"For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.)" Rom. 5:17
He wants you to REIGN IN LIFE.
If you reign, your problems don't reign, your sin doesn't reign and your sickness doesn't reign.
How do I know He wants you to REIGN IN LIFE?
He spends Rom. 5:12-31, telling us how much stronger, bigger and better
is Jesus' victory is to Adam's defeat.
So how do we reign in life?
Through Jesus.
Through receiving "the abundance of grace".
Your sin, your weakness is NO OBSTACLE to His grace.
Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more! (v. 20).
Through receiving "the gift of righteousness".
Righteousness (peace and right-standing with God) is a GIFT.
We don't earn it, we receive it as a FREE GIFT.
How do we receive this GRACE and RIGHTEOUSNESS that cause us to REIGN in life?
By faith.
In the first 3 verses of this chapter (Rom. 5), Paul makes it clear that we are RIGHTEOUS BY FAITH (v.1) and ACCESS GRACE BY FAITH (v.3).
If faith (1) accesses abundant grace and (2) makes us righteous so that we (3) reign in life, the enemy who steals, kills and destroys must do so by trying to make us think:
1. Grace is not abundant - where sin abounds, grace shrinks.
2. Righteousness is not a gift - you EARN standing with God.
3. God doesn't want you to reign if life - He wants you to stand like a boxer and hold on for 15 rounds while life beats the PLEASE SELECT ANOTHER WORD out of you.
These are lies.
Faith is how we reign in life.
Faith is how we overcome (1 Jn. 5:4,5).
Faith is how we see change in the here and now. _________________ I'm not saved because I'm good. I'm saved because He's good!
My website: www.bradfreeman.com
My blog: http://bradcfreeman.tumblr.com/ |
Acts-dicted Posts: 9027 2/20/16 7:38 am