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Happy Father's day to you dad's , I had one of the best. Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Happy Father's day to you dad's , I had one of the best. Cojak
My daddy was a preacher...
He taught me to respect the underdog.

He was sure I could do anything, once I reached the mid 20s.

He showed me love for family.

His laugh was all over his being, he laughed like no other man I have known. He was known to laugh so hard he had to lay on the floor.

He was a genius with a 3rd grade education.

I thought he was as strong as Sampson.

He talked to cars and animals.

When a preacher would talk of Grace, Daddy would say, “I’ve got more Grace than anyone you know.” Mama’s name was Grace.

When he was sold on a product he became an unpaid salesman for the product. Two I know was “Quaker State Super Blend Motor Oil” and the ‘Rambler car.’

He taught me there was good in people. More good than bad.

He loved me, even when I disappointed him BIG TIME.

I wish every boy could have had a daddy like I did. I know it would be a better world.

He was the oldest of 12 children, they all respected him.

As a pastor, he left every church better off financially and in number than when he arrived.

He received a 100% confidence vote at every church he pastored.

He passed away 1972 at 69 years of age. At the time I thought that was a ‘ripe old age’, boy was I wrong.

I miss his common sense and support, I still miss my daddy!
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
6/15/19 5:33 pm

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Post Patrick Harris
Wonderful Tribute.

My dad wasn't the kind to play ball or any of those things with me, but my dad hardly went anywhere that I didn't go with him. He often said my middle name was "GO".

Sometimes when he came home from he did nothing more than just drive me around the block and back and I was happy.

He managed a car parts store and was always working on something. Even though the store was closed on Sundays, people knew they could call him and he'd open up on Sunday to help them out.

He never went to church when I was growing up but at the age of 60, while I was away in the military he called me and asked me to go to church with him when I came home. I was totally shocked.....

He later told me he got saved at age 60 because of me, he said: "I've watched you for 26 years live the life and if you can live it, I can too".

He was my best friend growing up, I spent more time with him than anyone else.

He died of Alzheimers, and I'm still thankful to God everyday that when he passed he still knew me and my brother.

Loved him alot...
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1323
6/15/19 6:34 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
My mom was over today to watch my daughter while I did some work around the house. We were chatting before she left, and I suggested we all meet at a nice restaurant after church for Father's Day. They always go out to eat after church, so I figured it'd be a great opportunity to meet up and enjoy some time together. She thought it was a great idea.

Called me later and said she'd talked to my dad about it, and he didn't want to because he thought it'd be too difficult to meet up coming from two different churches. Said he's getting pretty impatient nowadays. Confused

I'm a little bummed, to be honest. I'll call him tomorrow, and I'm sure we'll have a nice talk. I do love him very much, and I know he loves me too. I know it's just how he is.

He'll be 74 this year. I'm not sure how much time he's got left. We didn't get along very well when I was a kid, but we've had a great relationship since I've been an adult. I wish I had more opportunity to spend time with him and to try to make up for that lost time. A year or so ago he started attending church again after a couple of decades of non-attendance, and if that's all I ever get, I'll be content.

I was looking forward to enjoying a meal together tomorrow. But I know I'll really enjoy having one with my son, too.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
6/15/19 7:15 pm

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Post Cojak
I've learned that there can be many BESTS in the world. the Best Mom and the Best Dad. I love to read stories of other dads. Like Patrick, my dad was not one to play ball with me, but there was always that love.

And Yeah DD. age does cause 'little problems', impatience is one. My pastor, a great guy, asked that I attend the men's meeting this AM. I did. I was uncomfortable because I do not hear well in a group. It is hard for many to understand about what age does to us. I felt obligated to go, but it was uncomfortable. Age has done that, I used to be a mixer, now I am more the loner.
I hope more guys tell about their dads.
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
6/15/19 7:49 pm

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Post Dean Steenburgh
My dad has been gone since Nov. 9, 2018 - it's still pretty fresh for me.

Dad was a Pastor from the age of 18 until his passing at age 80 & all of it in the CoG in California. When he was 1st credentialed there were something like 15 preachers in the family.

He was the oldest of 10 kids & he came from evangelist parents. My great grandparents were also pastors.

My dad played ball in the farm league for the Kansas City A's & was being looked at when the "calling" came - he told the Lord yes & the A's no.

He was an alumni of West Coast Bible School in Fresno, CA. where he helped to build the campus buildings when he wasn't in school.
He believed in holiness, conviction of the soul, Holy Ghost outpourings & never said no to an evangelist who was hungry to preach.
He met me at the church for prayer every Monday evening for one hour from 2002 to 2018 & I think he only missed 4 times.

He didn't have a salary church until he was in his early 40's & by then he had pastored 10 churches & even worked as the appointed state evangelist for a couple years. We didn't do a lot of extensive vacations but I can count on one hand how many times he missed church in all those years.

Like Cojak's dad my Pops always left a church with a decent bank balance & the facility remodeled. We always laughed that dad would stay just long enough to remodel, rebuild, restore the church & leave enough cash in the bank for the next guy to come in & do ministry with ease.

We always lived in farming towns here in the Central Valley of California so us boys enjoyed fishing, camping, sports, motor cycles, rodeos & lots of good country food (my weight can testify of that).

He obtained his Ordained Bishop credentials as the youngest Bishop in this state for over 50 years until Josh Montgomery took the title a few years ago Wink

Dad was loved every time he showed up at Campmeeting. His home going was a massive display of honor, love & appreciation to his life & calling.

I can't remember a single time when he let me down!

Dad was kind, easy going, wise beyond years, gentle, a little naive at times, passionate about souls, dedicated to ministry life, supportive & he loved my mom more than anything.

It's hard to hold back the tears right now!
He left me a legacy I'll never match & shoes I'll never fill.

Happy Father's Day Dad, gone too soon!
"Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!"

Email me at:

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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4682
6/16/19 10:57 am

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Post Cojak
Dean Steenburgh wrote:
My dad.........
He left me a legacy I'll never match & shoes I'll never fill.

Happy Father's Day Dad, gone too soon!

THAT'S WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT! Thumb Up Thanks you guys.... I love it! Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
6/16/19 10:33 pm

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Post What wonderful testaments to your fathers.... Aaron Scott
It seems that many of us have been blessed with world-class dads. Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
6/17/19 6:12 am

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Post Re: What wonderful testaments to your fathers.... Cojak
Aaron Scott wrote:
It seems that many of us have been blessed with world-class dads.
Thumb Up
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
6/17/19 4:46 pm

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