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Poll on the weakest doctrine/teaching?
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What is the weakest doctrine/teaching?
The Trinity
 11%  [ 2 ]
Tithing in the NT Church (as practiced today)
 16%  [ 3 ]
Abstinence from alcohol
 50%  [ 9 ]
 22%  [ 4 ]
Total Votes : 18

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Post Poll on the weakest doctrine/teaching? UncleJD
Someone pointed to The Trinity as the weakest doctrine of the Church. It seems like I've seen polls on Acts before, is that something an admin can setup? What doctrines should be listed? Lets narrow it down to modern American mainline Pentecostal doctrine. I'd rather it be anonymous than just replying and being attacked.

1. The Trinity
2. Tithing in the NT Church (as practiced today)
3. Abstinence from alcohol
4. The Rapture
5. Sanctification
6. Divorce and Remarriage as sinful

Others? - Seems like a worthy poll, then discussion to me.

Last edited by UncleJD on 4/5/18 3:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
4/5/18 8:33 am

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Post Re: Poll on the weakest doctrine? Aaron Scott
UncleJD wrote:
Someone pointed to The Trinity as the weakest doctrine of the Church. It seems like I've seen polls on Acts before, is that something an admin can setup? What doctrines should be listed? Lets narrow it down to modern American mainline Pentecostal doctrine. I'd rather it be anonymous than just replying and being attacked.

1. The Trinity
2. Tithing in the NT Church (as practiced today)
3. Abstinence from alcohol
4. The Rapture
5. Sanctification
6. Divorce and Remarriage as sinful

Others? - Seems like a worthy poll, then discussion to me.

I'm not sure tithing or abstinence are doctrines, but if so, you can make a case for them better than for the trinity. Why? Because the argument against tithing is based on the ABSENCE of NT scriptures supporting it, while the doctrine of the trinity has plenty of verses FOR AND AGAINST it.

As for the rapture, I don't recall the Dec. of Faith saying anything about the rapture, but rather about the return of Jesus, etc. A fine line, perhaps, but not that same.

Sanctification is a weak doctrine. NOT because it's not true that we must be sanctified, but the attempt to make it a second and separate work of grace. I can find very little to support it as such. In fact, if you read Church of God revival statistics (we don't tend to have those anymore due to not having any revivals), you will find that there is almost a one-to-one ratio on the number of people who get sanctified and those who receive the Holy Ghost. That is, we "know" they got sanctified because we believe that sanctification comes before receiving the Holy Ghost.

You can make a very good case from scripture AGAINST divorce and remarriage. You can also make a very good case FOR divorce and remarriage if you base it on argumentation alone.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
4/5/18 8:42 am

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Post UncleJD
anonymous poll Aaron, that's the goal Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
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4/5/18 8:52 am

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Post Uncle JD, in that case... Aaron Scott
"There is this guy...who shall remain nameless...a neighbor, I mean, an uncle...great-uncle, that is...that said the Trinity is the weakest doctrine we have. Please pass that on to the powers that be. Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
4/5/18 10:31 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
aren't in the COG DOF... so they aren't doctrine.

Premillennial Second Coming is in the DOF - so anyone that believes in that agrees with it. I guess you would have to be amillinneal to disagree. (So it sounds like it covers most bases)

In sanctification subsequent to the new birth, through faith in the blood of Christ; through the Word, and by the Holy Ghost. (no one believes it comes before salvation - so it sounds pretty solid

That leaves only the Trinity - so I guess it is the weakest - no matter how strong it's case is. The others are close to air tight.
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4/5/18 12:21 pm

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Post Re: Uncle JD, in that case... Old Time Country Preacher
Aaron Scott wrote:
"There is this guy...who shall remain nameless...

Is he a member of the Knesset?
Acts-pert Poster
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4/5/18 1:35 pm

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Post OTCP... Aaron Scott
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
Aaron Scott wrote:
"There is this guy...who shall remain nameless...

Is he a member of the Knesset?

Why, yes...yes, he is. She is. I mean THEY is. You know what I mean!
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
4/5/18 2:59 pm

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Post MoonWalkingWithJesus
I would like to add a category
Jimmy swaggert’s belief that rock music was a sin. I think that is an erroneous doctrine😉

Tis so Sweet to Moonwalk with JESUS. 😎🌔🌔👟👞👟👞
Friendly Face
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4/5/18 5:32 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
From FAQs...

At this time only Administrators and Moderators can create polls.

