re: Jentezen Franklin, one of your own COG people praying for Trump....(L) Cojak
diakoneo wrote:
caseyleejones wrote:

This Galli guy needs prayer! His description of the 76% of evangelicals who supported Trump tells it all. He described them as having "not finished college" "blue collar workers"while he described himself as "elite" evangelical... Really??? Sounds like a Marxist socialist Democrat, you know, all us deplorables lol.

Somehow the educated elite know better how to run everything. Yeah, didn't Obama disprove that myth with his 8 years of nonsense? One thing I have learned about Galli and his ilk, they love to talk about stuff and pontificate in their ivory towers. Most of them couldn't find their way out of a paper bag.

Most of the guys in Congress now (Democrat and Republicans) are the same way. We need term limits.... bad!

Amen to term limits and your comment:
The height of ignorance is when you look down your nose at your fellow man and actually say it, not just think it; that the unschooled blue collar worker doesn't have the ability to make a decision.
One thing for sure, in this case education did not cover common sense. Shocked
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
12/24/19 9:33 am

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Post Link
I am against term limits. The electorate had power to limit terms.

Term limits would limit congregation representatives power. Where would the power go? The judiciary? That is scary. The executive branch?

Much of it would probably end up in the hands of congressional aides and professional bureaucrats.

Have you ever seen the British show 'Yes, minister'?
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
12/24/19 10:26 am

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Post Cojak
Link wrote:
I am against term limits. The electorate had power to limit terms.

Term limits would limit congregation representatives power. Where would the power go? The judiciary? That is scary. The executive branch?

Much of it would probably end up in the hands of congressional aides and professional bureaucrats.

Have you ever seen the British show 'Yes, minister'?

Never heard of the movie. Of course I haven't seen a movie in over 20 years,can't hear 'em and cannot read fast enough for CC.

BUT to answer, a limit of 12-20 years should keep things running pretty smooth. With a reasonable retirement like $8k a year max.
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
12/24/19 11:53 am

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Post Cojak
Link wrote:
I am against term limits. The electorate had power to limit terms.

Term limits would limit congregation representatives power. Where would the power go? The judiciary? That is scary. The executive branch?



I do not see how term limits could reduce their power....???? I COULD BE WRONG..... I.E.

But then again when congress opened the Legal profession to public advertising, I thought that was a good thing, UNTIL THE BILL BOARDS STARTED SAYING (sue somebody). Florida is filled with giant bill boards now that say something like this: "BEEN HURT? DAN GOT ME $600,000.00"
They no longer have to chase ambulances. LOL. Like Jim Bakker," I WAS WRONG TO THINK THAT WAS A GOOD THING!" Embarassed Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
12/24/19 12:10 pm

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Post diakoneo
Cojak wrote:
Link wrote:
I am against term limits. The electorate had power to limit terms.

Term limits would limit congregation representatives power. Where would the power go? The judiciary? That is scary. The executive branch?



I do not see how term limits could reduce their power....???? I COULD BE WRONG..... I.E.

But then again when congress opened the Legal profession to public advertising, I thought that was a good thing, UNTIL THE BILL BOARDS STARTED SAYING (sue somebody). Florida is filled with giant bill boards now that say something like this: "BEEN HURT? DAN GOT ME $600,000.00"
They no longer have to chase ambulances. LOL. Like Jim Bakker," I WAS WRONG TO THINK THAT WAS A GOOD THING!" Embarassed Embarassed

I really believe term limits would be a good thing. Also the judiciary should have term or some kind of maximum age until retirement. See: Ruth Ginsburg. The only power they should have is spelled out in constitution. They make law's...right. set the budget. The problem is not power, they just are too busy trying to get reelected and are not doing what is best for the country. I would blame our current mess of two party system on lack of term limits. I would say the lack of limits is one of the reasons Trump is president.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3382
12/24/19 1:11 pm

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Post Link
Cojak wrote:
Link wrote:
I am against term limits. The electorate had power to limit terms.

Term limits would limit congregation representatives power. Where would the power go? The judiciary? That is scary. The executive branch?

Much of it would probably end up in the hands of congressional aides and professional bureaucrats.

Have you ever seen the British show 'Yes, minister'?

Never heard of the movie. Of course I haven't seen a movie in over 20 years,can't hear 'em and cannot read fast enough for CC.

BUT to answer, a limit of 12-20 years should keep things running pretty smooth. With a reasonable retirement like $8k a year max.

On the old '80's TV show yes minister, the British government had salaried permanent civil servants who manipulated the elected politicians into voting for what they wanted. The show focused on one politician and the devious civil servant Humphrey. It was a clever, funny show. But it showed how non-elected officials could run the government moreso than elected officials, at least on the show.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
12/28/19 11:04 pm

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Post Re: Jentezen Franklin, one of your own COG people praying for Trump....(L) Carolyn Smith
Link wrote:
caseyleejones wrote:

Or is this bad?

I see Tommy Barnett as he bad for being in the same room as Paula White?

I spoke to a Congregational Holiness official not too long ago. He said that Jentzen Franklin was CH and was good about getting everyone on staff licensed with the CH, and that Free Chapel was CH.

It's my understanding that Jentezen Franklin holds dual licenses & is also credentialed as COG. Free Chapel in CA is definitely COG.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
12/29/19 6:41 pm

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Post Jentezen Franklin 4thgeneration
I've heard Jentezen explain the situation of praying for President Trump. He said that if the previous administration had invited him to come and pray, he would have. He added that if the other candidate (Hillary) had won and invited him he would have gone to pray for her. He quoted scripture that we are called to pray for those in leadership, and felt it his spiritual duty to go and pray in the White House for the president. I support that perspective and response. Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1607
1/2/20 10:36 am

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Post Re: Jentezen Franklin Dave Dorsey
4thgeneration wrote:
I've heard Jentezen explain the situation of praying for President Trump. He said that if the previous administration had invited him to come and pray, he would have. He added that if the other candidate (Hillary) had won and invited him he would have gone to pray for her. He quoted scripture that we are called to pray for those in leadership, and felt it his spiritual duty to go and pray in the White House for the president. I support that perspective and response.

As the forum's resident NeverTrumper -- I agree 100%.
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Posts: 13654
1/2/20 10:41 am

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