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"Lord be with us" or "be with me" too WOFfie? redundant? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post "Lord be with us" or "be with me" too WOFfie? redundant? caseyleejones
He said he would never leave us.....the Word also states where 2 or 3 are gathered..He's with us......

Why do we praying prayers for things he has already has done for us. Or is the Word not true?
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Posts: 11798
1/12/20 3:04 pm

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Post Re: "Lord be with us" or "be with me" too WOFfie? redundant? Cojak
caseyleejones wrote:
He said he would never leave us.....the Word also states where 2 or 3 are gathered..He's with us......

Why do we praying prayers for things he has already has done for us. Or is the Word not true?

Good point in any doctrine, but we are sometimes a bit insecure in our beliefs! Shocked Confused Confused
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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1/12/20 10:02 pm

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Post Re: "Lord be with us" or "be with me" too WOFfie? redundant? Quiet Wyatt
caseyleejones wrote:
He said he would never leave us.....the Word also states where 2 or 3 are gathered..He's with us......

Why do we praying prayers for things he has already has done for us. Or is the Word not true?

It seems that kind of reasoning would work if one presupposes deterministic Calvinism or perhaps unconditional eternal security.

That said, we are taught to pray, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven,” and we know that those things will definitely happen regardless of whether we pray for them or not. Oftentimes, prayer is for our sakes, to align our hearts and minds with the truth as it is in Jesus.
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1/13/20 10:11 am

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Post Re: "Lord be with us" or "be with me" too WOFfie? redundant? Dave Dorsey
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
Oftentimes, prayer is for our sakes, to align our hearts and minds with the truth as it is in Jesus.

Good stuff. To me, a prayer like "be with me" is not an expression of doubt about what God has promised, but a plea that my heart would be aware of the reality of that promise, and an expression of my deep need for the fulfillment of that promise.
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1/13/20 10:33 am

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