However, if you think you have a great idea for a poll, send it on over to ShaunThe by Private Message (PM) or e-mail at ActscelerateAdmin[at] It just might make the page!
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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4/5/18 8:42 pm

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Post JLarry
I attempted to edit the poll but was unable.
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4/5/18 10:41 pm

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Post Cojak
I'm confused (AGAIN?) I responted to the poll and it seems to be working, or am I daft? Shocked
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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4/5/18 11:29 pm

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Post Link
We can't create a tie between alcohol and tithing?

It depends on what is meant exactly. If you mean how Pentecostals have traditionally taught these doctrines, I couldn't say for sure, but I went with abstaining from alcohol with the way the question is worded because at least OT people had to tithe, but most of them were not required to be tee-totalers.
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4/6/18 1:12 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Link wrote:
We can't create a tie between alcohol and tithing?

It depends on what is meant exactly. If you mean how Pentecostals have traditionally taught these doctrines, I couldn't say for sure, but I went with abstaining from alcohol with the way the question is worded because at least OT people had to tithe, but most of them were not required to be tee-totalers.

My thoughts exactly! I did consider going with tithing since it's completely absent from the NT (except for a reference by Jesus to the Pharisees who were still under the law prior to His death and resurrection), while there are NT verses about being guarded with your liberty and even choosing to abstain for the sake of your brother's weakness... I wish there was an option to vote for both of these.

Ultimately I went with alcohol because believers are to give generously and sacrificially, but man, this was a close one.
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4/6/18 3:54 am

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Post Moonwalking...poor form. Aaron Scott
I see that you are closely related to OTCP, in that you will take a man's worst moments and cast them into his teeth in mockery even DECADES later.


MoonWalkingWithJesus wrote:
I would like to add a category
Jimmy swaggert’s belief that rock music was a sin. I think that is an erroneous doctrine😉
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
4/6/18 12:28 pm

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Post Re: Moonwalking...poor form. MoonWalkingWithJesus
Aaron Scott wrote:
I see that you are closely related to OTCP, in that you will take a man's worst moments and cast them into his teeth in mockery even DECADES later.


MoonWalkingWithJesus wrote:
I would like to add a category
Jimmy swaggert’s belief that rock music was a sin. I think that is an erroneous doctrine😉

I meant that as a joke sorry. I did not mean that as an insult. It is a pop song called I got the moves like jagger. They just switched jagger for swaggert. I love jimmy. I love his gospel recordings. Jesus just the mention of your name, welcome Holy Spirit, he washed my eyes with tears I love his music. Aaron, I was just trying to have a sense of humor
Tis so Sweet to Moonwalk with JESUS. 😎🌔🌔👟👞👟👞
Friendly Face
Posts: 141
4/6/18 12:41 pm

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Post Re: Moonwalking...poor form. Aaron Scott
MoonWalkingWithJesus wrote:
Aaron Scott wrote:
I see that you are closely related to OTCP, in that you will take a man's worst moments and cast them into his teeth in mockery even DECADES later.


MoonWalkingWithJesus wrote:
I would like to add a category
Jimmy swaggert’s belief that rock music was a sin. I think that is an erroneous doctrine😉

I meant that as a joke sorry. I did not mean that as an insult. It is a pop song called I got the moves like jagger. They just switched jagger for swaggert. I love jimmy. I love his gospel recordings. Jesus just the mention of your name, welcome Holy Spirit, he washed my eyes with tears I love his music. Aaron, I was just trying to have a sense of humor

Fair enough. Thank you for that.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
4/6/18 1:07 pm

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Post Dean Steenburgh
If it were based on the weakest doctrine I would go with sanctification.
Back in 1986 during the oral interview when I went for my creds with the A/G I was asked to explain my opinion or view with relation to the 2nd act of grace.
I gave my response related to my belief that it is a progressive act in our life rather than "Thee Moment".
In terms of tithe in the N.T. didn't Jesus say, 'give all that you have' did the new church meet regularly in each others homes for meals, did they not sell their personal stuff & properties to give to the church & yet I'm not seeing a lot of that obedience going on these days.
But I hear a lot of people trying to opt out of the 'tithe' thing because it's not in the N.T.
So what do you do with the things that are "in" the N.T.?
I know, I know ...they're not the teachings.
But are women silent in the church?
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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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4/7/18 4:17 pm

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Post The poll is a bit flawed, I think... Aaron Scott
Neither tithing nor abstinence from alcohol are actually doctrinal positions, to the best I can tell. They are practical commitments rather than theology, I think.

But that's me.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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4/7/18 5:28 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Perhaps we first need a definition of doctrine. Wink
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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4/8/18 7:44 pm

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Post Isa 58:12
How about doctrines that only teach half Truths.... 🤔 about the teaching G-ds Torah is no more, or how about dispensationalism, or how about the 2 Covenant theory?
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
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4/8/18 8:47 pm

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