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Do you believe in Mechanical healing? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Do you believe in Mechanical healing? Cojak
I sympathize with FLRon's post on dealing with one not getting the healing for which they pray. When I first started losing my hearing I prayed. Then I started using hearing aids, I still prayed. Several times I removed my aids for prayer and soon I had to put them back in. I now am completely deaf and hear via Cochlear implants.

NOW about prayers for mechanical help. Once as an Airman in Mississippi my 53 Plymouth needed a valve job. I could in no way afford it. after a few weeks it was on its last leg, missing & smoking like crazy.Our pastor, Bro Matthews suggested prayer. We prayed for it. I drove it for two more years with no problem.

Then as a young pastor My Rambler cracked a head. I had to borrow $60 for six months ($10.25 per month) from our bank in Moberly, Mo.

Returning from Del Rio, Last Sunday just past Montgomery, our coach started missing. MY wife and I prayed. It still died. We had it towed to Atlanta. It sits there with $$$$'s adding up. I am no different than anyone else. I sure hoped prayer would work, but it didn't. Why?

Now I will hate the costs which will be in the multiple thousands. I have plans to start a 'sabbatical fund' for our church to use for pastors' that need it.

We won't have to knock off a liquor store to pay the bills, but that leaves much less for the fund I hope to start. I could, but I haven't questioned God. In this whole process I was able to be a witness to Tyrone, an old sax player who was with Marvin Gaye, Otis Redding and other famous singers. He was a joy to get to know and to share my heart with. He is the real thing not a blow hard, his ride is a new special ordered 32' Mercedes, to get him back & forth from gigs, what a beauty.

We hope to hear some good news in the morning, I still believe in prayer, so I ask for yours., THANKS
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
9/23/18 12:58 pm

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Praying Brother. Have seen God do it. We had a car that the windshield wiper motor would not work. We pastored a small struggling church in Eastern NC. Was driving home from Charlotte Camp Meeting and the dark clouds were gathering. It looked terrible. My husband began praying and kept asking God. He began thanking God. We made it home with no rain. I guess he told the congregation how God moved for us and a lady gave him $20 to fix it and that is what it cost. We saw the hand of God move so much at that church. It was the hardest church we ever pastored and I was glad when the Lord released us from there. I could write a book on the struggles and victories there BUT it was no fun - hard work and prayer.

** I didn't tell you this story to make it look simple or lack of faith at all. Hope you don't take it that way. I am praying for you. $20 is nothing compared to your situation. I have a couple other similar situations that God has come through for us. Will you keep us posted?
Friendly Face
Posts: 387
9/23/18 1:48 pm

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Post Cojak
Praying Brother. ...

** I didn't tell you this story to make it look simple or lack of faith at all. Hope you don't take it that way. I am praying for you. $20 is nothing compared to your situation. I have a couple other similar situations that God has come through for us. Will you keep us posted?

Never even thought of that as being negative. Thanks for the comment and prayers. God is good. He has blessed us with the means to handle the cost, I can never thank Him enough.
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
9/23/18 4:20 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Yes, I do. I have seen it happen many times! As with prayers for healing, sometimes the Lord answers our prayers and sometimes not. I cannot tell you why. The best answer is "I don't know!"

When we were traveling on the road, when we would set out to do ministry, that old motorhome would give us a fit. It was a Class C motorhome, designed in its day to do weekend camping trips, not being a cross country traveler. The transmission was replaced three times in our time using it (over about 6 years.)

One time we set out to do a youth camp and had barely gotten to town when it just died. My husband set out walking to the nearest gas station (before cells!) to call a tow truck. Not having any anointing oil, I pulled out the jug of Wesson and anointed that thing and prayed over it. When John got back, it started. Praise the Lord!

I've also prayed for our washing machine, and only the Lord knows how many times we've prayed over our computers. Again, we would set out to do ministry things and it would start messing up. Simple things that should have been easy but the computer just didn't wouldn't work like it was supposed to. We finally learned when doing ministry-type things to just pray first!

I'm sorry to hear about your motorhome, Cojak. It seems like sometimes when our prayers aren't answered, there's something we are supposed to learn or someone we are to meet in that situation. God will make a way for you, especially as you are faithful in your giving (and I know you are!) I hope you are able to get it fixed soon. I know that you & Sherry enjoy your travels. Maybe God needs you where you are right now for a reason.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
9/23/18 6:10 pm

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Post Link
After studying really late as a PhD student, I walked out of the building and crossed the street. There was a young man with long hair trying to crank a car that wouldn't quite crank. I asked him to try again, commanded the engine to start in Jesus' name, and it did. He was also a Christian.

I went to a meeting once in the early '90's. There was this guy Tim Chaille, I think, from MorningStar ministries up in North Carolina. He said Paul Cain had gone to meet with Sadaam Hussein. The driver who picked him up to meet the president was responsible for keeping up with car maintenance. The car broke down. I think he said oil leaked all over the place. Paul Cain, he said, prayed for it and it started again, and the driver was relieved. Maybe, we was afraid he would face some dire consequences if the president's guest did not make it. Paul Cain then went and prayed for Hussein. I hope I got the details of that second-hand story right.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
9/24/18 9:03 pm

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Post Cojak
I am a great proponent of ministers who can, and like to travel, to get a motor home5th wheel and travel in the areas of small churches and BLESS them, at little or no cost.

I traveled with my BIL who had been a successful pastor and overseer. I enjoyed his messages at small isolated churches. The churches responded with so much love from Florida to Alaska.

We have been on the road for over 22 years. We have had a few maintenance bills. God had blessed us beyond measure.

I say that to say this, "This week I got a call from Cummins in Atlanta, it will cost "$17,000" to repair our Cummins diesel.

I never in my wildest dreams thought an engine repair could reach that level. Let me give you some advice. If you have a diesel and it starts missing, STOP!!! call for some service. I tried to push to the next exit, and dropped a valve, ruined #3 cylinder, head, piston, sleeve, turbo and a bunch more. and it hurts and is embarrassing Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed

We can afford it, but not too many times LOL My hearing 'liked' a diesel pusher, but maybe I should have endured a noisy gasoline RV>

I tell my wife, that if you count the motels we have missed in over 20 years, this is paid for. It doesn't seem to help! LOL

This is not a complaint, maybe a warning, or advice. the top of he line units can be expensive. LOL
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
9/25/18 10:33 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Cojak wrote:
I am a great proponent of ministers who can, and like to travel, to get a motor home5th wheel and travel in the areas of small churches and BLESS them, at little or no cost.

I traveled with my BIL who had been a successful pastor and overseer. I enjoyed his messages at small isolated churches. The churches responded with so much love from Florida to Alaska.

We have been on the road for over 22 years. We have had a few maintenance bills. God had blessed us beyond measure.

I say that to say this, "This week I got a call from Cummins in Atlanta, it will cost "$17,000" to repair our Cummins diesel.

I never in my wildest dreams thought an engine repair could reach that level. Let me give you some advice. If you have a diesel and it starts missing, STOP!!! call for some service. I tried to push to the next exit, and dropped a valve, ruined #3 cylinder, head, piston, sleeve, turbo and a bunch more. and it hurts and is embarrassing Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed

We can afford it, but not too many times LOL My hearing 'liked' a diesel pusher, but maybe I should have endured a noisy gasoline RV>

I tell my wife, that if you count the motels we have missed in over 20 years, this is paid for. It doesn't seem to help! LOL

This is not a complaint, maybe a warning, or advice. the top of he line units can be expensive. LOL

I'm sorry to hear that, Cojak! Almost makes me wonder if you should take the money & make a down payment on a newer one! Thankful God is making a way for you. Please don't blame yourself. Motor home repair is VERY expensive.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
9/26/18 6:29 am

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Post Cojak
Link wrote:
After studying really late as a PhD student, I walked out of the building and crossed the street. There was a young man with long hair trying to crank a car that wouldn't quite crank. ....

Smile Smile Hey Link, I love a guy who knows you still 'crank' a car. I enjoyed he comment, but loved it that he did 'crank' the car. Cool Cool Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
9/26/18 9:46 pm

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